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the nabob-第61部分

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ar deputy; I will remind you that you have a meeting at three o'clock at the office; and I must send you back to the Chamber。〃

Then turning to Jenkins:

〃You know what I asked of you; doctorpearls for the day after to…morrow; and let them be extra strong!〃

Jenkins started; shook himself as at the sudden awakening from a dream:

〃Certainly; my dear duke。 You shall be given some staminaoh; yes; stamina; breath enough to win the great Derby stakes。〃

He bowed; and left the room laughing; the veritable laugh of a wolf showing its gleaming white teeth。 The Nabob took leave in his turn; his heart filled with gratitude; but not daring to let anything of it appear in the presence of this sceptic in whom all demonstrativeness aroused distrust。 And the Minister of State; left alone; rolled up in his wraps before the crackling and blazing fire; sheltered in the padded warmth of his luxury; doubled that day by the feverish caress of the May sunshine; began to shiver with cold again; to shiver so violently that Felicia's letter which he had reopened and was reading rapturously shook in his hands。

A deputy is in a very singular situation during the period which follows his election and precedesas they say in parliamentary jargon the verification of its validity。 It is a little like the position of the newly married man during the twenty…four hours separating the civil marriage from its consecration by the Church。 Rights of which he cannot avail himself; a half…happiness; a semi…authority; the embarrassment of keeping the balance a little on this side or on that; the lack of a defined footing。 One is married and yet not married; a deputy and yet not perfectly sure of being it; only; for the deputy; this uncertainty is prolonged over days and weeks; and since the longer it lasts the more problematical does the validation become; it is like torture for the unfortunate representative on probation to be obliged to attend the Chamber; to occupy a place which he will perhaps not keep; to listen to discussions of which it is possible that he will never hear the end; to fix in his eyes and ears the delicious memory of parliamentary sittings with their sea of bald or apoplectic foreheads; their confused noise of rustling papers; the cries of attendants; wooden knives beating a tattoo on the tables; private conversations from amid which the voice of the orator issues; a thundering or timid solo with a continuous accompaniment。

This situation; at best so trying to the nerves; was complicated in the Nabob's case by these calumnies; at first whispered; now printed; circulated in thousands of copies by the newspapers; with the consequence that he found himself tacitly put in quarantine by his colleagues。

The first days he went and came in the corridors; the library; the dining…room; the lecture…hall; like the rest; delighted to roam through all the corners of that majestic labyrinth; but he was unknown to most of his associates; unacknowledged by a few members of the Rue Royale Club; who avoided him; detested by all the clerical party of which Le Merquier was the head。 The financial set was hostile to this multi…millionaire; powerful in both 〃bull〃 and 〃bear〃 market; like those vessels of heavy tonnage which displace the water of a harbour; and thus his isolation only became the more marked by the change in his circumstances and the same enmity followed him everywhere。

His gestures; his manner; showed trace of it in a certain constraint; a sort of hesitating distrust。 He felt he was watched。 If he went for a minute into the /buffet/; that large bright room opening on the gardens of the president's house; which he liked because there; at the broad counter of white marble laden with bottles and provisions; the deputies lost their big; imposing airs; the legislative haughtiness allowed itself to become more familiar; even there he knew that the next day there would appear in the /Messenger/ a mocking; offensive paragraph exhibiting him to his electors as a wine…bibber of the most notorious order。

Those terrible electors added to his embarrassments。

They arrived in crowds; invaded the Salle des Pas…Perdus; galloped all over the place like little fiery black kids; shouting to each other from one end to the other of the echoing room; 〃O Pe! O Tche!〃 inhaling with delight the odour of government; of administration; pervading the air; watching admiringly the ministers as they passed; following in their trail with keen nose; as though from their respected pockets; from their swollen portfolios; there might fall some appointment; but especially surrounding 〃Moussiou〃 Jansoulet with so many exacting petitions; reclamations; demonstrations; that; in order to free himself from the gesticulating uproar which made everybody turn round; and turned him as it were into the delegate of a tribe of Tuaregs in the midst of civilized folk; he was obliged to implore with a look the help of some attendant on duty familiar with such acts of rescue; who would come to him with an air of urgency to say 〃that he was wanted immediately in Bureau No。 8。〃 So at last; embarrassed everywhere; driven from the corridors; from the Pas… Perdus; from the refreshment…room; the poor Nabob had adopted the course of never leaving his seat; where he remained motionless and without speaking during the whole time of the sitting。

He had; however; one friend in the Chamber; a deputy newly elected for the Deux…Sevres; called M。 Sarigue; a poor man sufficiently resembling the inoffensive and ill…favoured animal whose name he bore; with his red and scanty hair; his timorous eyes; his hopping walk; his white gaiters; he was so timid that he could not utter two words without stuttering; almost voiceless; continually sucking jujubes; which completed the confusion of his speech。 One asked what such a weakling as he had come to do in the Assembly; what feminine ambition run mad had urged into public life this being useless for no matter what private activity。

By an amusing irony of fate; Jansoulet; himself agitated by all the anxieties of his own validation; was chosen in Bureau no。 8 to draw up the report on the election in the Deux…Sevres; and M。 Sarigue; humble and supplicating; conscious of his incapacity and filled by a horrible dread of being sent back to his home in disgrace; used to follow about this great jovial fellow with the curly hair and big shoulder blades that moved like the bellows of a forge beneath a light and tightly fitting frock…coat; without any suspicion that a poor anxious being like himself lay concealed within that solid envelope。

As he worked at the report on the Deux…Sevres election; as he examined the numerous protests; the accusations of electioneering trickery; meals given; money spent; casks of wine broached at the doors of the mayors' houses; the usual accompaniments of an election in those days; Jansoulet used to shudder on his own account。 〃Why; I did all that myself;〃 he would say to himself; terrified。 Ah! M。 Sarigue need not be afraid; never could he have put his hand on an examiner with kinder intentions or more indulgent; for the Nabob; taking pity on the sufferer; knowing by experience how painful is the anguish of waiting; had made haste through his labour; and the enormous portfolio which he carried under his arm; as he left the Mora mansion; contained his report ready to be sent in to the bureau。

Whether it were this first essay in a public function; the kind words of the duke; or the magnificent weather out of doors; keenly enjoyed by this southerner; with his susceptibility to wholly physical impressions and accustomed to life under a blue sky and the warmth of the sunshinehowever that may have been; certain it is that the attendants of the legislative body beheld that day a proud and haughty Jansoulet whom they had not previously known。 The fat Hemerlingue's carriage; caught sight of at the gate; recognisable by the unusual width of its doors; completed his reinstatement in the possession of his true nature of assurance and bold audacity。 〃The enemy is there。 Attention!〃 As he crossed the Salle des Pas…Perdus; he caught sight of the financier chatting in a corner with Le Merquier; the examiner; he passed quite near them; and looked at them with a triumphant air which made people wonder:

〃What is the meaning of this?〃

Then; highly pleased at his own coolness; he passed on towards the committee…rooms; big and lofty apartments opening right and left on a long corridor; and having large tables covered with green baize; and heavy chairs all of a similar pattern and bearing the impress of a dull solemnity。 People were beginning to come in。 Groups were taking up their positions; discussing matters; gesticulating; with bows; shakings of hands; inclinations of the head; like Chinese shadows against the luminous background of the windows。

Men were there who walked about with bent back; solitary; as it were crushed down beneath the weight of the thoughts which knitted their brow。 Others whispering in their neighbour's ears; confiding to each other exceedingly mysterious and terribly important pieces of news; finger on lip; eyes opened wide in silent recommendation to discretion。 A provincial flavour characterized it all; varieties of in
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