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the love affairs of a bibliomaniac(藏书癖者的爱情)-第16部分

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in a vast multitude of people I have no difficulty in determining who are 

the booksellers and who are not。 

     For; having to do with books; these men in due time come to resemble 

their    wares    not  only    in  appearance      but  also   in   conversation。      My 

bookseller   has   dwelt   so   long   in   his   corner   with   folios   and   quartos   and 

other    antique   tomes    that  he   talks  in  black…letter    and  has   the  modest; 

engaging   look   of   a   brown   old   stout   binding;   and   to   the   delectation   of 

discriminating olfactories he exhaleth an odor of mildew and of tobacco 

commingled;   which   is   more   grateful   to   the   true   bibliophile   than   all   the 

perfumes of Araby。 

     I have studied the craft so diligently that by merely clapping my eyes 

upon a bookseller I can tell you with certainty what manner of books he 

sells;   but   you   must   know   that   the   ideal   bookseller   has   no   fads;   being 


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                           THE LOVE AFFAIRS OF A BIBLIOMANIAC 

equally proficient in and a lover of all spheres; departments; branches; and 

lines   of   his   art。 He   is;   moreover;   of   a   benignant   nature;   and   he   denies 

credit to none; yet; withal; he is righteously so discriminating that he lets 

the poor scholar have for a paltry sum that which the rich parvenu must 

pay   dearly     for。  He    is  courteous     and   considerate     where    courtesy    and 

consideration are most seemly。 

     Samuel Johnson once rolled into a London bookseller's shop to ask for 

literary    employment。         The      bookseller     scrutinized     his   burly    frame; 

enormous hands; coarse face; and humble apparel。 

     ‘‘You would make a better porter;'' said he。 

     This was too much for the young lexicographer's patience。                   He picked 

up   a   folio   and   incontinently   let   fly   at   the   bookseller's   head; and   then 

stepping over the prostrate victim he made his exit; saying:                    ‘‘Lie there; 

thou lump of lead!'' 

     This bookseller was Osborne; who had a shop at Gray's Inn Gate。                       To 

Boswell   Johnson   subsequently   explained:            ‘‘Sir;   he   was   impertinent   to 

me; and I beat him。'' 

     Jacob Tonson was Dryden's bookseller; in the earlier times a seller was 

also a publisher of books。          Dryden was not always on amiable terms with 

Tonson;   presumably   because   Dryden   invariably   was   in   debt   to   Tonson。 

On   one   occasion   Dryden   asked   for   an   advance   of   money;   but   Tonson 

refused   upon   the   grounds   that   the   poet's   overdraft   already   exceeded   the 

limits of reasonableness。          Thereupon Dryden penned the following lines 

and sent them to Tonson with the message that he who wrote these lines 

could write more: 

              With   leering   looks;   bull…faced   and   freckled   fair              With 

two left legs; with Judas…colored hair;                    And frowzy pores that taint 

the ambient air。 

       These lines wrought the desired effect: Tonson sent the money which 

Dryden   had   asked       for。   When   Dryden   died   Tonson   made   overtures   to 

Pope;   but   the   latter   soon   went   over   to   Tonson's   most   formidable   rival; 

Bernard   Lintot。      On   one   occasion   Pope   happened   to   be   writing   to   both 

publishers; and by a curious blunder he inclosed to each the letter intended 

for  the other。     In   the   letter  meant   for   Tonson; he said   that   Lintot   was   a 


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                           THE LOVE AFFAIRS OF A BIBLIOMANIAC 

scoundrel; and in the letter meant for Lintot he declared that Tonson was 

an   old   rascal。   We   can   fancy   how   little   satisfaction   Messrs。   Lintot   and 

Tonson derived from the perusal of these missent epistles。 

     Andrew   Millar   was   the   publisher   who   had   practical   charge   of   the 

production of   Johnson's   dictionary。         It   seems   that   Johnson drew   out   his 

stipulated honorarium of eight thousand dollars (to be more exact; L1575) 

before the dictionary went to press; this is not surprising; for the work of 

preparation      consumed      eight    years;   instead   of   three;   as  Johnson     had 

calculated。      Johnson inquired of the messenger what Millar said when he 

received   the   last   batch   of   copy。   The   messenger   answered:         ‘‘He   said 

