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  The work done in order to shed the light of awareness on whatever is happening: also; selfless service; without prejudice; available to all。


  Do not get carried away by the group process。
  Stick to the single principle。 Then you can do good work; stay free from chaos and conflicts; and feel present in all situations。
  The superficial leader cannot see how things happen; even though the evidence is everywhere。 This leader is swept up by drama; sensation; and excitement。 All this confusion is blinding。
  But the leader who returns again and again to awareness…of…process has a deep sense of how things happen。 This leader has a simple time of it。 The sessions flow smoothly; and when the group ends; the leader is still in good spirits。


  All behaviours contain their opposites:
  … Hyper…inflation leads to collapse。
  … A show of strength suggests insecurity。
  … What goes up must come down。
  … If you want to prosper; be generous。
  … The feminine outlasts the masculine。
  … The feminine allows; but the masculine causes。
  … The feminine surrenders; then encompasses and wins。
  … Water wears away the rock。
  … Spirit overcomes force。
  … The weak will undo the mighty。
  Learn to see things backwards; inside out; and upside down。


  It puzzles people at first; to see how little the able leader actually does; and yet how much gets done。
  But the Leader knows that is how things work。 After all; Tao does nothing at all; yet everything gets done。
  When the leader gets too busy; the time has come to return to selfless silence。
  Selflessness gives one center。
  Center creates order。
  When there is order; there is little to do。


  Potent leadership is a matter of being aware of what is happening in the group and acting accordingly。 Specific actions are less important than the leader's clarity or consciousness。 That is why there are no exercises or formulas to ensure successful leadership。
  Potency cannot be calculated or manipulated; nor is it a matter of trying to look good。
  Three examples illustrate differing degrees of potency in leadership:
  … Potent: a conscious yet spontaneous response to what is happening in the here…and…now; no calculation or manipulation。
  … Less Potent: trying to do what is right。 This is calculated behaviour base don the concept of right; and manipulative behaviour based on an idea of what should happen。
  … Least Potent: imposed morality。 Imposed morality rests entirely on should and shouldn't。 It is both calculated and manipulative; and meets resistance with punishment。 It sheds no light on what is actually happening。 It often backfires。
  Leaders who lose touch with what is happening cannot act spontaneously; so when they try to do what they think is right。 If that fails; they often try coercion。
  But the wise leader who loses the sense of immediacy becomes quiet and lets all effort go until a sense of clarity and consciousness returns。


  Natural events are potent because they act in accordance with how things work。 They simply are。
  Study natural processes: the light in the sky; the gravity of earth; the unfolding of your own ideas and insights; the emptiness of space; the fullness of life; and the behaviour of saints。
  Imagine what would happen if these processes were neurotic and self…centered: a lazy sky flickers; gravity varies from moment to moment; your mind is irrational; space is agitated; life is abortive; the saints are worthless models。 Nothing works。
  The wise leader knows better than to be neurotic and self…centered。 Potency comes from knowing what is happening and acting accordingly。 Paradoxically; freedom comes from obedience to the natural order。
  Since all creation is a whole; separateness is an illusion。 Like it or not; we are team players。 Power comes through cooperation; independence through service; and a greater self through selflessness。


  Learn to return to your self。
  Become silent: What is happening when nothing is happening?
  Can you tell the difference between what is happening and how it happens?
  Can you sense how what is happening arises out of how it happens?
  Process。。。 and principle。


  The wise leader; learning how things happen; lives accordingly。
  The average leader also learns how things happen; but vacillates; now acting accordingly and then forgetting。
  The worst leaders learn how things happen and dismiss the single principle as total nonsense。 How else could their work be so futile?
  After all; they say; any principle that does not get you love or money or power must be useless。 A silent mind is a dumb mind。 Selflessness is no way to get ahead。 Virtue is for fools。 Kindness is weakness。 And so on。
  This is a problem: because the wise leader's only allegiance is to how things happen; people who do not see how things happen naturally think that the wise leader's behaviour has no basis in reality。 Also; the leader's silence and manner of being are disturbing。 Because the leader's motives are obscure; the leader is hard to figure out。
  The problem comes back to the fact that the principle is not a thing and cannot be defined。 That does not make sense to some people。
  It is not easy to understand a person whose foundation is invisible。


  The principle is not a thing。 Call it zero。
  The principle in action is the unity of creation。 This unity is a single whole。 Call it one。
  Creation consists of pairs of opposites or polarities。 Call these polarities two。
  These polarities become creative when they interact。 Their interaction is the third element。 Call it three。
  For example; a man and a woman are two。 Their interaction; or intercourse; the third element makes babies。 That is creative。 That is how all creativity occurs。
  The wise leader knows about pairs of opposites and their interactions。 The leader knows how to be creative。
  In order to lead; the leader learns to follow。 In order to prosper; the leader learns to live simply。 In both cases; it is the interaction that is creative。
  Leading without following is sterile。 Trying to become rich by accumulating more and more is a full…time career and not free at all。
  Being one…sided always produces unexpected and paradoxical results。 Being well…defended will not protect you; it will diminish your life and eventually kill you。
  Exceptions to these examples of traditional wisdom are very hard to find。


  Gentle interventions; if they are clear; overcome rigid resistances。
  If gentleness fails; try yielding or stepping back altogether。 When the leader yields; resistances relax。
  Generally speaking; the leader's consciousness sheds more light on what is happening than any number of interventions or explanations。
  Few leaders realize how much how little will do。


  Are you doing this work to facilitate growth or to become famous? Which is more important: acquiring more possessions or becoming more conscious? Which works better: getting or letting go?
  There is a problem with owning a lot。 There is a problem with getting more and more。
  The more you have and the more you get; the more you have to look after。 The more you might lose。 Is that owning or being owned?
  But if you give up things; you can give up spending your life looking after things。
  Try being still in order to discover your inner security。 If you have inner security; you will have what you want anyway。 Also you will be less harried; and you will last longer。


  The best work often seems idiotically simple to group members who are unaccustomed to this sort of leadership。 Yet a great deal happens。
  Perhaps it looks as if the leader is only sitting there and has no idea of what to do。 But it is just this lack of needless intervention that permits the group to grow and be fertile。
  Perhaps some disappointed group members expected an expert who would expound freely。 But what this leader says is so obvious; it often sounds simple…minded。 Even this leader's honesty seems strangely perplexing。
  Appearing foolish does not matter。 When you are cold; flap your arms about to get warm。 But when you are overheated; you keep still。 That is common sense。
  The leader's stillness overcomes the group's agitation。 The leader's consciousness is the primary tool of this work。


  The well…run group is not a battlefield of egos。 Of course there will be conflict; but these energies become creative forces。
  If the leader loses sight of how thing happen; quarrels and fear devastate the group field。
  This is a matter of attitude。 There is nothing to win or lose in group work。 Making a point does not shed light on what is happening。 Wanting to be right blinds people。
  The wise leader knows that it is far more important to be content with what is actually happening than to get upset over what might be happening but isn't。


  The wise leader knows what is happening in a group by being aware of what is happening here and now。 This is more potent than wandering off 
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