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tg.stone of tears-第219部分

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here he was。 He didn’t want either to know the sun had set on him in the Hagen Woods。 Either would surely e after him if they knew what he was doing。
 He had found a small clearing; high enough to be dry; and had waited there since the sun had gone down。 He could see the full moon through the tight tangle of branches; and judged it about two hands high。 He didn’t know what was supposed to happen in the Hagen Woods when the sun set on you there; but so far it seemed as it always had when he had been there before at night。
 He returned Liliana’s call; and she came out from behind a fat oak。 She looked about at the woods。 It wasn’t a tentative glance; but a confident appraisal。
 She sat before him; crossing her legs。 ‘I got it。 The aid I told you about。’
 Richard smiled in relief。 ‘Thanks; Liliana。’
 She pulled it from her cloak。 In the moonlight; he could see it was a small statue of a man holding something clear as glass。 She held it up; showing it to him。
 ‘What is it?’
 ‘The crystal; this clear part here; has the power to amplify the gift。 I don’t have the power to get your Rada’Han off; if it is true that you have Subtractive Magic; because I have only Additive。 You will hold this in your lap。 When we join our minds this will help amplify your power; so I can use it; and be able to break the hold。’
 ‘Good。 Let’s begin。’
 She pulled the statue back。 ‘Not until I tell you the rest。’
 He looked into her pale; pale blue eyes; at the dark flecks spread through them。 ‘So tell me。’
 ‘The reason you can’t help get the collar off is because you don’t have the training to use your gift。 You don’t know how to direct the power。 This will overe that deficiency。 I hope。’
 ‘You’re trying to work up to warning me about something。’
 She gave a single nod。 ‘You don’t know how to control the flow; so you be will at the mercy of the aid。 But the aid doesn’t understand pain。 It simply does what it must。 What I need。’
 ‘So you’re telling me it might hurt。 I’m prepared to endure pain。 Let’s get started。’
 ‘Not ‘might。’’ She held up a cautionary finger。 ‘Richard; this is dangerous。 It will hurt you。 It will feel like your mind is being torn apart。 I know you want to do this; but I don’t want to deceive you。 This will make you think you are dying。’
 He felt a trickle of sweat run down his neck。
 ‘It must be done。’
 ‘I will be directing my Han to try to break the hold of the collar。 The aid will be pulling power from you; to do as I need to overe the Rada’Han。 It will hurt you。’
 ‘Liliana; I can take whatever is necessary。 It must be done。’
 ‘You listen to me; Richard。 I know you want to do this; but you listen。 I will be pulling the gift from you; to help break the collar。 Your mind will feel like I’m trying to pull the very life from you。 Your inner mind may interpret that as me trying to suck the gift; the very life; from you。
 ‘You will have to endure the feeling of having your life ripped from you。 You will have to endure it until the collar breaks。 If you try to stop it when my power is in you; trying to do as I must 。。。’
 ‘So what you are saying is that if it’s too much; and I want to stop; I can’t。 If I try to stop the pull on my magic; it will kill me。’
 ‘Yes。 You must not resist。 If you do; you will die。’ Her expression was as serious as he had ever seen it。 ‘You must trust me; and not try to stop what is happening to you; or you will die; and then Kahlan will die。 Are you sure you can do that?’
 ‘Liliana; I would do anything; endure anything; to save Kahlan。 I trust you。 I will put my life in your hands。’
 She at last nodded and placed the statue in his lap。 She gazed into his eyes a long moment; and then kissed her finger。 She touched the kissed finger to his cheek。
 ‘Into the void; then; together。 Thank you for your trust; Richard。 You will never know what this means to me。’
 ‘Nor to me; Liliana。 What do you want me to do?’
