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the nabob-第7部分

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apped like a sweetmeat in its paper。 The most striking thing about this mock…heroic physiognomy was a large curved nose all shiny with cold cream; and an eye alive; keen; too young; too bright; for the heavy and wrinkled eyelid which covered it。 Jenkins's patients all had that eye。

Monpavon must indeed have been deeply moved to show himself thus devoid of all prestige。 In point of fact; with white lips and a changed voice he addressed the doctor quickly; without the lisp this time; and in a single outburst:

〃Come now; /mon cher/; no tomfoolery between us; eh? We are both met before the same dish; but I leave you your share。 I intend that you shall leave me mine。〃

And Jenkins's air of astonishment did not make him pause。 〃Let this be said once for all。 I have promised the Nabob to present him to the duke; just as; formerly; I presented you。 Do not mix yourself up; therefore; with what concerns me alone。〃

Jenkins laid his hand on his heart; protested his innocence。 He had never had any intention。 Certainly Monpavon was too intimate a friend of the duke; for any otherHow could he have supposed?

〃I suppose nothing;〃 said the old nobleman; calmer but still cold。 〃I merely desired to have a very clear explanation with you on this subject。〃

The Irishman extended a widely opened hand。

〃My dear marquis; explanations are always clear between men of honour。〃

〃Honour is a big word; Jenkins。 Let us say people of deportmentthat suffices。〃

And that deportment; which he invoked as the supreme guide of conduct; recalling him suddenly to the sense of his ludicrous situation; the marquis offered one finger to his friend's demonstrative shake of the hand; and passed back with dignity behind his curtain; while the other left; in haste to resume his round。

What a magnificent clientele he had; this Jenkins! Nothing but princely mansions; heated staircases; laden with flowers at every landing; upholstered and silky alcoves; where disease was transformed into something discreet; elegant; where nothing suggested that brutal hand which throws on a bed of pain those who only cease to work in order to die。 They were not in any true speech; sick people; these clients of the Irish doctor。 They would have been refused admission to a hospital。 Their organs not possessing even strength to give them a shock; the seat of their malady was to be discovered nowhere; and the doctor; as he bent over them; might have sought in vain the throb of any suffering in those bodies which the inertia; the silence of death already inhabited。 They were worn…out; debilitated people; anaemics; exhausted by an absurd life; but who found it so good still that they fought to have it prolonged。 And the Jenkins pills became famous precisely by reason of that lash of the whip which they gave to jaded existences。

〃Doctor; I beseech you; let me be fit to go to the ball this evening!〃 the young woman would say; prostrate on her lounge; and whose voice was reduced to a breath。

〃You shall go; my dear child。〃

And she went; and never had she looked more beautiful。

〃Doctor; at all costs; though it should kill me; to…morrow morning I must be at the Cabinet Council。〃

He was there; and carried away from it in a triumph of eloquence and of ambitious diplomacy。

Afterwardoh; afterward; if you please! But no matter! To their last day Jenkins's clients went about; showed themselves; cheated the devouring egotism of the crowd。 They died on their feet; as became men and women of the world。

After a thousand peregrinations in the Chaussee d'Antin and the Champs…Elysees; after having visited every millionaire or titled personage in the Faubourg Saint Honore; the fashionable doctor arrived at the corner of the Cours…la…Reine and the Rue Francois I。; before a house with a rounded front; which occupied the angle on the quay; and entered an apartment on the ground floor which resembled in nowise those through which he had been passing since morning。 From the threshold; tapestries covering the wall; windows of old stained glass with strips of lead cutting across a discrete and composite light; a gigantic saint in carved wood which fronted a Japanese monster with protruding eyes and a back covered with delicate scales like tiles; indicated the imaginative and curious taste of an artist。 The little page who answered the door held in leash an Arab greyhound larger than himself。

〃Mme。 Constance is at mass;〃 he said; 〃and Mademoiselle is in the studio quite alone。 We have been at work since six o'clock this morning;〃 added the child with a rueful yawn which the dog caught on the wing; making him open wide his pink mouth with its sharp teeth。

