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tg.stone of tears-第184部分

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round his neck。 They all excitedly asked questions at the same time; wanting to know if it was true that Richard had killed a mriswith; and what it looked like。 They wanted to tell Richard their names; and clamored for him to draw his sword and show them how he had vanquished the legendary monster。
 Pasha spoke to the most persistent boy at her hip。 ‘Yes; Kipp; it’s true that Richard killed a mriswith。 Sister Maren is studying it now; and if she deems it appropriate; she will tell you of its nature。 But I can tell you true that it is a fearsome…looking beast。 Now; off with you all。 It’s nearly dinnertime。’
 Despite their disappointment that no more information was forthing; they were excited by what they had heard。 They ran off in a bunch to tell others。
 After leaving Bonnie at the stables; Richard walked with Pasha down halls and through vast chambers; trying to memorize the layout。 She pointed out the boys’ dining halls; and the dining hall where the Sisters and some of the older young men ate。 She also took him past the kitchens; where the aromas of cooking wafted through the surrounding corridors。
 Pasha pointed through a lattice…covered archway to a graceful stone wall running under the spreading branches of trees。 The wall was veiled in places by vines。 Large white flowers dotted the green。
 ‘That’s the Prelate’s offices; and quarters;’ Pasha said。
 ‘Will she be at dinner tonight?’
 Pasha giggled softly。 ‘No; of course not。 The Prelate doesn’t have time to have dinner with us。’
 Richard turned out of the hall and down a walkway toward a gate in the wall。
 ‘Richard! What are you doing? Where are you going?’
 ‘I want to meet the Prelate。’
 ‘You can’t simply go visit her!’
 She hurried along beside him。 ‘Well; she’s a busy woman。 She can’t be bothered。 They won’t let you see her。 The guards won’t even let us through the gate。’
 He shrugged。 ‘It won’t hurt to ask; will it? Then; afterwards; you can pick an outfit for me; and we’ll go to have dinner with the Sisters。 All right?’
 The offer to let her pick his outfit gave her pause。 Pasha stuttered that she supposed it wouldn’t hurt just to ask and struggled to keep up as he marched toward the guard。 The guard stepped before the iron gate; spread his feet; and hooked his thumbs on his weapons belt as Richard strode right up to him。
 Richard put a hand to the man’s shoulder。 ‘I’m so sorry。 Forgive me。 Please? I didn’t get you in any trouble; did I? I hope not。 She hasn’t e out to yell at you; yet; I hope。’
 The man frowned in confusion as Richard leaned closer。 ‘Look 。。。 what’s your name?’
 ‘Swordsman Andellmere。 Kevin Andellmere。’
 ‘Look; Kevin; she said she would send the guard at the west gate to get me if I was even one minute late。 She probably forgot to send you out。 It isn’t your fault。 I promise I won’t mention your name。 I hope you’re not angry with me。’
 Richard put his back to Pasha and leaned even closer to the guard。 ‘You understand。’ He rolled his eyes meaningfully toward Pasha and then gave the man a wink。 Kevin glanced to Pasha as she fussed with her tangled mat of hair。 ‘Eh? You understand; I’m sure。 Look; Kevin; say you’ll let me buy you an ale。 Will you? I better get in there before I get you in trouble; but before I go; promise me you’ll let me buy you an ale; to make it up to you?’
