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  Where the nothing is; lies the room's use。
  So where we deem having it as beneficial。
  We deem use to consist in lacking it。


  The Numbing Effect of the Conventional

  The five colors stupefy the people's eyes。
  The five tones desensitize the people's ears。
  The five flavors numb the people's mouths。
  Horse races and hunting derange the people's heart…minds。
  Hard to get goods pervert the people's behavior。
  Using this: Sages deem: act for the gut not the eye。
  So they choose this and reject that。



  Favor is as disgraceful as a warning。
  Nobility is as great a trouble as a self。
  Why say 'favor is as disgraceful as a warning'?
  The favored is deemed below。
  Receiving it is like a warning。
  Losing it is like a warning。
  This is called 'favor is as disgraceful as a warning。'
  Why say 'nobility is as great a trouble as a self'?
  Deeming I have a self is what makes it possible for me have trouble。
  and if I had no self; what trouble could I have?
  Hence nobility is regarding your self as the social world。
  To the likes of that; the social world can be delivered。
  'Nobility's' love regards the self as the social world。
  To the likes of that; the social world can be entrusted。


  Metaphysical Issues

  Look at it and fail to see: its name is 'remote。'
  Listen to it and fail to hear: its name is 'diffuse。'
  Feel it and fail to get anything: its name is 'subtle。'
  This threesome cannot be exhaustively probed for portents。
  Hence we blend them and deem them as one。
  Its height is not sparkling。
  Its depth is not murky。
  String…like; it cannot be named。
  It reverts to being no natural kind。
  This we call the condition of being in no condition; the sign of nonatural kind。
  This we call 'confused' and 'indistinct。'
  Facing it you cannot see its head; Following it you cannot see itsrear
  If you grasp guiding discourse from ancient times in dealing with today'sreality
  you can know the ancient beginnings。
  This is called a guiding discourse's record。


  Mastering Guiding Discourse

  Those in ancient times who were good at deem: acting as scholars
  Were subtlety mysterious and profoundly receptive
  Unfathomably deep。
  Now; precisely because unfathomable;
  We must force a description of them。
  Cautious: like crossing a stream in winter。
  Ambivalent: like fearing those on all sides。
  Exacting: like being a guest
  Mutable: like ice on the point of melting
  Unaffected: like uncarved wood。
  Munificent: like a valley
  Obscure: like muddied water
  Who can; while muddy; using calmness gradually become clear?
  Who can; while at ease; using activity gradually come to life。?
  She who embraces this guiding discourse
  doesn't desire fulfilling。
  Now precisely because not fulfilled;
  she can obscure and not newly fabricate。


  Being a Guide

  Go to the limit of emptiness
  Take on quiet dependability
  The ten…thousand natural kinds are all dealt with。
  And I thus view their response
  In general; natural kinds flourish。
  Each responds by returning to its root。
  Returning to the root is called quietude。
  This I call responding to the word。
  Responding to the word we describe as 'constant'。
  To know what is constant we describe as 'discernment'。
  Not to know what is constant is wantonly taking risks。
  To know what is constant is openness;
  Open thus equitable;
  Equitable thus kingly;
  Kingly thus natural;
  Natural thus guiding;
  Guiding thus enduring
  Doesn't stop when you bury the body。



  The best hierarchy is one those below realize is there。
  Next to that
  is one that you feel kin to and extol。
  Next to that
  is one you dread。
  Next to that
  is one you contemn。
  When reliability is inadequate in it
  There will be unreliability in it。
  Reflectively! His ennobling of language。
  Works are completed; affairs proceed
  And the hundred surnames all call this 'our nature (our own doing)'


  The Origin of Ethical Concepts

  When the great guide is cast aside you will have 'humanity' and 'morality。'
  When intuitive wisdom emerges you will have great artifice。
  When great kinship is not in harmony; you will have 'filiality' and'affection。'
  When states and great families sink and become deranged; you will have'loyal ministers。'