Jenkins; whom we have seen enter with so much self…possession the chamber of the Minister of State; trembled a little as he raised the curtain masking the door of the studio which had been left open。 It was a splendid sculptor's studio; the front of which; on the street corner; semi…circular in shape; gave the room one whole wall of glass; with pilasters at the sides; a large; well…lighted bay; opal…coloured just then by reason of the fog。 More ornate than are usually such work…rooms; which the stains of the plaster; the boasting…tools; the clay; the puddles of water generally cause to resemble a stone…mason's shed; this one added a touch of coquetry to its artistic purpose。 Green plants in every corner; a few good pictures suspended against the bare wall and; here and there; resting upon oak brackets; two or three works of Sebastien Ruys; of which the last; exhibited after his death; was covered with a piece of black gauze。

The mistress of the house; Felicia Ruys; the daughter of the famous sculptor and herself already known by two masterpieces; the bust of her father and that of the Duc de Mora; was standing in the middle of the studio; occupied in the modelling of a figure。 Wearing a tightly fitting riding…habit of blue cloth with long folds; a fichu of China silk twisted about her neck like a man's tie; her black; fine hair caught up carelessly above the antique modelling of her small head; Felicia was at work with an extreme earnestness which added to her beauty the concentration; the intensity which are given to the features by an attentive and satisfied expression。 But that changed immediately upon the arrival of the doctor。

〃Ah; it is you;〃 said she brusquely; as though awaked from a dream。 〃The bell was rung; then? I did not hear it。〃

And in the ennui; the lassitude that suddenly took possession of that adorable face; the only thing that remained expressive and brilliant was the eyes; eyes in which the factitious gleam of the Jenkins pills was heightened by the constitutional wildness。

Oh; how the doctor's voice became humble and condescending as he answered her:

〃So you are quite absorbed in your work; my dear Felicia。 Is it something new that you are at work on there? It seems to me very pretty。〃

He moved towards the rough and still formless model out of which there was beginning to issue vaguely a group of two animals; one a greyhound which was scampering at full speed with a rush that was truly extraordinary。

〃The idea of it came to me last night。 I began to work it out by lamplight。 My poor Kadour; he sees no fun in it;〃 said the girl; glancing with a look of caressing kindness at the greyhound whose paws the little page was endeavouring to place apart in order to get the pose again。

Jenkins remarked in a fatherly way that she did wrong to tire herself thus; and taking her wrist with ecclesiastical precautions:

〃Come; I am sure you are feverish。〃

At the contact of his hand with her own; Felicia made a movement almost of repulsion。

〃No; no; leave me alone。 Your pills can do nothing for me。 When I do not work I am bored。 I am bored to death; to extinction; my thoughts are the colour of that water which flows over yonder; brackish and heavy。 To be commencing life; and to be disgusted with it! It is hard。 I am reduced to the point of envying my poor Constance; who passes her days in her chair; without opening her mouth; but smiling to herself over her memories of the past。 I have not even that; I; happy remembrances to muse upon。 I have only workwork!〃

As she talked she went on modelling furiously; now with the boasting… tool; now with her fingers; which she wiped from time to time on a little sponge placed on the wooden platform which supported the group; so that her complaints; her melancholies; inexplicable in the mouth of a girl of twenty which; in repose; had the purity of a Greek smile; seemed uttered at random and addressed to no one in particular。

Jenkins; however; appeared disturbed by them; troubled; despite the evident attention which he gave to the work of the artist; or rather to the artist herself; to the triumphant grace of this girl whom her beauty seemed to have predestined to the study of the plastic arts。

Embarrassed by the admiring gaze which she felt fixed upon her; Felicia resumed:

〃Apropos; I have seen him; you know; your Nabob。 Some one pointed him out to me last Friday at the opera。〃

〃You were at the opera on Friday?〃

〃Yes。 The duke had sent me his box。〃

Jenkins changed colour。

〃I persuaded Constance to go with me。 It was the first time for 
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