 The same as we have always done before。 You just try to touch your Han; as always; and I will do the rest。’
 She wiggled forward until their knees were pressed together。 They held hands; letting them rest over their knees。 Each drew a deep breath; and closed their eyes。
 At first; it was the same as it always was; just deep relaxation as he concentrated on the image of the Sword of Truth。 The pain; at first; was simply an unfortable tingling。 It spiraled deeper; settling at the base of his spine; 。feeling like a pulled muscle。 The pain worked its way up his back。
 Abruptly; it erupted everywhere at once; something like the pain of the Agiel; a hot ache searing through the marrow of his bones。 Denna had taught him to endure pain。 He said a silent thank you to Denna; for what she had done。 Maybe it would be what he needed to endure this; to save Kahlan。
 The twisting torture took his breath。 His back stiffened。 Sweat instantly drenched his face。 His lungs burned for air。 With the greatest of effort; he drew a breath。
 Shattering pain exploded through his mind; plunging him into a timeless place of ripping; unending agony。 He struggled to hold the sword in his mind。 Tears ran down his face。 He had to do this。
 It felt as if every nerve in his body were exposed and being held to a flame。 He thought his eyes might burst。 He thought his heart’ might burst。 He flinched with each agonizing tug of pain。 It was torture beyond endurance。
 And then it seemed as if what he had felt had not yet been the beginning of it。 He was unable to scream; to breathe; to move。 It seemed his very soul was being ripped from him。
 As Liliana had warned him; it seemed as if his very life was being pulled from him。 He felt a wash of panic that this was killing him。 He felt dark death soaking into the void left by what was being ripped from him。 He dimly worried that this wasn’t right。 Terror burgeoned deep within him; and then that too was pulled into the swirling torrent erupting outward。
 He wanted nothing more than to scream; as if it would somehow ameliorate the agony。 But he could not。 His muscles seemed to be losing their life along with the rest of him。 He could not breathe; or even hold his head up。
 Please; Liliana; please hurry。 Please。
 He struggled not to resist what she was doing。 He prayed that he would not fight her。 He had to get to Kahlan。 She needed him。
 His eyes were open; he realized; when he recognized the statue in his lap。 His head was hanging。 The crystal was beginning to glow a dull orange。 A dim part of him thought that that must mean it was working; doing its job。 His head felt as if it were ing apart。 He expected to see blood dripping down; but he saw only the orange glow increasing。
 Please; Liliana; hurry。
 Blackness was enveloping him。 Even the insufferable pain was beginning to seem distant。 He felt life slipping from his grasp。 He felt an emptiness ing upon him that was more ghastly that anything he thought possible。
 In the fading recesses of his mind; he felt a presence。
 He felt them near。 His level of alarm rose。 They were around him; closing in。
 And then he heard; as if from a great distance; Liliana’s voice。 ‘Wait; my pets。 You may have what is left; when I am finished with him。 Wait。’
 He could dimly see the mriswith in his mind; as he always had when they came to him。 When Liliana spoke; they moved back。
 Why would she say that? Why would the mriswith move back at her mand? What did she mean? Maybe the pain had driven him insane; and it was only a mad illusion。
 He felt a presence at his back。 Not a mriswith。 Worse。 More gruesome by ten。 He felt its fetid breath on his neck。
 Liliana’s voice came in a dangerous hiss。 ‘I said wait。’ The presence receded a bit; but not as far as the mriswith。
 What did she mean; they could have what was left? He was dying; that was what she meant。 He could feel it。 He was dying。
 No。 Liliana said he would think that。 It was simply happening as she had said; that was all。 He had to be strong for Kahlan。 But he had so little left to give。 He was dying。 He knew he was。 The statue in his lap was glowing brighter。
 The hot breath returned to his neck。 He heard a low growl from the loathsome thing。 He vehemently wanted it away from him。
 Liliana’s menacing voice came again。 ‘Wait。 I will be finished in a moment; and then you may have his body。 Wait。’
 In that instant; something deep within him told him that if he was ever going to save himself; this was the last chance。 It had to be now。 The decision to act was sudden desperation。
 From deep within; from the core of his mind; from the core of his being; from the core of his soul; he wrenched his will to action; and by force of will; with frantic; colossal effort; he yanked his power; his life … himself … back。
 A thundering boom sounded; and an impact sundered the air; throwing the two of them apart。 Richard landed on his back at one edge of the clearing; Liliana at the other。 The Sword of Truth was in the center。 
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