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tg.stone of tears-第230部分

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e the woman pointed; and up another staircase。 He felt like a sack of laundry the way they yanked him this way and that; jamming him up against walls and in corners while others scouted a clear course。
 He could hardly keep up with them as they ran down halls; still gripping his shirt at each shoulder; hauling him along。 Richard lost track of where they were going as they went up stairs and through countless rooms。 A few of the rooms had windows; and he could see that the sun was ing up。
 Richard was winded when he finally recognized the broad corridor they entered。 Hundreds of men in uniforms of mail and shiny breastplates all dropped to a knee when they saw him。 The clatter of all their armor and weapons echoed down the wide hall。 Every man put a fist over his heart。 When they came up; one stepped forward。
 ‘Lord Rahl。 I am mander General Trimack。 We are close to the Garden of Life。 I will lead you there。’
 ‘I know where it is。’
 ‘Lord Rahl; you must hurry。 The rebel generals have launched an attack。 I don’t know if we will be able to hold this position long; but we will hold it to the last man while you are beyond。’
 ‘Thank you; General。 Just hold them off until I send that bastard Darken Rahl back to the underworld。’
 The general gave a salute of his fist to his heart as Richard started moving。 He trotted down a polished granite hall he remembered。 It took him to the huge; gold…covered doors to the Garden of Life。
 Nearly in a trance of rage; Richard burst through the doors; into the garden。 The sun was up。 Its first rays lit the treetops in the garden。 Richard marched down the path; past the short; vine…covered walls; and out onto the grass。
 In the center of the garden was a circle of white sand …sorcerer’s sand。 The round skrin bone sat in the center; with plicated lines drawn in the sand that encircled it。 Beyond was the altar with the three boxes of Orden … the gateway to another world。 Each was beyond black; seeming as if it would suck the light from the room。
 From the opened box; a shaft of green light poured forth; up through the glass roof; and into the sky。 Whatever Darken Rahl had been doing was opening the gateway。 Sparkling light; blue; yellow; and red; spiraled around the shaft of green light。
 The white; glowing form of Darken Rahl watched him stride across the grass。 Richard stopped before the circle of sorcerer’s sand; opposite him。 A small smile spread on Darken Rahl’s lips。
 ‘Wele; my son;’ came the hiss of his voice。
 Richard felt the scar of the handprint heat on his chest。 He ignored the pain of it。 Darken Rahl’s glowing blue eyes moved to the Stone of Tears hanging from Richard’s neck。
 Darken Rahl’s gaze locked on Richard’s。 ‘I have spawned a great wizard。 We would like you to join with us; Richard。’
 Richard said nothing。 He seethed with wrath as he watched Darken Rahl’s smile widen。 Through the fury of anger; the pounding wrath of magic; he watched; and he sought the calm center; too。
 ‘We can offer you what no other can; Richard。 What the Creator Himself cannot offer。 We are greater than the Creator。 We would like you to join with us。’
 ‘What could you possibly offer me?’
 Darken Rahl spread his glowing arms。 ‘Immortality。’
 Richard was too angry to laugh。 ‘When did you succumb to the delusion that I would believe anything you would have to say?’
 ‘It is true; Richard;’ he whispered。 ‘We have the power to grant it。’
 ‘Just because you managed to get some of the Sisters to believe your lies; that does not mean I would。’
 ‘We are the Keeper of the underworld。 We control life; and death。 We have the power to grant either; especially to one of your magic。 You can be the master of the world of life。 As I would have been; before you 。。。 interfered。’
 ‘Not interested。 Got anything better to offer?’
 Darken Rahl’s cruel smile widened。 His eyebrows lifted。 ‘Oh; yes; my son;’ he hissed。 ‘Oh; yes。’
 He swept his hand out; over the circle of sand。
 Shimmering light formed into a person kneeling forward。 The light coalesced into a recognizable form。
 She was in her white Confessor’s dress; kneeling forward。 Her hair was cut short; just as in the vision he had had in the tower。 A tear fell from her closed eyes as the side of her face pressed to the block。 She mouthed his name; and that she loved him。 Richard’s heart pounded violently。
 ‘The dragon is wounded; Richard。 She cannot take you to Aydindril。 Your time has run out。 You have no option left but to let us help you。’
 ‘What do you mean; ‘help?’’
