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tg.stone of tears-第206部分

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 ‘I will do my best 。。。 Kahlan。 All I know is that we must wait until Zedd returns to Aydindril。’ She tugged insistently on Kahlan’s sleeve。 ‘Mother Confessor; where is Richard! It is vital!’ Her voice lowered with unease。 ‘No slight intended; and I pray none is taken; but it is Richard that is important。 Zedd needs Richard。’
 ‘That is why I need Zedd;’ Kahlan said。
 Richard grabbed an arm of each boy。 ‘Slow down;’ he said in a low voice。 ‘I told you; I have to go first。’
 Kipp and Hersh sighed impatiently。 Richard checked around the corner; peeking down the hall; and then pushed the two boys up against the wall。 Frogs kicked in their pockets。
 This is serious。 I picked you two because I know you’re the best。 Now; you do as I told you; the way we planned it。 Stay here; with your backs to this wall; and count to fifty。 You don’t so much as peep around the corner until you get to fifty。 I’m depending on you to do it right。’
 They grinned。 ‘We’re your men;’ Kipp said。 ‘We’ll get them out of there。’
 Richard squatted and put a finger close to each face in turn。 This is serious business。 This isn’t just some game。 This time you could get in real trouble。 Are you sure you want to do this?’
 Kipp put his hands in his pockets; feeling the frogs。 ‘You came to the right men。 We can do it。 We want to do it; Richard。’
 They were excited because they had never made it past the guards before。 This was uncharted territory for their specialty。 Richard knew they didn’t appreciate the danger involved; and he hated to have to use them in this manner; but it was the only thing he could think of。
 ‘All right then; start counting。’
 Richard rounded the corner and swept down the hall; his mriswith cape billowing open。 When he reached the proper door; he stood against the white marble wall opposite the double doors and drew the hood up。 He pulled the cape closed and concentrated on the marble behind him。
 He stood motionless。 The boys burst around the corner; yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs as they ran down the hall。 They stopped in front of the double doors; looking both ways。 They didn’t see him standing behind them; and he knew they were wondering where he was hiding。
 As they had been instructed; they threw the doors open and; giggling with excitement; began pulling frogs from their pockets and pitching them into the room。 The two Sisters were frozen in surprise for only an instant。 Richard watched as both came flying around their desks; one snatching up a rod。 The boys heaved their last frogs with a squeal and raced away in opposite directions; shouting taunts of ‘Can’t catch us! Can’t catch us!’
 Sisters Ulicia and Finella slid to a stop on the polished marble floor outside the doors。 They almost slid right into him; and were only inches away。 Richard held his breath。
 The Sisters saw the boys make the turns at opposite ends of the hall。 They threw their hands out。 Pictures crashed to the floor as flashes of shimmering light knocked them from the walls at the end; but they missed the boys。 Growling in anger; the Sisters parted; one dashing after each boy。
 Richard waited until they had turned the corner; and then he stepped away from the wall; letting his concentration relax; letting the cape return to black。 He wondered what it would look like if someone were to see it happen; to see a person seem to materialize out of the air。
 The outer room was empty。 Before the door between the desks; the air seemed to sparkle and hum。 Experimentally; Richard put his hand into it。 The air felt thick; but it seemed to have no harmful effect。 He pressed himself through the sparkles and went through the door beyond。
 The room inside; not quite as large as his own outer room; was dimly lit; and paneled in rich; dark wood。 In the center sat a heavy walnut table piled with papers and books; and three candles。 Down the length to each side were floor…to…ceiling bookshelves crammed full of disheveled books; and a few other odd objects。
 An old woman; one of the cleaning staff; in a heavy; dark gray work dress; was standing on a stool; dusting a top bookshelf。 She turned with surprise as he came to a halt。 She glanced to the door; and then back to him。
 ‘How did you 。。。’
 ‘I’m sorry; ma’am。 I didn’t mean to startle you。 I just came to see the Prelate。 Is she about?’
 The woman squatted; her foot searching for the floor。 Richard gave her his hand。 She smiled her appreciation as she brushed a wisp of graying hair back from her face。 Most of it was drawn into a loose knot at the back of her head。 Once she was standing on the floor; the top of her head only came up to the lower tip of his breastbone。 Her body was on the wide side; as if she had once been taller; and a giant had put his hand on the top of her head and squashed her down a good foot。
 She looked up; giving him a curious frown。 ‘Did Sisters Ulicia and Finella let you e in?’
