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  Higher propriety is acting yet the response of noone appears
  Next comes grabbing the arm yet throwing it aside。

  So lose tao yet back ideal
  Lose ideal yet back humanity
  Lose humanity yet back morality
  Lose morality yet back propriety。

  In the end those with propriety
  Have loyal belief without warmth yet the leader of being confused
  Those with knowledge of what comes next
  The flower of Tao yet the origin of being fooled。

  Appropriately it happens that the great husband
  Dwells in what is spread thickly; not residing in what lacks warmth
  Dwells in the fruit; not residing in the flower。

  So detach from that; grab this。


  From old those which are with one:
  Heavens with one; settling happens
  Earth with one; a direction happens
  Spirit with one; animation happens
  Valley with one; fullness happens
  The 10000 things with one; giving birth happens
  Nobles and kings with one; pure action in the world happens。

  These are the results:
  Heavens absent of settling will; I am afraid; crack
  Earth absent of direction will; I am afraid; shake
  Spirit absent of animation will; I am afraid; fall asleep
  Valley absent of fullness will; I am afraid; be used up
  The 10000 things absent of giving birth will; I am afraid; die off
  Nobles and kings absent of pure action will; I am afraid; be set back。

  So it happens that the common acts as a root to the treasured
  The lower acts as a base to the higher。

  Appropriately it happens
  That kings and nobles call themselves orphaned; widowed; unfavored。
  Does it not happen that the common acts as root to the anomalous?
  Are not these the same?

  So incur praise absent of praising
  Be without desiring to tinkle; tinkle; as if jade
  Clatter; clatter; as if stone。


  That which returns is tao moving
  That which lessens is tao using。

  The world; the 10000 things give birth in relation to presence
  Presence gives birth in relation to absence。


  Better knights hear of tao
  Dutifully; yet they are practicing it
  Average knights hear of tao
  They look aware; they look unaware
  Lesser knights hear of tao
  They have great laughing。

  Without laughing; there's not enough of the action of tao happening。

  So long…established words are present。
  Luminous tao looks dark
  Advancing tao looks like it is falling back
  Level tao looks uneven
  Better ideal looks like a valley
  Great whiteness looks spotted
  Extensive ideal looks like it lacks enough
  Established ideal looks unsteady
  Durable ideal looks changeable
  Great squares are absent of corners
  Great tools are slowly perfected
  Great music sounds faint
  Great form lacks shape。

  Tao is hidden; absent from name
  In the end;
  Only tao values lending at interest and moreoverperfects。


  Tao gives birth to one
  One gives birth to two
  Two gives birth to three
  Three gives birth to the 10000 things。

  All things carry yin and embrace yang
  With their blended animus; action in harmony happens。
  In the time of men they dislike orphaned; widowed; unfavored
  Yet kings and lords regard such as praiseworthy。

  Men have told others
  I also am telling
  Those who are striving and fierce die incomplete。
  I use this as the father of my teaching。


  The most yielding reach of he world
  Gallops around the most rigid reach of the world
  Absence of presence enters absence of space。

  Appropriately I come to know
  There is presence of advantage in the absence ofacting。

  Telling without words
  Advantage in the absence of acting
  The world rarely reaches this。


  Name or body; which is more prized?
  Body or wealth; which is more abundant?
  Obtaining or losing; which is the greater fault?
  So appropriately
  Being very fond seeds great cost
  What is abundantly stashed seeds heavy loss。

  Know enough; lack disgrace
  Know to stop; lack danger
  Growth and the long…lasting can happen。


  Great perfection looks incomplete
  Used it lacks impairment
  Great fullness looks like it needs more
  Used it lacks exhaustion。

  Great straightness looks bent
  Great skill looks awkward
  Great eloquence looks like it stutters。

  Restlessness conquers the cold
  Stillness conquers the heated
  Clarity and stillness act on the world; ordering it。


  When the world is present with tao
  It happens that even galloping horses fertilize
  When the world is absent of tao
  War…horses exist in the suburbs。

  No calamity is greater than relating to not knowing enough
  No fault is greater than relating to the desire to obtain。
  So know the enough of being enough
  There is entirely enough to go with each。


  Without going out through doors know the world
  Without seeing out through windows see the tao of the heavens
  Who travels extremely far knows extremely little。

  Appropriately it happens that sages
  Are without going out yet know
  Are without seeing out yet name
  Are without acting yet perfect。


  Act academic; daily gain
  Act tao; daily lose。
  Losing; again lose
  It happens; reaching relating to the absence ofacting
  Absence of acting yet absence of being without acting。

  Grabbing the world; an entire absence of effort happens
  Liking entirely the presence of effort
  Is insufficient to precede grabbing the world。


  Sages are entirely absent of mind
  It happens that the mind of the one hundred families acts as a mind。

  Those who are valued I am valuing
  Those who lack value I also am valuing
  Ideal valuing。
  Those who are believed I am believing
  Those who are not believed I also am believing
  Ideal believing。

  Sages in the world inhale
  Inhale; act; mix with the mind of the world。

  The one hundred families concentrate their ears and eyes
  Sages are each being children。


  Life going out; death entering
  There is living following 13
  There is dying following 13。
  The life of man strives toward the realm of death; also 13。

  Why is it so in the end?
  It happens; it is life lived thickly。

  As a fact it is well known that those skilled in preserving life
  Travel the land without running into rhinos andtigers
  The militia enters and the strategy is to lack armor。

  The rhino is absent of a place to thrust its horn
  The tiger is absent of a place to affix its claw
  The army is absent of a place to admit its blade。

  Why is it so in the end?
  It happens; they are absent of the realm of death。


  Tao is giving birth
  Ideal is raising
  Things are embodying
  The environment is perfecting。

  Appropriately it happens that of the 10000 things
  None lack venerating tao yet treasuring ideal。

  The venerability of tao; the treasurability of the ideal
  In the end it is the command of noone yet it isentirely natural。

  So tao is giving birth
  Ideal is raising
  Growing; rearing; balancing; maturing; deepening; enveloping。

  Giving birth yet without possessing
  Acting yet without relying
  Growing yet without directing
  Appropriately called insightful ideal。


  The world is present of an origin
  It happens that this acts as the mother of the world。

  Grasp and hold what is the mother
  Knowledge of what is the child happens
  Grasp knowledge of what is the child
  Return; keep to what is the mother
  Till the end the body lacks danger。

  Cork its bottle
  Obstruct its door
  Eventually the body lacks straining。

  Open its bottle
  Complete its effort
  Eventually the body lacks hope。

  Seeing the small say luminous
  Keeping to yielding say strong
  Using what is bright
  Return; merge with what is luminous。

  An absence of offering bodily misfortune as a gift
  Is appropriately called learning entirely。


  Supposing myself to have as little knowledge as I do
  I am doing things relating to great tao
  It alone imposes appropriate respect。

  Great tao is very even yet people are fond of byways
  Courts are very divided
  Fields are very weedy
  Granaries are very empty
  Clothes are ornamented and patterned
  Sharp swords are worn
  Food and drink satiate
  Money and goods are present in surplus。

  Appropriately called robbery; extravagance
  This way is also not tao。


  That which is valuably established is not weeded out
  That which is valuably embraced is not shed off。

  It happens; children and grandchildren
  Sacrifice to ancestors without reflection。

  Tending to relating to the body
  Its ideal will be real
  Tending to relating to the family
  Its ideal will be bubbling over
  Tending to relating to the community
  Its ideal will 
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