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nus and adonis(维纳斯和阿多尼斯)-第8部分

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shall attend: 

       It  shall   be   waited    on   with   jealousy;    Find    sweet    beginning;     but 

unsavoury   end;   Ne'er   settled   equally;   but   high   or   low;   That   all   love's 

pleasure shall not match his woe。 

     'It shall be fickle; false; and full of fraud; 

       Bud and be blastod in a breathing…while; The bottom poison; and the 

top o'erstraw'd With sweets that shall the truest sight beguile: 

       The   strongest   body  shall   it   make   most   weak;   Strike the   wise   dumb 

and teach the fool to speak。 

     'It shall be sparing and too full of riot; Teaching decrepit age to tread 

the measures; 

       The staring ruffian shall it keep in quiet; Pluck down the rich; enrich 

the poor with treasures; It shall be raging mad; and silly mild; Make the 

young old; the old become a child。 

     'It   shall   suspect   where   is   no   cause   of   fear;   It   shall   not   fear   where   it 

should     most    mistrust;   It  shall  be   merciful;    and   too   severe;   And    most 

deceiving when it seems most just; 

       Perverse it shall be; where it shows most toward; Put fear to velour; 

courage to the coward。 

     'It shall be cause of war and dire events; And set dissension 'twixt the 

son and sire; 

       Subject and servile to all discontents; As dry combustious matter is to 

fire:   Sith   in   his   prime   Death   doth   my   love   destroy;   They   that   love   best 

their love shall not enjoy。' 

     By this; the boy that by her side lay kill'd Was melted like a vapour 

from her sight; And in his blood that on the ground lay spill'd; A purple 

flower sprung up; chequer'd with white; 

       Resembling well his pale cheeks; and the blood Which in round drops 

upon their whiteness stood。 

     She bows her head; the new…sprung flower to smell; Comparing it to 

her Adonis' breath; 

       And   says   within   her   bosom   it   shall   dwell;   Since   he   himself   is   reft 

from her by death: She drops the stalk; and in the breach appears Green 

dropping sap; which she compares to tears。 


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     'Poor flower;' quoth she; 'this was thy father's guise; Sweet issue of a 

more sweet…smelling sire; For every little grief to wet his eyes: To grow 

unto himself was his desire; 

       And so 'tis shine; but know; it is as good To wither in my breast as in 

his blood。 

     'Here   was   thy   father's   bed;   here   in   my   breast;   Thou   art   the   next   of 

blood; and 'tis thy right: 

       Lo! in this hollow cradle take thy rest; My throbbing heart shall rock 

thee day and night: There shall not be one minute in an hour Wherein I 

will not kiss my sweet love's flower。' 

     Thus weary of the world; away she hies; 

       And    yokes    her  silver   doves;   by   whose     swift  aid   Their   mistress; 

mounted; through the empty skies In her light chariot quickly is convey'd; 

       Holding their course to Paphos; where their queen Means to immure 

herself and not be seen。 


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