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court of first instance 一审法院(庭)
criminal court 刑事法院(庭)
civil court 民事法院(庭)
regional court; Court of Appeal 地区法院
Court of Cassation 上诉法院
High Court 高级法院 (美作:Supreme Court)
International Court of Justice (联合国)国际法院
conciliation board in industrial disputes 劳工纠纷调解委员会
arbitration tribunal; court of arbitration 仲裁法庭
juvenile court 少年法庭
court…martial 军事法庭
Law Courts 法院;法庭
National Audit Office 审计委员会 (美作:mittee on Public Accounts)
to fall within the petence of a court 属于法院管辖权限之内
The Bar 律师席
judge 法官
presiding judge 庭长;首席法官
legal adviser 法律顾问
examining magistrate 地方预审法官
judge in appeal 上诉法官
juvenile court judge 少年法庭法官
public prosecutor 公诉人;检查官 (美作:district attorney)
attorney general 首席检查官;检查长
jury 陪审团
juror 陪审员
lawyer; solicitor 律师;法律顾问
barrister 出庭律师 (美作:attorney;lawyer)
assistant lawyer 见习律师
counsel for the defence 辩护律师;被告律师
attorney 代诉人;代理人
notary 公证人
criminal record 前科;犯罪记录
proceedings (诉讼)程序
inquiry 询问;调查
hearing 审讯;审问
summary 速审
interrogatory; examination 讯问;质问
hearing of witnesses 听证;听取证词
domiciliary visit; house search 住宅搜查
evidence; exhibits 证据
extenuating circumstances 可使罪行减轻的情况
aggravating circumstances 可加重罪行的情况
exculpatory circumstances 可开脱罪责的情况
exonerating circumstances 可证实无罪的情况
alibi 不在犯罪现场
summons 传票
warrant for arrest 逮捕证
to arrest 逮捕
arrest 逮捕
responsibility; liability 责任
on probation 缓刑
release on bail 保释
release on parole 假释
to sue; to prosecute 起诉;提起公诉
to call s。o。 to witness 作证
eyewitness 目击证人;目击者
institution of proceedings 起诉
accusation 控告;起诉
prosecution 起诉
action; claim 诉讼
cause; suit 诉讼;案件
to lodge a plaint 提起诉讼;提出申诉
to institute proceedings; to bring a lawsuit 进行诉讼
to institute proceedings 进行诉讼
plaint 控告;申诉
justice 审判
to judge 审理;审判
lawsuit 诉讼;官司
trial 审理
claim for damages 要求赔偿损失
claim for pensation 索赔
writ of summons; citation 传唤;传讯
to plead; to claim 辩护
plea 辩护
deposition; evidence 证词
indictment; charge 公诉书;刑事起诉书
count of indictment 起诉书中列举的罪项
to plead guilty 服罪
sworn statement 誓词
on oath 发誓
accuser 原告
plaintiff 原告
the opposing party; the other side 对方当事人
accused; defendant 被告
delinquent; offender 罪犯
guilty party; culprit 有罪一方;当事人
recidivist 惯犯
acplice 共犯
plicity 同谋;共谋
harbourer 窝藏(罪犯) (美作:harborer)
receiver 隐匿(赃物);窝赃
in flagrante delicto 在作案现场
with malice aforethought 预谋不轨
public hearing 公平
in camera 秘密审议
witness for the prosecution 原告证人
witness for the defence 被告证人
proof; evidence 证据;证词
witness box 证人席 (美作:witness stand)
dock 被告席
self…defence 正当防卫 (美作:self…defense)
force majeure; act of God 不可抗力
to pronounce sentence 宣判
miscarriage of justice 审判不当;误判
sentence 宣判;判决
convict 既决犯;被制罪者
judgment by default 缺席审判
to be ordered to pay costs 判处交纳诉讼费用
acquittal 宣告无罪;开释
verdict of not guilty 无罪的判决
petition for a reprieve 缓刑起诉书
stay of proceedings 停止进行诉讼
nonsuit 驳回
to appeal; to lodge an appeal 上诉crime 犯法
offence 违法 (美作:offense)
attempt 未遂罪
unfulfilment 未实现
nonobservance 未遵守
injustice 不法行为
threat; menace 恐吓
high treason 叛国罪
adultery 通奸
forgery; forging; counterfeiting 伪造
perjury 伪证
to bear false witness; to mit perjury 犯伪证罪
attempted murder 谋杀未遂
assassination; murder 暗杀;行刺
homicide 杀人罪
infanticide; child murder 杀婴罪
assault and battery 殴打;侵犯人身罪
kidnapping; abduction 诱拐;拐骗
highjacking 劫持(飞机)
piracy 海盗罪
rape; violation 强奸
conspiracy; plot 结伙阴谋;共谋
theft; larceny 盗窃
armed robbery 持械抢劫
housebreaking; burglary 入室行窃
contraband; smuggling 走私
swindle 诈骗
embezzlement 贪污公款
prevarication 推诿
bribery; suborning 行贿;受贿;贿赂
breach of contract 违约;违反合同
fraud 欺诈
tax evasion 偷税
misuse of authority 滥用职权
corruption 贪污腐化
usurpation 强夺
blackmail 敲诈;勒索
calumny; slander 诽谤
intoxication 酗酒
disturbance of the peace 扰乱治安penalty 处罚
prison; gaol 监狱 (美作:jail)
imprisonment 监禁
death sentence; death penalty 死刑
life imprisonment 无期徒刑
hard labour 强迫劳役 (美作:hard labor)
fine 罚款
embargo 扣押
local banishment 驱逐出境
attainder 剥夺公民权和没收财产
indemnity; indemnification; pensation 赔偿
extradition 引渡
alimony; allowance 抚养费

baptismal certificate 洗礼证实
birth certificate 出生证实
marriage certificate 结婚证书
death certificate 死亡证实书
extract from police records 违禁记录摘录
notarial deed 公证书
bill of sale 抵押证券
lease 租约
proprietorship; ownership 所有权
ownership without usufruct; ownership without use 虚有权
copyright 版权
patent rights 专利权
alienation; transfer; assignment 转让
personal property 个人财产
movables 动产
real estate 不动产
mental derangement; alienation; insanity 精神错乱
fingerprint 指纹
corpse 尸体
mortuary; morgue 太平间;停尸房
autopsy 尸体解剖
file; dossier 文件
naturalization 入籍;归化
will 遗嘱
codicil 遗嘱修改附录
heir; legatee 继续人
inheritance 遗产
emancipation 自立
to e of age 成人
disowning of offspring 声明脱离关系;否认后裔关系
tutelage; guardianship 监护
tutor; guardian 监护人
marriage by proxy 委托代表结婚
to sue for divorce 申请离婚
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