 ‘No;’ Richard said as he looked about the fortably cluttered room。 ‘They stepped out。’
 ‘But they would have left a shield。 。。。’
 ‘Ma’am; I must speak to the Prelate。’ Across the room; Richard saw doors to a courtyard standing open。 ‘Is she about?’
 ‘Do you have an appointment?’ she asked in a quiet; gentle voice。
 ‘No;’ he admitted。 ‘I’ve been trying to get one for days。 Those two wouldn’t cooperate; so I made my own appointment。’
 She put a finger to her lower lip。 ‘I see。 But you must have an appointment。 Those are the rules。 I’m sorry。’
 Richard started for the open doors。 He was getting impatient; but kept his voice calm; as he didn’t want to frighten the old maidservant。 ‘Look; ma’am; I must see the Prelate; or we are all going to have an appointment with the Keeper himself。’
 Her eyebrows lifted in wonder。 ‘Reeeeally。’ She clicked her tongue。 ‘The Keeper; is it。 My; my; my。’
 Richard stopped suddenly。 He winced and let out a groan。 He turned on his heel。
 ‘You’re the Prelate; aren’t you?’
 An impish grin came to her face; her eyes twinkling with it。 ‘Yes; Richard; I guess I am。’
 ‘You know who I am?’
 She chuckled。 ‘Oh; yes; I know。’
 Richard sighed。 ‘So you’re the one who runs this place?’
 She laughed louder。 As I hear it told; you seem to be running it now。 Been here hardly a month; and you have half the palace wound around your will。 I’ve been thinking about asking for an appointment to see you。’
 Richard gave her a friendly scowl。 ‘I would have granted it。’
 ‘I’ve been looking forward to meeting you。’ She patted his arm。 ‘From now on; you may e to see me whenever you wish。’
 ‘Then why wouldn’t you let me in before?’
 She folded her hands together beneath her ample; rounded breasts。 ‘A test; my boy。 A test。’ She smiled up at him。 ‘I am impressed。 I expected it to take you another six or eight months yet。’
 The door burst open。 Richard was jerked from his feet; yanked back by his collar; and smacked up against the wall。 He was stuck tight; the wind knocked from his lungs。 Two irate Sisters stood just inside the doorway with their fists on their hips。
 ‘Now; now;’ the Prelate said; ‘stop that; you two。 Let the boy down。’
 Richard thumped to the ground; glaring at the two Sisters。 ‘I am the one who talked those two boys into doing as they did。 What they did is my fault。 If there is any revenge; it had better be against me; and not them。 If you harm them; you will answer to me。’
 One of the Sisters took a step toward him。 Their punishment has already been ordered。 This time; for once; they will learn a lesson。’ She angrily pointed a stout rod at him。 ‘You are going to have your own punishment to worry about。’
 ‘Yes; Sister Ulicia;’ the Prelate said; ‘I think punishment is in order。’ The Sister gave Richard a self…satisfied smile。 ‘Yours;’ the Prelate said。
 Sister Ulicia gaped。 ‘Prelate Annalina?’
 ‘Did I not give you specific instructions that Richard was not to be allowed in here?’
 The two Sisters straightened。 ‘Yes; Prelate Annalina。’
 And here he is。 Standing in my office。’
 Sister Ulicia pointed at the door。 ‘But。。。 we left a shield! He could not 。。。’
 ‘Oh? Could not?’ The Sister’s hand dropped at seeing the Prelate’s wrinkled brow。 ‘Seems I see him standing here。 Do I not; Sisters?’
 ‘Yes; Prelate Annalina;’ the two said as one。
 ‘And so now your idea is to reward your own failure by going back to your posts; as if nothing had happened; and punish their success?’ The Prelate clicked her tongue。 ‘You two will take the punishment you have ordered for the two boys。’
 The Sisters blanched。 ‘But Prelate 。。。’ the second whispered。 ‘You can’t have that done to a Sister。’
 ‘Really; Sister Finella? What did you order for the boys?’
 To have their bottoms strapped 。。。 publicly 。。。 tomorrow morning; after breakfast。’
 ‘That sounds fair。 You two will take their place。’
 ‘But Prelate;’ Sister Ulicia whispered 
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