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tg.stone of tears-第84部分

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nd asked permission。 Every sorceress went before the circle of their town or district and swore an oath to the people; an oath on her soul; to abide by the wishes of the people。 Swore a solemn oath not to use her power on or for another unless asked to do so by the agreement of the circle。’
 Zedd put his spoon down in disgust。 ‘But they had the gift。 How could they not use it?’
 ‘They used it; but only in private。 Never where anyone could see; and never on another。’
 Zedd leaned back in his chair; shaking his head in silent wonder at the Wizard’s First Rule; at the things people would believe; while Adie went on。
 ‘Grandmother Lindel be a stern old woman who lived by herself。 She never wanted anything to do with teaching me about using the gift。 She told me only to let it be。 And my mother; of course; could teach me nothing。 So I learned on my own as I grew; as the gift grew; but I knew very well the wickedness of using it。 I be lectured on that almost every day。 To use the gift in a manner not permitted was made to seem like touching the taint of the Keeper himself; and I believed it so。 I feared greatly going against what I be taught。 I be a fruit of the tree of that superstition。
 ‘One day; when I be eight or nine; I be in the town square with my mother and father; on market day; and across the square; a building caught fire。 There be a girl; about my age; on the second floor; trapped by the flames。 She screamed for help。 No one could reach her because the fire be all through the first floor。 Her screams of terror burned every nerve in me。 I started to cry。 I wanted to help。 I could not stand the screams。’ Adie folded her hands in her lap and looked down at the table。 ‘I made the fire to go out。 The girl be saved。’
 Zedd watched her placid expression as she stared at the table。 ‘I don’t suppose anyone; except the girl and her parents; were happy?’
 Adie shook her head。 ‘Everyone knew I had the gift。 They knew it be me who had done it。 My mother stood and cried。 My father just stood looking the other way。 He would not look at me; at an agent of the Keeper’s evil。
 ‘Someone went for Grandmother Lindel; she was respected because of how she stood by the oath。 When Grandmother Lindel came; she took me and the girl before the men of the king’s circle。 Grandmother Lindel switched the girl who I saved。 She bawled a good long time。’
 Zedd was incredulous。 ‘She beat the girl! Why?’
 ‘For letting the Keeper use her to bring forth the use of the gift。’ Adie sighed。 The girl and I had known each other; had been friends; of a sort。 She never spoke to me again。’
 Adie hugged her arms across her stomach。 ‘And then Grandmother Lindel stripped me naked in front of those men; and switched me until I was covered with welts and blood。 I screamed more than the girl had in the fire。 Then she marched me; naked and bloody; through the town; to her house。 The humiliation be worse than the beating。
 ‘When we got to her house; I asked how she could be so of hers still on her face。 And then she said; ‘Though you be wild of spirit; child; you have worked to tame it。 The people have asked for your oath; and you have given it。 May I not live to see you break it。 You owe no debt beyond that。 I will take care of the circle and see to Mathrin Galliene。 You will wed Pell。’ I wept into the hem of her dress。’
 Adie was silent; staring into the fire; lost in the memories。 Zedd lifted an eyebrow。 ‘Well; did you wed your love?’