‘Thank God I have done with him。' ''              This made Johnson smile。           ‘‘I am 

glad;'' said he; quietly; ‘‘that he thanks God for anything。'' 

     I was not done with my discourse when a book was brought in from 

Judge Methuen; the interruption was a pleasant one。                 ‘‘I was too busy last 

evening;'' writes the judge; ‘‘to bring you this volume which I picked up in 

a   La   Salle   street   stall   yesterday。  I   know   your   love   for   the   scallawag 

Villon; so I am sure you will fancy the lines which; evidently; the former 

owner      of  this  book    has   scribbled     upon    the  fly…leaf。''   Fancy     them? 

Indeed I do; and if you dote on the ‘‘scallawag'' as I dote on him you also 

will declare that our anonymous poet has not wrought ill。 

                                  FRANCOIS VILLON 

     If I were Francois Villon and Francois Villon I; What would it matter 

to me how the time might drag or fly? HE would in sweaty anguish toil 

the   days   and    nights   away;   And   still   not   keep   the   prowling;   growling; 

howling wolf at bay! But; with   my valiant bottle   and my frouzy  brevet… 

bride; And   my   score   of   loyal   cut…throats   standing   guard   for   me   outside; 

What worry of the morrow would provoke a casual sigh If I were Francois 

Villon and Francois Villon I? 

     If   I   were   Francois   Villon   and   Francois   Villon   I;   To   yonder   gloomy 

boulevard   at   midnight   I   would   hie;   ‘‘Stop;   stranger!   and   deliver   your 

possessions; ere you feel The mettle of my bludgeon or the temper of my 

steel!'' He should give me gold and diamonds; his snuff…box and his cane 

‘‘Now back; my boon companions; to our bordel with our gain!''                         And; 

back    within    that  brothel;   how    the   bottles   they   would    fly;  If   I  were 


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                           THE LOVE AFFAIRS OF A BIBLIOMANIAC 

Francois Villon and Francois Villon I! 

     If I were Francois Villon and Francois Villon I; We both would mock 

the   gibbet   which   the   law   has   lifted   high;     HE   in   his   meagre;   shabby 

home; _I_ in my roaring den               HE with his babes around him; _I_ with 

my hunted men!            His virtue be his bulwarkmy genius should be mine!… 

…     ‘‘Go; fetch my pen; sweet Margot; and a jorum of your wine! 

             。      。      。      。       。      。      。 

     So    would     one   vainly    plod;   and   one   win    immortality      If   I  were 

Francois Villon and Francois Villon I! 

     My   acquaintance   with   Master   Villon   was   made   in   Paris   during   my 

second visit to that        fascinating capital; and for a while I was under his 

spell to that extent that I would read no book but his; and I made journeys 

to Rouen; Tours; Bordeaux; and Poitiers for the purpose of familiarizing 

myself      with    the   spots    where    he    had   lived;    and   always     under     the 

surveillance of   the police。         In   fact;  I  became  so   infatuated   of   Villonism 

that at one time I seriously thought of abandoning myself to a life of crime 

in order to emulate in certain particulars at least the example of my hero。 

     There were; however; hindrances to this scheme; first of which was my 

inability   to   find   associates   whom   I   wished   to   attach   to   my   cause   in   the 

capacity   in   which   Colin   de   Cayeulx   and   the   Baron   de   Grigny   served 

Master Francois。         I sought the companionship of several low…browed; ill… 

favored      fellows    whom      I  believed    suited    to  my    purposes;     but  almost 

immediately I wearied of them; for they had never looked into a book and 

were so profoundly ignorant as to be unable to distinguish between a folio 

and a thirty…twomo。 

     Then   again   it   befell   that;   while   the   Villon  fever   was   raging   within 

and   I   was   contemplating   a   career   of   vice;   I   had   a   letter   from   my   uncle 

Cephas;   apprising   me   that   Captivity   Waite   (she   was   now   Mrs。   Eliphalet 

Parker)   had   named   her   first…born   after   me!        This   intelligence  
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