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And so the Wise Person: Goes by the belly; not by the eye。 Yes: He leaves 'that' aside; and attends to 'this'。
〃Favour and disgrace: this means being upset high rank does great damage to your self。〃
What does it mean; 〃favour and disgrace: this means being upset〃? Favour is degrading: Gaining it you will be upset losing it you will be upset This is what it means; 〃favour and disgrace: this means being upset。〃
What does it mean; 〃high rank does great damage to your self〃? What is the source of the great damage done me? It is because I have a self If I had no self what damage could be done me? This is what it means; 〃high rank does great damage to your self。〃
Yes: A valuing of one's self that regards the self the same as the world … this means one can be entrusted with the world。 A loving of one's self that regards the self the same as the world … this means one can be given the world。
〃Look for It; you won't see It: It is called 'fleeting' Listen for It; you won't hear It: It is called 'thin'。 Grasp at It; you can't get It: It is called 'subtle'。〃
These three lines are about something that evades scrutiny。 Yes; in it everything blends and becomes one。
Its top is not bright Its underside is not dim。 Always unnameable; It turns back to nothingness。
This is the shape of something shapeless the form of a nothing this is elusive and evasive。 Encountering It; you won't see the front following It; you won't see Its back。
Keep to the Tao of the ancients and so manage things happening today。 The ability to know the ancient sources; this is the main thread of Tao。
The Excellent shih of ancient times penetrated into the most obscure; the marvelous; the mysterious。 They had a depth beyond understanding。
They were simply beyond understanding。 The Appearance of their forceful presence: Cautious; like one crossing a stream in winter timid; like one who fears the surrounding neighbours reserved; like guests
yielding; like ice about to melt unspecified; like the Uncarved Block all vacant space; like the Valley everything mixed together; like muddy water。
Who is able; as muddy water; by Stilling to slowly become clear? Who is able; at rest; by long drawn…out movement to slowly come to life?
Whoever holds onto this Tao does not yearn for solidity。 He simply lacks solidity; and so what he is capable of: Remaining concealed; accomplishing nothing new。
Push Emptiness to the limit; watch over Stillness very firmly。
The thousands of things all around are active … I give my attention to Turning Back。 Things growing wild as weeds all turn back to the Root。
To turn back to The Root is called Stillness。 This is 'reporting in' 'reporting in' is becoming Steady。 Experiencing Steadiness is Clarity。 Not to experience Steadiness is to be heedless in one's actions … bad luck。
Experiencing Steadiness; then one is all…embracing all…embracing; then an impartial Prince Prince; then King King; then Heaven Heaven; then Tao
Tao then one lasts very long。 As to destroying the self; there will be nothing to fear。
The greatest ruler: those under him only know he exists the next best kind: they love and praise him the next: they are in awe of him the next: they despise him。
When sincerity does not suffice it was not sincerity。
(〃Reticent … he is sparing with words。〃) He achieves successes he accomplishes his tasks and the hundred clans all say: We are just being natural。
When Great Tao vanished we got 'Goodness and Morality。'
When 'Wisdom and Know…how' arose we got the Great Shams。
When the six family relationships fell into disharmony we got 'Respect and Caring。'
When the states and the great families became all benighted and disordered we got 'Loyal Subjects'。
Discard 〃Wisdom;〃 throw away 〃Knowledge〃 … the people will benefit a hundredfold。
Discard 〃Goodness;〃 throw away 〃Morality〃 … the people will turn back to respect and caring。
Discard 〃Skill;〃 throw away 〃Profit〃 … robbers and thieves will disappear。
Taking these three lines as your text … this is not sufficient。 Give them something to fasten on to:
Pay attention to the Raw; embrace the Uncarved discount your personal interests; make your desires few; doing of the will of every man would put an end to vain ambitions and desires。
Break with Learning; and there will be no trouble。 'Yeah' and 'yes sir' … is there a big difference between them? 'Excellent' and 'despicable' … what's the real difference between them?
