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the nabob-第42部分

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ine at Basle; but under a sun the Rhine has never known。 Saint…Romans is opposite on the other side of the river; and; in spite of the brevity of the vision; the headlong rush of the train; which seems trying to throw itself madly into the Rhone at each turning; the castle is so large; so well situated on the neighbouring hill; that it seems to follow the crazy race of the train; and stamps on your mind forever the memory of its terraces; its balustrades; its Italian architecture; two low stories surmounted by a colonnaded gallery and flanked by two slate…roofed pavilions dominating the great slopes where the water of the cascades rebounds; the network of gravel walks; the perspective of long hedges; terminated by some white statue which stands out against the blue sky as on the luminous ground of a stained…glass window。 Quite at the top; in the middle of the vast lawns whose green turf shines ironically under the scorching sun; a gigantic cedar uplifts its crested foliage; enveloped in black and floating shadowsan exotic silhouette; upright before this former dwelling of some Louis XIV farmer of revenue; which makes one think of a great negro carrying the sunshade of a gentleman of the court。

From Valence to Marseilles; throughout all the Valley of the Rhone; Saint…Romans of Bellaignes is famous as an enchanted palace; and; indeed; in that country burnt up by the fiery wind; this oasis of greenness and beautiful rushing water is a true fairy…land。

〃When I am rich; mamma;〃 Jansoulet used to say; as quite a small boy; to his mother whom he adored; 〃I shall give you Saint…Romans of Bellaignes。〃 And as the life of the man seemed the fulfilment of a story from the Arabian Nights; as all his wishes came true; even the most disproportionate; as his maddest chimeras came to lie down before him; to lick his hands like familiar and obedient spaniels; he had bought Saint…Romans to offer it; newly furnished and grandiosely restored; to his mother。 Although it was ten years since then; the dear old woman was not yet used to her splendid establishment。 〃It is the palace of Queen Jeanne that you have given me; my dear Bernard;〃 she wrote to her son。 〃I shall never live there。〃 She never did live there; as a matter of fact; having stayed at the steward's house; an isolated building of modern construction; situated quite at the other end of the grounds; so as to overlook the outbuildings and the farm; the sheepfolds and the oil…mills; with their rural horizon of stacks; olive…trees and vines; extending over the plain as far as one could see。 In the great castle she would have imagined herself a prisoner in one of those enchanted dwellings where sleep seizes you in the midst of your happiness and does not let you go for a hundred years。 Here; at least; the peasant…womanwho had never been able to accustom herself to this colossal fortune; come too late; from too far; and like a thunder…clapfelt herself linked to reality by the coming and going of the work…people; the letting…out and taking…in of the cattle; their slow movement to the drinking pond; all that pastoral life which woke her by the familiar call of the cocks and the sharp cries of the peacocks; and brought her down the corkscrew staircase of the pavilion before dawn。 She looked upon herself only as the trustee of this magnificent estate; which she was taking care of for her son; and wished to give back to him in perfect condition on the day when; rich enough and tired of living with the Turks; he would come; according to his promise; to live with her beneath the shade of Saint…Romans。