  Argument for Ethical Anarchism

  Terminate 'sageliness'; junk 'wisdom'
  the people will benefit a hundred…fold。
  Terminate 'humanity'; junk 'morality'
  the people will respond with 'filiality' and 'affection。'
  Terminate 'artistry'; junk 'benefit'
  thieves and robbers will lack 'existence'。
  These three
  taken as slogans are insufficient。
  Hence; leads us to postulate that to which they belong。
  Visualize simplicity and embrace uncarved wood。
  Downgrade 'selfishness' and diminish 'desire。'
  Terminate learning and you will lack irritation。


  Left without Language

  How much separates
  'Uh huh' and 'Huh uh'?
  What is the separation like between
  'worthy' and 'vile'?
  What humans fear
  cannot not be feared。
  Futile! Not focused yet。
  The crowd festive
  like enjoying an Easter picnic
  or on an Easter sunrise hike。
  I; alone; am placidit's portent not yet clear。
  Like an infant not yet a baby。
  Like having no refuge。
  The crowd all have plenty
  I alone treat it as loss。
  Mine is the heart…mind of the stupid; indeed。
  People of custom are lustrous;
  I alone am dull。
  People of custom are critically discriminating;
  I alone obfuscate。
  Bland! It's like the ocean;
  drifting! like I have no place to stop。
  The crowd all have the…capacity…to
  and I alone am dallying and wanton。
  I alone am different from humans;
  and value nursing at Mother's breast。


  Guiding and the Physical

  The content of permeating virtuosity
  is merely following a guide。
  To deem guides as a natural kind:
  Indeed confused! Indeed indistinct!
  Indistinct! Confused!
  Within them there are signs。
  Confused! Indistinct!
  Within them there are natural kinds。
  Yawning! Murky!
  Within them there is generative energy。
  Their energy is optimally authentic。
  Within it there is reliability。
  From the past to the present
  it's name remains。
  And elucidates the crowd's honored father。
  How do I know the shape of the crowd's honored father?
  With this。


  The Point to Reversal?

  If 'crooked' then 'intact'
  If 'twisted' then 'straight'
  If 'vacuous' then 'filled'
  If 'worn out' then 'new'
  If 'deficient' then 'endowed'
  If 'endowed' then 'confounded'
  Using this: Sages embrace one
  and deem it the social world's model。
  He doesn't see by himself hence is perceptive。
  Doesn't affirm himself hence is discerning。
  Doesn't attack by himself hence has success。
  Doesn't esteem himself hence becomes an elder。
  In general: he does not dispute
  hence in the social world none is able to dispute with him。
  The ancients who said 'If 'crooked' then 'intact''
  could they have offered empty words?
  Take 'intact' as sincere and return to it。


  The Constancy of Guiding Concepts

  Rare language is our own doing。
  Hence a twisting wind does not end the morning。
  A sudden storm does not end the day。
  What makes these the case?the cosmos。
  The cosmos can raise it but cannot make it endure。
  How much more is this the case with the human realm?
  Hence those who pursue affairs with 'guidance'
  Those of 'guidance;' join in guidance。
  Those of 'virtuosity;' join in virtuosity。
  Those of 'loss;' join in loss。
  Those who join in guidance; guidance is pleased to get them。
  Those who join in virtuosity; virtuosity is pleased to get them。
  Those who join in loss; loss is pleased to get them。
  When reliability is inadequate in it
  There will be unreliability in it。


  Important distinctions

  Those who tiptoe do not stand。
  Those who stride do not walk。
  Those who see for themselves are not discerning。
  Those who affirm for themselves are not insightful。
  Those who attack it themselves do not achieve。
  Those who esteem themselves do not become elders。
  When these are in guides; we say:
  'Excess provision; redundant action。'
  Some natural kinds avoid them。
  Hence those who have guides don't place them。


  What's behind it all?

  There is a thing…kind made up of a mix。
  It emerges before the cosmos。
  Solitary! Inchoate!
  Self grounded and unchanging。
  Permeating all processes without extremity。
  We can deem it the mother of the social world。
  I don't know its name。 When put in characters we say dao。
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