 ‘Well; I suppose I could let you buy me an ale。 。。。’
 Richard clapped Kevin on the shoulder。 ‘There’s a good man。’
 Pasha was right on Richard’s heels as he stormed past the guard and through the gate。 He turned and gave Kevin a wave and a smile。
 Pasha leaned close。 ‘How did you do that? No one gets through the Prelate’s guards。’
 Richard held the door into the building open for her。 ‘I just gave him too much to think about; and a worry he feared might be true。’
 When an answer came to her knock; they stepped into a dimly lit room with two desks; and two Sisters。
 Pasha curtsied。 ‘Sisters。 I am novice Pasha Maes; and this is our new student; Richard Cypher。 He was wondering if he might meet the Prelate。’
 Both Sisters glowered at her。 The one on the right spoke。 ‘The Prelate is busy。 Dismissed; novice。’
 A little pale; Pasha curtsied again。 Thank you for your time; Sisters。’
 Richard gave a little bow。 ‘Yes; thank you; Sisters。 Please give the Prelate my kindest regards。’
 ‘I told you she wouldn’t see us;’ Pasha said on the way out。
 Richard hiked his pack up higher on his shoulder。 ‘Well; we gave it our best try。 Thanks for indulging me。’
 He had known that Pasha had been right; that the Prelate wouldn’t see them; but he had seen what he had e to see。 He had only been interested in knowing the layout of the building and grounds for future reference。
 Richard hadn’t changed his mind about his captivity; but he had decided to try a different approach for a while。 He would bide his time; and see what they could teach him。 Nothing would please him more than to be released from the collar without having to hurt anyone。
 In the building that housed his room; Gillaume Hall; named after a prophet; Richard had learned; a young man came hesitantly out of the shadows on the lower level; before the wide marble stairs。 His head of curly blond hair was cut short at the sides。 His hands were stuck into the opposite sleeves of his violet robes。 Silver brocade circled the cuffs and neck。 He looked smaller than he was because of the way he hunched over。
 His head bowed to Pasha while his blue eyes searched for a safe place to settle。 ‘Blessings on you; Pasha;’ he said softly。 ‘You look lovely tonight。 I pray you are well。’
 Pasha squinted in thought。 ‘Warren; isn’t it?’ His head bobbed; surprised that she knew his name。 ‘I’m fine; Warren。 Thank you for asking。 This is Richard Cypher。’
 Warren smiled shyly at Richard。 ‘Yes; I saw you before the Sisters; yesterday。’
 ‘I suppose you; too; want to know about the mriswith;’ Pasha said with a sigh。
 ‘Richard killed a mriswith。 Isn’t that what you wanted to ask about?’
 ‘Really? A mriswith? No 。。。’ He turned back to Richard。 ‘I wanted to ask if you would care to e down to the vaults sometime; and look at the prophecies with me。’
 Richard didn’t want to embarrass the young man; but he had no interest in prophecies。 ‘I’m honored by the offer; Warren; but I’m afraid that I’m not much good with riddles。’
 Warren diverted his eyes to the floor。 ‘Of course; I understand。 Not many of the others are much interested in the books; either。 I just thought that maybe; well; I just thought that since you mentioned that particular prophecy yesterday; that maybe you would want to talk about it。 It’s a unique piece of work。 But I understand。 I’m sorry to have bothered you。’
 Richard frowned。 ‘What prophecy?’
 ‘The one you mentioned at the end。 About you being; well’ … Warren swallowed … ‘the bringer of death。 It’s just that I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone from the prophecies before。’ He blinked in awe。 ‘Since you are in the prophecies; I thought; well; I thought maybe 。。。’ His voice trailed off。 He looked down at the floor as he started to turn away。 ‘But I understand。 I’m sorry to have 。。。’
 Richard gently caught hold of Warren’s arm and turned him back。 ‘Like I said; I’m not very good with riddles。 But maybe you could teach me something about them; so I wouldn’t be so ignorant。 I do like to learn。’
 Warren’s face brightened。 His whole body seemed to swell。 When he straightened; he was almost as tall as Richard。
 ‘I’d like that。 I would really like to talk to you about that prophecy。 It’s a real conundrum。 To this day; the argument over it has never been settled。 Maybe with your help 。。。’
 A broad…shouldered man in plain robes; and wearing a Rada’Han; slipped up silently; took a fistful of Warren’s robe at the shoulder; and moved him aside。 His eyes were locked on Pasha the whole time。 He gave her a smooth smile。
 ‘Good evening; Pasha。 It will be dinnertime soon。 I’ve decided to take you。’ His eyes glided down the length of her and then back up。 ‘If you can get yourself cleaned up。 And do something with your hair。 You look a mess。 You better get to it。’
 He started to turn away。 Pasha put her arm through Richard’s。
 ‘I’m afraid I have other plans; Jedidiah。’
 Jedidiah gave Richard a cursory glance。 ‘What; this country boy? The two of you going to go chop wood; or maybe skin rabbits?’
 ‘You’re the one;’ Richard said。 ‘I remember your voice。 You’re the one who called down from the balcony; yesterday; asking; ‘All by yourself?’’
 Jedidiah’s condescending smile looked to e easily to him。 ‘An appropriate question; don’t you think?’
 Pasha lifted her chin。 ‘Richard killed a mriswith。’
 Jedidiah’s eyebrows went up in mock wonder。 ‘Well; how brave of the country boy。’
 ‘You’ve never killed a mriswith;’ Warren spoke up。
 Jedidiah slowly turn
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