Then; too; what universal and indefatigable supervision! Through the mists of early morning the farm…servants heard her rough and husky voice: 〃Olivier; Peyrol; Audibert。 Come on! It is four o'clock。〃 Then she would hasten to the immense kitchen; where the maids; heavy with sleep; were heating the porridge over the crackling; new…lit fire。 They gave her a little dish of red Marseilles…ware full of boiled chestnutsfrugal breakfast of bygone times; which nothing would have induced her to change。 At once she was off; hurrying with great strides; her large silver keyring at her belt; whence jingled all her keys; her plate in her hand; balanced by the distaff which she held; in working order; under her arm; for she spun all day long; and did not stop even to eat her chestnuts。 On the way; a glance at the stables; still dark; where the animals were moving duly; at the stifling pens with their rows of impatient and outstretched muzzles; and the first glimmers of light creeping over the layers of stones that supported the embankment of the park; lit up the figure of the old woman; running in the dew; with the lightness of a girl; despite her seventy yearsverifying exactly each morning all the wealth of the domain; anxious to make sure that the night had not taken away the statues and the vases; uprooted the hundred…year…old quincunx; dried up the springs which filtered into their resounding basins。 Then the full sunlight of midday; humming and vibrating; showed still; on the sand of an alley; against the white wall of a terrace; the long figure of the old woman; elegant and straight as her spindle; picking up bits of dead wood; breaking off some uneven branch of a shrub; careless of the shock it caused her and the sweat which broke out over her skin。 Towards this hour another figure was to be seen in the park alsoless active; less noisy; dragging rather than walking; leaning against the walls and railingsa poor round…shouldered being; shaky and stiff; a figure from which life seemed to have gone out; never speaking; when he was tired giving a little plaintive cry towards the servant; who was always near; who helped him to sit down; to crouch upon some step; where he would stay for hours; motionless; mute; his mouth hanging; his eyes blinking; hushed by the strident monotony of the grasshopper's crya blotch of humanity in the splendid horizon。

This; this was the first…born; Bernard's brother; the darling child of his father and mother; the glorious hope of the nail…maker's family。 Slaves; like so many others in the Midi; to the superstition of the rights of primogeniture; they had made every possible sacrifice to send to Paris their fine; ambitious lad; who set out assured of success; the admiration of all the young women of the town; and Paris; after having for six years; beaten; twisted; and squeezed in its great vat the brilliant southern stripling; after having burnt him with all its vitriol; rolled him in all its mud; finished by sending him back in this state of wreckage; stupefied and paralyzedkilling his father with sorrow; and forcing his mother to sell her all; and live as a sort of char…woman in the better…class houses of her own country…side。 Lucky it was that just then; when this broken piece of humanity; discharged from all the hospitals of Paris; was sent back by public charity to Bourg…Saint…Andeol; Bernardhe whom they called Cadet; as in these southern families; half Arab as they are; the eldest always takes the family name; and the last…comer that of CadetBernard was at Tunis making his fortune; and sending home money regularly。 But what pain it was for the poor mother to owe everything; even the life; the comfort of the sad invalid; to the robust and courageous boy whom his father and she had loved without any tenderness; who; since he was five years old; they had treated as a 〃hand;〃 because he was very strong; woolly…headed; and ugly; and even then knew better than any one in the house how to deal in old nails。 Ah! how she longed to have him near her; her Cadet; to make some return to him for all the good he did; to pay at last the debt of love and motherly tenderness that she owed him!

But; you see; these princely fortunes have the burdens; the wearinesses of royal lives。 This poor mother; in her dazzling surroundings; was very like a real queen: familiar with long exiles; cruel separations; and the trials which detract from greatness; one of her sons forever stupefied; the other far away; seldom writing; absorbed in his business; saying; 〃I will come;〃 and never coming。 She had only seen him once in twelve years; and then in the whirl of a visit of the Bey to Saint…Romansa rush of horses and carriages; of fireworks; and of banquets。 He had gone in the suite of his monarch; having scarcely time to say good…bye to his old mother; to whom there remained of this great joy only a few pictures in the illustrated papers; showing Bernard Jansoulet arriving at the castle with Ahmed; and presenting his mother。 Is it not thus that kings and queens have their family feelings exploited in the journals? There was also a cedar of Lebanon; brought from the other end of the world; a regular mountain of a tree; whose transport had been as difficult and as costly as that of Cleopatra's needle; and whose erection as a souvenir of the royal visit by dint of men; money; and teams had shaken the very foundations。 But this time; at least; knowing him to be in France for several monthsperhaps for goodshe hoped to have her Bernard to herself。 And now he returned to her; one fine evening; enveloped in the same triumphant glory; in the same official display; surrounded by a crowd of counts; of marquises; of fine g
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