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the nabob-第3部分

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 was as much at liberty to make free with the character of his benefactor Morny is another matter。 He himself thought that he was; and he was a man of delicate sensitiveness。 Probably he was right in claiming that the natural son of Queen Hortense; the intrepid soldier; the author of the /Coup d'Etat/ that set his weaker half…brother on the throne; the dandy; the libertine; the leader of fashion; the cynical statesmanin short; the 〃Richelieu…Brummel〃 who drew the eyes of all Europe upon himself; would not have been in the least disconcerted could he have known that thirteen years after his death the public would be discussing him as the prototype of the Mora of his young /protege's/ masterpiece。 In fact; it is easy to agree with those critics who think that Daudet's kindly nature caused him to soften many features of Morny's unlovely character。 Mora does not; indeed; win our love or our esteem; but we confess him to have been in every respect an exceptional man; and there is not a page in which he appears that is not intensely interesting。 He must be an unimpressionable reader who soon forgets the death…room scenes; the destruction of the compromising letters; the spectacular funeral。

Of the other characters there is little space to speak here。 Nearly all have their good points; as might be expected of the creator of his two fellow Provencals; Numa and Tartarin; the latter being probably the only really cosmopolitan figure in recent literature; but some; like the Hemerlingues; verge upon mere sketches; others; like Jansoulet's obese wife; upon caricatures。 The old mother is excellently done; however; and Monpavon; especially in his suicide; is nothing short of a triumph of art。 It is the more or less romantic or sentimental personages that give the critic most qualms。 Daudet seems to have introduced themDe Gery; the Joyeuse family; and the restas a concession to popular taste; and on this score was probably justified。 A fair case may also be made out for the use of idyllic scenes as a foil to the tragical; for the Shakespearian critics have no monopoly of the overworked plea; 〃justification by contrast。〃 Nor could a French analogue of Dickens easily resist the temptation to give us a fatuous Passajon; an ebullient Pere Joyeusewho seems to have been partly modelled on a real personan exemplary 〃Bonne Maman;〃 a struggling but eventually triumphant Andre Maranne。 The home…lover Daudet also felt the necessity of showing that Paris could set the Joyeuse household; sunny in its poverty; over against the stately elegance of the Mora palace; the walls of which listened at one and the same moment to the music of a ball and the death…rattle of its haughty owner。 But when all is said; it remains clear that /The Nabob/ is open to the charge that applies to all the greater novels save /Sapho/the charge that it exhibits a somewhat inharmonious mixture of sentimentalism and naturalism。 Against this charge; which perhaps applies most forcibly to that otherwise almost perfect work of art; /Numa Roumestan/; Daudet defended himself; but rather weakly。 Nor does Mr。 Henry James; who in the case of the last…named novel comes to his help against Zola; much mend matters。 But the fault; if fault it be; is venial; especially in a friend; though not strictly a coworker; of Zola's。

Naturally an elaborate novel like /The Nabob/ lends itself indefinitely to minute comment; but we must be sparing of it。 Still it is worth while to call attention to the skill with which; from the opening page; the interest of the reader is controlled; indeed; to the remarkable art displayed in the whole first chapter devoted to the morning rounds of Dr。 Jenkins。 The note of romantic extravagance is on the whole avoided until the Nabob brings out his check…book; when the money flies with a speed for which; one fancies; Daudet could have found little justification this side of Timon of Athens。 In the description of the /Caisse Territoriale/ given by Passajon this note is relieved by a delicate irony; but seems still somewhat incongruous。 One turns more willingly to the description of Jansoulet's sitting down to play /ecarte/ with Mora; to the story of how he gorged himself with the duke's putative mushrooms; and to similar episodes and touches。 In the matter of effective and ironically turned situations few novels can compare with this; indeed; it almost seems as if Daudet made an inordinate use of them。 Think of the poor Nabob reading the announcement of the cross bestowed on Jenkins; and of the absurd populace mistaking him for the ungrateful Bey! As for great dramatic moments; there is at least one that no reader can forgetthe moment when Jansoulet; in the midst of the speech on which his fate depends; catches sight of his old mother's face and forbears to clear himself of calumny at the expense of his wretched elder brother。 The situation may not bear close analysis; but who wishes to analyze? Or who; indeed; wishes to indulge in further comment after the scene has risen to his mind?

