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introduction to the metaphysic of morals-第4部分

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by practical rules。 By the second element; the obligation so to act is

connected in the subject with a determining principle of the will as

such。 All legislation; therefore; may be differentiated by reference

to its motive…principle。* The legislation which makes an action a

duty; and this duty at the same time a motive; is ethical。 That

legislation which does not include the motive…principle in the law;

and consequently admits another motive than the idea of duty itself;

is juridical。 In respect of the latter; it is evident that the motives

distinct from the idea of duty; to which it may refer; must be drawn

from the subjective (pathological) influences of inclination and of

aversion; determining the voluntary activity; and especially from

the latter; because it is a legislation which has to be compulsory;

and not merely a mode of attracting or persuading。 The agreement or

non…agreement of an action with the law; without reference to its

motive; is its legality; and that character of the action in which the

idea of duty arising from the law at the same time forms the motive of

the action; is its morality。

  *This ground of division will apply; although the action which it

makes a duty may coincide with another action that may be otherwise

looked at from another point of view。 For instance; actions may in all

cases be classified as external。

  Duties specially in accord with a juridical legislation can only

be external duties。 For this mode of legislation does not require that

the idea of the duty; which is internal; shall be of itself the

determining principle of the act of will; and as it requires a

motive suitable to the nature of its laws; it can only connect what is

external with the law。 Ethical legislation; on the other hand; makes

internal actions also duties; but not to the exclusion of the

external; for it embraces everything which is of the nature of duty。

And just because just because ethical legislation includes within

its law the internal motive of the action as contained in the idea

of duty; it involves a characteristic which cannot at all enter into

the legislation that is external。 Hence; ethical legislation cannot as

such be external; not even when proceeding from a Divine will;

although it may receive duties which rest on an external legislation

as duties; into the position of motives; within its own legislation。

  From what has been said; it is evident that all duties; merely

because they are duties; belong to ethics; and yet the legislation

upon which they are founded is not on that account in all cases

contained in ethics。 On the contrary; the law of many of them lies

outside of ethics。 Thus ethics commands that I must fulfil a promise

entered into by contract; although the other party might not be able

to compel me to do so。 It adopts the law (pacta sunt servanda) and the

duty corresponding to it; from jurisprudence or the science of

right; by which they are established。 It is not in ethics;

therefore; but in jurisprudence; that the principle of the legislation

lies; that 〃promises made and accepted must be kept。〃 Accordingly;

ethics specially teaches that if the motive…principle of external

compulsion which juridical legislation connects with a duty is even

let go; the idea of duty alone is sufficient of itself as a motive。

For were it not so; and were the legislation itself not juridical; and

consequently the duty arising from it not specially a duty of right as

distinguished from a duty of virtue; then fidelity in the

performance of acts; to which the individual may be bound by the terms

of a contract; would have to be classified with acts of benevolence

and the obligation that underlies them; which cannot be correct。 To

keep one's promise is not properly a duty of virtue; but a duty of

right; and the performance of it can be enforced by external

compulsion。 But to keep one's promise; even when no compulsion can

be applied to enforce it; is; at the same time; a virtuous action; and

a proof of virtue。 jurisprudence as the science of right; and ethics

as the science of virtue; are therefore distinguished not so much by

their different duties; as rather by the difference Of the legislation

which connects the one or the other kind of motive with their laws。

  Ethical legislation is that which cannot be external; although the

duties it prescribes may be external as well as internal。 Juridical

legislation is that which may also be external。 Thus it is an external

duty to keep a promise entered into by contract; but the injunction to

do this merely because it is a duty; without regard to any other

motive; belongs exclusively to the internal legislation。 It does not

belong thus to the ethical sphere as being a particular kind of duty

or a particular mode of action to which we are bound… for it is an

external duty in ethics as well as in jurisprudence… but it is because

the legislation in the case referred to is internal; and cannot have

an external lawgiver; that the obligation is reckoned as belonging

to ethics。 For the same reason; the duties of benevolence; although

they are external duties as obligations to external actions; are; in

like manner; reckoned as belonging to ethics; because they can only be

enjoined by legislation that is internal。 Ethics has no doubt its

own peculiar duties… such as those towards oneself… but it bas also

duties in common with jurisprudence; only not under the same mode of

obligation。 In short; the peculiarity of ethical legislation is to

enjoin the performance of certain actions merely because they are

duties; and to make the principle of duty itself… whatever be its

source or occasion… the sole sufficing motive of the activity of the

will。 Thus; then; there are many ethical duties that are directly

such; and the inner legislation also makes the others… all and each of

them… indirectly ethical。

  The deduction of the division of a system is the proof of its

completeness as well as of its continuity; so that there may be a

logical transition from the general conception divided to the

members of the division; and through the whole series of the

subdivisions without any break or leap in the arrangement (divisio per

saltum)。 Such a division is one of the most difficult conditions for

the architect of a system to fulfil。 There is even some doubt as to

what is the highest conception that is primarily divided into right

and wrong (aut fas aut nefas)。 It is assuredly the conception of the

activity of the free…will in general。 In like manner; the expounders

of ontology start from something and nothing; without perceiving

that these are already members of a division for which the highest

divided conception is awanting; and which can be no other than that of

thing in general。


              (Philosophia practica universalis)。

  The conception of freedom is a conception of pure reason。 It is

therefore transcendent in so far as regards theoretical philosophy;

for it is a conception for which no corresponding instance or

example can be found or supplied in any possible experience。

Accordingly freedom is not presented as an object of any theoretical

knowledge that is possible for us。 It is in no respect a constitutive;

but only a regulative conception; and it can be accepted by the

speculative reason as at most a merely negative principle。 In the

practical sphere of reason; however; the reality of freedom may be

demonstrated by certain practical principles which; as laws; prove a

causality of the pure reason in the process of determining the

activity of the will that is independent of all empirical and sensible

conditions。 And thus there is established the fact of a pure will

existing in us as the source of all moral conceptions and laws。

  On this positive conception of freedom in the practical relation

certain unconditional practical laws are founded; and they specially

constitute moral laws。 In relation to us as human beings; with an

activity of will modified by sensible influences so as not to be

conformable to the pure will; but as often contrary to it; these

laws appear as imperatives commanding or prohibiting certain

actions; and as such they are categorical or unconditional

imperatives。 Their categorical and unconditional character

distinguishes them from the technical imperatives which express the

prescriptions of art; and which always command only conditionally。

According to these categorical imperatives; certain actions are

allowed or disallowed as being morally possible or impossible; and

certain of them or their opposites are morally necessary and

obligatory。 Hence; in reference to such actions; there arises the

conception of a duty whose observance or transgression is

accompanied with a pleasure or pain of a peculiar kind; known as moral

feeling。 We do not; however; take the moral feelings or sentiments

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