 Rahl’s smile returned。 ‘I told you; we have the power over life and death。 Without our help; this afternoon; before her people; this is what will happen。’
 His glowing hand swept out again。 The blade’s broad edge glinted in the air above her。 The axe descended; thunk…ing into the wooden block; sending out a spray of blood。 Richard flinched。
 Kahlan’s head tumbled away。 Bright red blood spread beneath her; soaking into the sand; into the white dress; as her body toppled to the side。
 ‘Noooo!’ Richard screamed; his fists at his sides。 ‘Noooo!’
 Darken Rahl swept his hand over the body; and it vanished into sparkling light and faded away。
 ‘Just as I have taken away the vision of what will happen this day; we can stop the reality。 We can offer immortality not only to you; but if you join with us; to her; too。’
 Richard stood stunned。 It sank in; really sank in; for the first time。 Scarlet was wounded。 She could not fly him to Aydindril。 This was winter solstice。 Kahlan was going to die this day; and he had no way of getting to her。 His breath came in ragged gasps。
 The world was ending for him。
 This was the meaning of the prophecy。 If he took this offer; if he chose to stop her death; then the world would end for everyone else。
 He thought of Chase; taking Rachel home to meet her new mother。 He thought of all the happiness she would have in that life with love around her。 He thought of his own life; with his father and mother; of the love; the happy times together; even the not so happy times; and how much it had meant to him。
 He thought about the time he had spent with Kahlan; and the joy of being in love with her; and all the other people who must have had such joy; and would in the future。 If there was a future。
 ‘You can walk hand in hand with her; Richard。 Forever。’
 Richard’s eyes came up from the white sand。 ‘Hand in hand; through the ashes of death。 Forever。’
 What would it do to Kahlan; to her love for him; if he offered her such a selfish destiny。 She would be horrified。 Then whenever she looked at him; she truly would see a monster。 Forever。
 He would live forever with her revulsion; not her love。 Thus; in trying to save her; he would destroy not only everyone else; but her heart; too。
 The price was too high; even for his love。
 But this would end his life; his love; too。
 Richard was consumed with rage and calm at the same time。 He stared into the glowing eyes of evil。 ‘You would poison our love with your taint of hate。 You don’t even know the meaning of love。’
 The wrath swelled to a wild storm within him。 At least; he would extract his price for this。 His vengeance。
 Richard lifted the Stone of Tears in his fist。 Darken Rahl staggered back a step。
 ‘Richard; think about what you are doing。’
 ‘You will pay for this。’
 Richard pulled a handful of black sorcerer’s sand from his pocket and cast it onto the circle of white sand。
 Darken Rahl threw his arms open。 ‘No! You fool!’
 The white sand writhed; as if alive; as if in pain。 The symbols drawn in it twisted; contorting around themselves。 The ground shook。 Steaming fissures raced across the grassy ground。
 Lightning flared up from the sparkling white sand; flicking about the Garden of Life。 The room thundered with a riot of noise and blinding light。 The sorcerer’s sand melted into a liquid pool of blue fire。 The air shuddered with violent concussions。
 Darken Rahl shook his fists to the sky。 ‘No!’
 His head came down; and when he saw Richard ing slowly toward him; the Stone of Tears held out in his fist; he went still。 His hand came up in forbidding。
 Richard staggered to a stop; the pain of the scar on his chest taking his breath。 The agony seared through him。 From deep within; he pulled resolve and made himself move despite the torment。 Each step only increased the pain。 It felt as if his flesh were burning off his bones and the marrow itself were boiling。 In the calm at the center of the storm of anger; he was able to ignore it。
 Richard pulled the Stone of Tears off over his head。 He held the leather thong out in his hands; the Stone dangling before Darken Rahl’s face。 Rahl shrank back。
 ‘You will wear this in the depths of death。 Forever。’ Richard stepped closer。 ‘Kneel。’
 The glowing form sank to its knees。 The glowing eyes stayed on the Stone in the air above。 Richard lowered the leather thong; to
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