〃What others hold in respect; we can't fail to respect。〃 Craziness。 Aren't we over this yet?
〃All the others are beaming and beaming like people enjoying a great ceremonial feast; like people climbing an overlook tower in the spring。 I am alone still … no indications at all yet like an infant who hasn't yet even smiled。 So sad。 Like someone with no place to go home to。
All the others have a superabundance I alone seem to have missed out。 Oh my simpleton's mind! So confused。
Ordinary men are so bright I alone am so dull。 Ordinary men are so sharp I alone am so stupid。 Churned up like the ocean; blown about; like someone with no place to rest。
All the others all have their function I alone am thick…headed; like someone from the back country。〃 I am alone; different from others … treasuring the nourishing Mother。
The impression made by magnificent Te comes only from Tao。
Tao is a something but elusive; but evasive。 Evasive; elusive; inside it lies the mind's true form。 Elusive; evasive; inside it lies something substantial。 Shadowy; dim。 Inside it lies vital energy。 This energy is very strong inside it lies true genuineness。
From ancient times until today Its name has not been forgotten allowing us to see the beginnings of everything。
How do I recognize the form of the beginnings of everything? By this low in the cycle of Change; which is Love and Beauty。 How do I know this? By my comprehension of the Dao。
〃Bent … then mature。〃 Compromised … then upright Empty … then solid old and spent … then young and sprightly。 A little … then a gain a lot … then confusing。
And so the Wise Person: Embraces The One Thing; and becomes the Shepherd of the World。
He does not show off; so he shines he does not promote himself; so he becomes famous he does not boast of himself; so he gets the credit he does not glorify himself; so he becomes leader。
He just does not contend and so no one can contend with him。
What the ancients said: 〃bent … then mature;〃 is this an empty saying? This is true maturity; turn back to it。
Speaking little is what is natural。 Yes: A whirlwind does not blow a whole morning a downpour does not fall a whole day。
And who causes these things? … Heaven and Earth。 If even Heaven and Earth cannot make things last very long; how much less can man。
Yes: One devoted to Tao: Is a Tao man; merges with Tao is a Te man; merges with Te is a man left out; merges with What Is Left Out。
One who merges with Tao; Tao welcomes him one who merges with Te; Te welcomes him one who merges with What Is Left Out; What Is Left Out welcomes him。
When sincerity does not suffice; it was not sincerity。
〃A person on tiptoe is not firmly planted a person in a rush will not go far。〃
One who shows off will not shine one who promotes himself won't become famous
one who boasts of himself will get no credit one who glorifies himself will not become leader。
In Tao this is called 'Stuffing oneself';'overdoing it。' Things seem to detest this; so the ambitious man does not dwell here。
There was a chaotic something; yet lacking nothing born before Heaven and Earth。 Alone。 Still。 Standing alone; unchanging。 Revolving; endlessly。 It can be thought of as Mother of the World。
I do not know its name; one can call it 'Tao。' The name of its powerful presence: One can call it 'The Great One。'
Great means going forth going forth means going far away going far away means turning back。
Yes: Tao is great Heaven is great Earth is great (the king is also great in the universe there are four great ones and the king takes his place as one of them)。
Earth gives the rule for people Heaven gives the rule for Earth Tao gives the rule for Heaven the rule for Tao: things as they are。
Heaviness is the root of lightness Stillness is the master of agitation。
And so the Wise Person: Travels all day; not departing from the heavy baggage wagon although there are grand sights; he sits calmly aloof。
Why is this? A 10;000…chariot lord; mindful of his self takes the world lightly。
Light; then lose the Root agitated; then lose the mastery。
Excellent traveling: no tracks or traces Excellent speaking: no blemish or blame。 Excellent counting does not use counting slips。
Excellent locking: no bolt or bar; but the door cannot be opened。 Excellent tying: no cord or rope; but the knots cannot be undone。
And so the Wise Person: Always Excels at rescuing people and so does not turn anyone away