 ‘Yes;’ she whispered in her soft rasp。 She took the spoon off its hook and stirred the stew while Zedd watched her。 At last; she hung it back at its place。 ‘For three months; I thought life be beyond bliss。’
 Her mouth worked soundlessly as she stared into nothingness。 Zedd put an arm around her shoulder and gently led her back to the table。 ‘Sit; Adie。 Let me bring you a cup of tea。’
 She was still sitting; her hands folded together on the table; staring off; when he returned with the steaming cups。 He placed one in her thin hands as he sat opposite her。 He didn’t press her to go on before she was ready。
 At last; she did。 ‘One day; the day of my birth and nineteen years; Pell and I had taken a walk in the country。 I be with child。’ She lifted the cup in both hands and took a sip。 ‘We spent the day walking past farms; thinking of names for our child; holding hands; and 。。。 well; you know the foolishness of love at that age。
 ‘On our way back; we had to walk past the Choora mill; just outside of town。 I thought it strange no one be there。 Someone always be at the mill。’ Adie closed her eyes for a moment and then took another sip of tea。 ‘As it turned out; there be people there。 The Blood of the Fold。 They be waiting for us。’
 Zedd knew of them。 In the larger cities of Nicobarese; the Blood of the Fold were an organized corps of men who hunted banelings; rooted out evil; as they saw it。 In other lands; there were men like them; who went by other names; but they were the same。 None were especially picky about proof。 A corpse was the only proof they need show of their job well done。 If they said the body was that of a baneling; then it was。 In the smaller towns; the Blood were usually selfappointed toughs and thugs。 The Blood of the Fold were widely feared。 With good reason。
 ‘They took us 。。。’ Her voice broke; but only that once。。。。 ‘into separate rooms in the bottom of the mill。 It be dark; and smelled of the damp stone walls and grain dust。 I did not know what be done to Pell。 I be almost too terrified to breathe。
 ‘Mathrin Galliene said Pell and I be banelings。 He said I would not wed as I should have because I wished to bring the Keeper’s notice to Choora。 There be a sickness; a fever; in the country that summer; and it brought death to many a family。 Mathrin Galliene said Pell and I brought the sickness。 I denied it be so; and spoke the oath to show proof。’ Adie turned the cup in her fingers as she stared at it。
 Zedd touched her hand。 ‘Drink; Adie。 It will help you。’ He had put a pinch of cloud leaf into her tea; to help relax her。
 She took a long swallow。 ‘Mathrin Galliene said Pell and I be banelings; and the graveyard be full of the proof of that。 He said he wanted only for Pell and I to tell the truth; to confess。 The other men of the Blood be growling like hounds around a rabbit; ready to tear us apart。 I be terrified for Pell。
 As they beat me; I knew they would be doing worse to him; to make him name me a baneling。 Nothing be better for the Blood than to have someone name a loved one as a baneling。 They would not listen when I denied it。’ She looked up into his eyes。 ‘They would not listen。’
 ‘Anything you said;’ Zedd offered quietly; ‘would have made no difference; Adie。 It wouldn’t have mattered。 When you are in a leghold trap; reasoning with the steel does no good。’
 She nodded。 ‘I know。’ Her face was a calm mask over a thunderhead。 ‘I could have stopped it; had I used the gift; but it be against everything I be taught; believed。 It be as if using the gift would prove to myself that what the men said be true。 I felt it would have been blasphemy against the Creator。 I be as helpless while the men beat me as if I did not have the gift。’
 She drained the tea from her cup。 ‘Even as I screamed; I could hear Pell’s screams echoing from another room。’
 Zedd went to the fire and brought the pot back; filling her cup again。 ‘It wasn’t your fault; Adie。 Don’t blame yourself。’
 She flicked a glance up at him as he poured himself another cup。 They wanted me to name Pell as a baneling。 I told them I would not; that they could kill me; but they could not make me say that it be so。
 ‘Mathrin bent close to me; put his face close to mine。 In my head; I can still see his smile。 He said; ‘I believe you; girl。 But it doesn’t matter; because it not be you we want to name the baneling。 It be Pell we want to speak the name of the baneling。 It be you we want Pell to name。 You be the bane…ling。’
 Then the men held me down。 Mathrin tried to pour something down my throat。 It burned my mouth。 He held my nose。 It be swallow or drown。 I wished to drown; but I swallowed without wanting to。 It burned my throat like swallowing fire。 I could not speak。 I could not make a sound。 I could not even scream。 No sound be there。 Only burning pain。 More pain than I had ever known。’ She took a sip of tea; as if to soothe her throat。
 Then the men took me in the room with Pell and tied me to a chair in front of him。 Mathrin held me by my hair so I could not move。 It broke my heart to see what they had done to my Pell。 His face be white as snow。 They had cut off most of his fingers; one knuckle at a time。’ Her own fingers tightened around her cup as she stared into the vision。
 ‘Mathrin told Pell that I had confessed that Pell be a baneling。 Pell’s eyes be big; looking at me。 I tried to scream that it not be true; but no sound came。 I tried to shake my head that it not be true; but Mathrin held me so I could not。
 ‘Pell told them he did not believe them。 They cut off another finger。 They told him they
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