/The Nabob/ was followed by /Kings in Exile/; then came /Numa Roumestan/ and /The Evangelist/; then; on the eve of Daudet's breakdown; /Sapho/; and the greatest of his humorous masterpieces; /Tartarin in the Alps/。 It is not yet certain what rank is to be given to these books。 Perhaps the adventures of the mountain…climbing hero of the Midi; combined with his previous exploits as a slayer of lions his experiences as a colonist in /Port…Tarascon/ need scarcely be consideredwill prove; in the lapse of years; to be the most solid foundation of that fame which even envious Time will hardly begrudge Daudet。 As for /Kings in Exile/; it is difficult to see how even the art with which the tragedy of Queen Frederique's life is unfolded or the growing power of characterization displayed in her; in the loyal Merault; in the facile; decadent Christian; can make up for the lack of broadly human appeal in the general subject…matter of a book which was so sympathetically written as to appeal alike to Legitimists and to Republicans。 Good as /Kings in Exile/ is; it is not so effective a book as /The Nabob/; nor such a unique and marvellous work of art as /Numa Roumestan/; due allowance being made for the intrusion of sentimentality into the latter。 Daudet thought /Numa/ the 〃least incomplete〃 of his works; it is certainly inclusive enough; since some critics are struck by the tragic relations subsisting between the virtuous discreet Northern wife and the peccable; expansive Southern husband; while others see in the latter the hero of a comedy of manners almost worthy of Moliere。 If /Numa/ represents the highest achievement of Daudet in dramatic fiction or else in the art of characterization; /The Evangelist/ proved that his genius was not at home in those fields。 Instead of marking an ordered advance; this overwrought study of Protestant bigotry marked not so much a halt; or a retreat; as a violent swerving to one side。 Yet in a way this swerving into the devious orbit of the novel of intense purpose helped Daudet in his progress towards naturalism; and imparted something of stability to his methods of work。 /Sapho/; which appeared next; was the first of his novels that left little to be desired in the way of artistic unity and cumulative power。 If such a study of the /femme collante/; the mistress who cannot be shaken offor rather of the man whom she ruins; for it is Gaussin; not Sapho; that is the main subject of Daudet's acute analysiswas to be written at all; it had to be written with a resolute art such as Daudet applied to it。 It is not then surprising that Continental critics rank /Sapho/ as its author's greatest production; it is more in order to wonder what Daudet might not have done in this line of work had his health remained unimpaired。 The later novels; in which he came near to joining forces with the naturalists and hence to losing some of the vogue his eclecticism gave him; need not detain us。

And now; in conclusion; how can we best characterize briefly this fascinating; versatile genius; the most delightful humorist of his time; one of the most artistic story…tellers; one of the greatest novelists? It is impossible to classify him; for he was more than a humorist; he nearly outgrew romance; he never accepted unreservedly the canons of naturalism。 He obviously does not belong to the small class of the supreme writers of fiction; for he has no consistent or at least profound philosophy of life。 He is a true poet; yet for the main he has expressed himself not in verse; but in prose; and in a form of prose that is being so extensively cultivated that its permanence is daily brought more and more into question。 What is Daudet; and what will he be to posterity? Some admirers have already answered the first question; perhaps as satisfactorily as it can be answered; by saying; 〃Daudet is simply Daudet。〃 As for the second question; a whole school of critics is inclined to answer it and all similar queries with the curt statement; 〃That concerns posterity; not us。〃 If; however; less evasive answers are insisted upon; let the following utterance; which might conceivably be more indefinite and oracular; suffice: Alphonse Daudet is one of those rare writers who combine greatness with a charm so intimate and 
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