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  Then why should a human being have to talk so much?
  So the One who follows his conscience; coincides with his conscience
  One who lives an exemplary life; will be an example
  One who loses oneself; doesn抰 know who he is anymore
  One who finds oneself; finds bliss
  One who loses oneself; loses true life
  One who does not trust oneself; will not be trusted


  One who stands on tiptoe; doesn抰 stand firmly
  One who walks in a forced way; doesn抰 come far
  One who is vain; doesn抰 shine
  One who justifies oneself; isn抰 credible
  One who brags; will be unmasked
  One who works one抯 way up; humiliates oneself
  To a wise man these are nothing but follies
  One who lives righteously and honestly; refrains oneself from these things


  Before Creation revealed itself
  There was already something; perfect but formless
  Quiet and unchanging
  Ubiquitous and inexhaustible
  People might consider it as the creating force of everything that is
  I cannot describe it; but I just call it Tao
  If I have to interpret it ; I would name it 揟he Universe?br》 With that Universe I mean that which extends itself everywhere
  The infinitely extending and returning
  Therefore the creative is great and the creation great and so is a wise man
  So there is a trinity of greatnesses and one of them is the true human being
  A true human being follows his nature; nature and all its eternally unchanging laws
  The laws of nature are the eternal order of the Universe
  The order of the Universe is well…founded by the Unnameable


  Heavy is the source of that which is light
  The unmoved mover is the origin of all movement
  Therefore a true human being can be in motion all day
  Not because it is him moving himself
  But because he just floats on life
  Like a spectator he enjoys the wonderful and sparkling creation
  Why should he; as the centre of the world;
  Consider himself minor to that world?
  One who knows his grandeur; comes loose of the world
  One who wanders restlessly in that world; has lost oneself


  A true traveller never takes a beaten road
  A true speaker has an answer to every question
  A true researcher has solved all problems
  A story that holds water needs no confirmation
  Nobody can refute a watertight story
  One who sees how perfectly everything is connected with everything
  Needs no theories or opinions; and no one can bring him to doubt
  That抯 why a true human being is a teacher of others
  And he loves his fellow men unconditionally
  Therefore he is shepherd of the whole creation
  And respects every thing that lives and grows
  People call this: 揟he light that has become human?br》 Therefore a true human being is a mirror for the untrue
  And it抯 his task to point out their imperfections
  One who is scared to take a look at oneself and does not love oneself
  Might know a lot of things; but he is blind
  It seems odd; but it抯 true


  One who knows his strength and yet stays mild; is the least
  Whoever is the least; is balanced like the open…minded child he once was
  One who has fathomed the lie is an example for the world
  One who became human again is an example for the world
  One knowing oneself; is a knowing among the ignorant
  One who has returned to his original purity; realizes his grandeur
  One who has abandoned his origin; becomes civilized
  To the wise man they act like actors


  One who thinks he is capable of improving Creation; will not succeed
  Creation is perfect and cannot be corrected
  One who intervenes in nature; will only destroy nature
  One who tries to control nature; will lose to nature
  Because everything is what it is and everything happens as it happens
  At times it is warm and then it is cold
  At times there are storms and then it抯 calm
  There is growth and then there is lying down
  A wise man lets himself flow along with the streams of life


  One who advocates a righteous world; uses no violence
  Because One who uses violence; provokes violence
  And where discord rules there is chaos
  And after times of conflict lean years will follow
  The righteous one does what he can and forces nothing
  Is not proud about what he achieves
  Does not brag about what he achieves
  Does not boast about what he achieves
  He only does what he does because that抯 all he can do
  And he never uses power or violence
  Civilizations which have reached their peaks
  Usher in their decay
  Civilizations are unnatural
  And what抯 unnatural; will perish


  How ingenious weaponry may seem to be; though it will always be disastrous rubbish
  Everybody hates it
  A righteous man saves himself from it
  While a true man will not soil his hands with it
  A fighter grabs for it
  Weapons are not good for meek people
  They bring nothing but trouble
  One who is wise will never ever use a weapon
  Because peace and quietness are more precious to him
  He doesn抰 enjoy victory
  Because one who enjoys victory
  Enjoys his fellow men getting killed
  And one who enjoys their fellow men getting killed
  Will never find peace in oneself
  Prosperity is considered as a personal merit
  Misfortune on the other hand is considered as an ironic freak
  Victory is the merit of men
  And defeat the blame of the commander
  But victory and defeat only brings losers


  The Unspeakable is eternal and is not to be spoken of in words
  Just like a rough piece of wood; it抯 not useful to anyone
  If leaders were an example of true living
  Everyone would join his true nature at the same time
  The heavens would dew and the clouds rain justice
  And without human intervening
  That altogether would benefit every single thing that lives beneath the firmament
  But when discord is born
  Everything must have a name
  Keep in mind that when everything has a name;
  You抣l have to stop all that
  Because one who stops will bounce off danger
  Compared to the twisted tributaries of mistake
  The straight and simple road is like a powerful stream


  One who sees trough the other is clever
  One knowing oneself is wise
  One who conquers the other is powerful
  One conquering oneself is inviolable
  One who is satisfied is rich
  One that wants a lot is busy all the time
  One who stays oneself; is a four…square fellow 

  One who dies before dying; lives in the present forever


  That which makes everything exist; is present everywhere
  It spreads itself throughout the entire Creation
  Everything owes its existence to It; everything to its own nature
  It gives everything for nothing
  It cherishes and guards everything and everyone; but expects nothing in return
  Because It does not wish for anything; It seems to be important
  It makes everything appear and disappear again
  But Itself is eternal
  Therefore the one who is wise is modest
  And because he is modest;
  His actions are grand


  For one who beholds the perfect arrangement of things
  Everything falls in its rightful place
  Nothing can harm him; and rest and peace will fall to him
  Along the way there are travellers who yield music and feasts
  Because the road to self…knowledge is acrid and unpleasant
  Not pleasant to face
  Painful to hear
  But giving an inexhaustible strength


  Only what抯 stretched out can be pulled together
  Only what抯 fortified can be weakened
  Only what抯 increased can be decreased
  Only one who has; can lose
  That must be clear
  Soft overcomes hard
  Weak overcomes strong
  Fishes belong in water
  Weapons have to be destroyed


  The Eternal Creating does nothing
  And yet it does everything
  If leaders would give in to it
  The aspect of the world would change of itself
  But since people have so much to wish for
  Only I can be an example
  The example of true simplicity
  And when the people decide to follow me
  The whole world will be in peace


  True virtues are not from this world;
  Therefore they are true virtues
  The so…called 搗irtues?in this world
  Serve only self…interest
  Therefore those are not true virtues
  One who only serves the general interest; is truthfully adequate
  One who is called charitable in this world;
  Expects thankfulness in return
  One who is called honest in this world;
  Has a hidden agenda
  Those who have been adapted to this world
  Demand that others do the same
  And if not they threaten you and get angry
  Therefore; when people stray from the straight and simple road
  Then they start to act virtuously; but they are not virtuous
  They pretend to be honest; but they are not fair
  They act decently; but they are not decent
  Civilization is just a thin crust across unfaithf
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