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  … by not being greedy for food

  … by not dominating the State

  … by keeping himself healthy and fit。

  The sage always makes sure
  that the people don't know what he'sdone;
  so they never want to be in control…
  and are never driven by ambition。

  He keeps them in truth like this actinginvisibly。

  You see; if there is nothing to fightfor
  then there is nothing that can breakthe flow。


  The Tao pours out everything into life…
  It is a cornucopia that never runsdry。

  It is the deep source of everything…
  it is nothing; and yet in everything。

  It smooths round sharpness
  and untangles the knots。

  It glows like the lamp
  that draws the moth。。。

  Tao exists; Tao is
  but where It came from I do not know。

  It has been shaping things from beforethe First Being;
  from the before the Beginning of Time。


  Heaven and earth are not like humans。

  The Tao does not act like a human。

  They don't expect to be thanked
  for making life;
  so they view it without expectation。

  Heaven and earth are like a pair ofbellows:
  they are empty; and yet they can neverbe exhausted。

  Work them; and they produce more andmore

  … there's too much talking; it's reallybetter to stay quiet。

  There are too many laws; when all youhave to do
  is to hold on to the centre。


  The Tao is the breath that never dies。

  It is a Mother to All Creation。

  It is the root and ground of everysoul

  … the fountain of Heaven and Earth;laid open。

  Endless source; endless river
  River of no shape; river of no water
  Drifting invisibly from place to place

  。。。 it never ends and it never fails。


  Heaven and earth are enduring。

  The universe can live for ever;
  because it does not live for itself。

  And so both last … outliving themselves。

  The sage guides his people
  by putting himself last。

  Desiring nothing for himself;
  he knows how to channel desires。

  And is it not because he wants nothing
  that he is able to achieve everything?


  The sage's way;
  Tao is the way of water。

  There must be water for life to be;
  and it can flow wherever。

  And water; being true to being water
  is true to Tao。

  Those on the Way of Tao; like water
  need to accept where they find themselves;
  and that may often be where watergoes to the lowest places; and that is right。

  Like a lake the heart must be calmand quiet
  having great depth beneath it。

  the sage rules with compassion;
  and his word needs to be trusted。

  the sage needs to know like water
  how to flow around the blocks
  and how to find the way through withoutviolence。

  Like water; the sage should wait
  for the moment to ripen and be right:

  water; you know; never fights

  it flows around without harm。


  Hold yourself back from filling yourselfup;
  or you'll tip off your stand。

  You can hammer a blade until it's razor…sharp…
  and in seconds; it can blunt。

  You may amass gold and jade in plenty
  but then the more you have; the lesssafety。。。

  Are you strutting your wealth likea peacock?
  Then you've set yourself up to beshot。
  You bring about your own disaster
  Because you've got too much。

  Let go; when your work is done:

  That is the Way of Heaven。


  Can you nurture your souls by holdingthem
  in unity with the One?

  Can you focus your ch'i … your energy
  and become as supple; as yieldingas a baby?

  Can you clear your mind of all itsdross
  without throwing out the Tao withit?

  Can you do it without self…interest
  so you shine like a diamond?

  Can you love the people of your nation
  without being pulled into action?

  Can you turn yourself around and letHer rise up over you?

  The world spans out in four directions…
  and can you be as embracing?

  Birthing; nurturing and sustaining:
  the Tao does this unceasingly。。。

  It gives without holding on to whatit's made;

  It gives everything essence; withoutreward

  It knows; without flaunting it

  It is serene; beyond desiring

  … and this is its Virtue and its Source。


  Thirty spokes on a cartwheel

  Go towards the hub that is the centre

  … but look; there is nothing at thecentre
  and that is precisely why it works!

  If you mould a cup you have to makea hollow:
  it is the emptiness within it thatmakes it useful。

  In a house or room it is the emptyspaces
  … the doors; the windows … that makeit useable。

  They all use what they are made of
  to do what they do;

  but without their nothingness theywould be nothing。


  The five colours blind the eye …

  The five notes deafen the ear。。。

  The five tastes deaden the mouth:

  Riding the chase on horseback overthe fields
  drives you crazy when you overdo it;

  And wanting what's precious
  you do what distorts your being。

  The sage knows this in his gut;
  And is guided by his instinct

  and not by what his eyes want。


  Most people fret about themselves andtheir status;
  but you don't have to do this。

  What is success and what is failure?

  If you have prestige and favour;
  all you worry about is that it'llget taken away。
  And if you have a lowly place;
  you are still basically afraid。
  So both; at the root; make for fear。

  What does it mean that success is aproblem?

  It means people are too bound up inthemselves。
  If they weren't so self…obsessed
  they'd have no need to be worried。

  If you can put yourself aside …
  then you can do things for the wholeof the world。
  And if you love the world; like this
  then you are ready to serve it。


  When you gaze at something but see … nothing;

  When you listen for a sound but cannothear it;

  When you try to grasp it and find ithas no substance

  … then these three things
  That go beyond your mind
  Are moulded together in the One。

  Its surface doesn't shine; but noris its base dull。

  Given this; it is only knowable asa no…thing。

  Confront it … it has no head;

  Come behind it; and it has no tail。。。

  If people could follow the ancientway;
  then they would be masters of themoment。

  And if you know this way
  then you have seen the timeless wayof the Tao。


  In ancient times; the leaders were assubtle as sorcerers。

  No one knew what they were about todo。

  How can we describe them to you?

  They were like soldiers about to crossa cold river;
  hesitant; watchful and uncertain。

  They were cautious like people whoknow
  there is danger。

  They were over…polite; like practisedguests。

  They gave way like ice; melting

  They were simple like uncarved wood

  They were empty like deserted valleys

  They were muddy like unreflecting water。

  The mud will settle; and it is hardto wait for it。
  But if you can; then you can act。

  If you follow the Tao without pretension
  You will never burn yourself out。


  The sage rules from the purest motives
  Relying wholly on quiet and innerpeace。

  He watches the seasons rise and fall

  And if he knows how things grow; heknow

  They are fed by their roots

  And return to their roots;
  To grow and flower and flow。

  Every thing must have its roots;
  and the tendrils work quietly underground。
  This quite feeding is the Way of Nature。

  If you understand ch'ang … this principleof nurturing;
  you can understand everything。
  Not understanding it will lead youto disaster。

  If a sage knows this; he can rule
  And he will do so with patience andjustice。

  Any man can become wise in this
  And he can walk the Way of Heaven

  And if you walk that way
  you will be royal in the mastery

  Life can end in pain
  But if you live like this;
  under the Tao

  You will fill your days with breath。


  The highest form of government
  Is what people hardly even realizeis there。

  Next is that of the sage
  Who is seen; and loved; and respected。

  Next down is the dictatorship
  That thrives on oppression and terror…

  And the last is that of those who lie
  And end up despised and rejected。

  The sage says little …

  and does not tie the people down;

  And the people stay happy
  Believing that what happens
  happens; naturally。


  When the Great Tao is lost sight of …
  Then people have to try to be kindand gentle。

  They try to compensate by being clever
  But this only breeds hypocrisy andsleight…of…hand。

  When families fall out
  relationships sour into useless formality。

  When the nation is misled and in chaos
  ministers mouth empty promises。


  If the sage could abandon his w
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