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  People value life so little because rulers value living so much。
  Having little to live on; one knows to not value life too much。


  When you are born; you are gentle and weak;
  when you die; you are stiff and hard。
  When plants are growing they are soft and supple。
  After they die they become brittle and dry。
  Thus stiff and hard are close to death;
  and soft and gentle are close to life。
  A tree that does not bend; breaks。
  The soft and weak overcomes the hard and strong。


  Nature's way is like bending a great bow:
  The top comes down; and the bottom comes up。
  Length is shortened; and width is expanded。
  Nature's way is to take from the too…much; and give to the not…enough。
  Man's way is usually the opposite。
  Who has enough to offer the world?


  There is nothing more soft and yielding than water;
  Yet nothing is better for overcoming the hard and strong。
  It has no equal。
  Thus those who take blame; honor the nation。
  Those who accept disaster; save the nation。


  Patching up differences always leaves some differences behind。
  What can one do?
  Always keep your half of the bargain; and never exact your due。
  A powerful person tries to patch up。
  A weak person tries to assign blame。
  Truly; nature is never partial; but always good。


  Let there be a small nation; with few people;
  with many tools; and none being used。
  Let the people value death; and not travel far。
  Let them count on their fingers;
  and live in neighborhoods overlooking each other。
  And let all things grow in peace。


  Truth is not beautiful; beauty is not true。
  The sage does not hoard: The more that is given; the more gets received。
  Move like water; rest like a mirror; respond like an echo。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  English interpretation by
  John R。 Mabry; PhD


  The Tao that can be described in words is not the true Tao
  The Name that can be named is not the true Name。
  From non…existence were called Heaven and Earth
  From existence All things were born。
  In being without desires; you experience the wonder
  But by having desires; you experience the journey。
  Yet both spring from the same source and differ mostly in name。
  This source is called 〃Mystery〃
  Mystery upon Mystery;
  The womb giving birth to All of being。


  When people see beauty as beautiful;
  They recognize other things as ugly。
  When people see goodness as good;
  They recognize other things as being bad。
  Therefore existence and non…existence produce one another
  Difficult and easy achieve each other
  Long and short define each other
  High and low rely on each other
  Voice and accompaniment harmonize with one another
  Front and back follow each other。
  Therefore; the Sage acts without 〃doing〃
  And teaches without words。
  All things arise and she does not refuse them。
  She creates; but does not possess
  Accomplishes; but takes no credit
  When finished; she doesn't dwel on it。
  Because she does not dwel on it; it is always present。


  Do not exalt people who are extraordinarily talented
  Or the people will become competitive。
  Do not value precious goods
  Or the people will become thieves。
  Do not make a public display of riches and finery
  Or the people's hearts will be envious and discontent。
  Therefore; the wise leader will empty their hearts of coveting
  and fil their bellies with sustainance。He discourages their ambition
  and strengthens their bones。
  If the people are simple and free from desire;
  the crafty will not dare to take advantage of them。
  By practicing 〃not doing;〃 nothing will remain undone。


  The Tao is like an empty pitcher;
  Poured from; but never drained。
  Infinitely deep; it is the source of All things。
  It blunts the sharp;
  Unties the knotted;
  Shades the bright;
  Unites with All Dust。
  Dimly seen; yet eternally present;
  I do not know who gave birth to it;
  It is older than any conception of God。?br》

  Heaven and Earth are impartial;
  They allow things to die。
  The Sage is not sentimental;
  She knows that All beings must pass away。
  The space between Heaven and Earth is like a bellows
  Empty; yet inexhaustible
  The more it is used; the more it produces。
  Trying to explain; it will only exhaust you。
  It is better to hold on to ambiguity。


  The spirit of emptiness is eternal。
  It is called 〃the Mysterious Woman。〃
  Her womb is called 〃the Source of Heaven and Earth。〃
  Dimly seen; yet eternally present
  It is always there for you to use。 It's easy!?br》

  Heaven is eternal; and Earth is long…lasting。
  Why are they so enduring?
  Because they do not live for themselves。
  Therefore the Sage puts himself last
  And finds himself in the foremost place。
  He does not promote himself; thus he is preserved。
  Because he has no thought of 〃self;〃
  He is perfectly fulfilled。


  The sagely person is like water
  Water benefits All things and does not compete with them。
  It gathers in unpopular places。
  In this it is like the Tao。
  In dwelling; live close to the Earth。
  In thinking; be open to new ideas。
  In relationships; be kind。
  In speech; tel the truth and keep your word。
  In leading people; demonstrate integrity。
  In daily matters; be competent。
  In acting; consider the appropriate timing。
  If you do not try to prove yourself superior to others;
  You will be beyond reproach。?br》

  Filling your cup until it overflows
  Is not as good as stopping in time。
  Oversharpen your sword
  and it will not protect you very long。
  You may fil your halls with gold and jewels
  But you cannot keep them safe。
  Being rich; highly esteemed and proud
  will only bring you trouble。
  When you have done a good job; rest。This is the Way of Heaven。


  Being both body and spirit;
  can you embrace unity and not be fragmented?
  Being spiritually focused;
  can you become soft; like a newborn baby?
  Being clear in mind and vision;
  can you eliminate your flaws?
  Loving All people and leading them well;
  can you do this without imposing your will?
  When Heaven gives and takes away;
  can you be content to just let things come or go?
  And even when you understand All things;
  can you simply allow yourself to be?
  To give birth and nourish;
  To make and not own;
  To act but not expect something in return;
  To grow; yet not demand this of others;
  This is the virtue of Mystery。?br》

  Thirty spokes join together at one hub;
  But it is the hole in the center that makes it operable。
  Clay is molded into a pot;
  But it is the emptiness inside that makes it useful。
  Doors and windows are cut to make a room;
  It is the empty spaces that we use。
  Therefore; existence is what we have;
  But non…existence is what we use。


  Too many colors tax people's vision。
  Too many sounds deaden people's hearing。
  Too many flavors spoi people's taste。
  Thrill…seeking leads people to do crazy things。
  The pursuit of wealth just gets in people's way。
  Therefore; the Sage provides for her needs;
  not her desires。
  She renounces the latter; and chooses the former。


  Success is often as unsettling as failure。
  The world's troubles are no more important
  Than the well…being of your own body。
  Why do I say; 〃Success is often as unsettling as failure?〃
  Success strikes us deep。
  It shakes us up to get it。
  It shakes us up to lose it。
  Thus; success is really little different than failure;
  For both are unsettling。
  Why do I say; 〃The World's greatest troubles are no more important
  than the well…being of your own body?〃
  The reason I think I have troubles
  Is because I have materia existence。
  If I had no body; what troubles could I possibly have?
  What we must do is see the whole world as our 〃Self。〃
  Only then will we be worthy
  Of being entrusted with the World。
  Only One who values the World as his own body
  can truly rely on the World in return。


  Look for it and it cannot be seenit is beyond sight。
  Listen for it and it cannot be heardit is beyond hearing。
  Grasp at it and it cannot be caughtit is beyond substance。
  These three cannot be fully comprehended。
  They are fundamentally connected and somehow they are one。
  Its highest isn't bright。
  Its lowest isn't dark。
  It is infinite! Continually emerging; completely beyond description;
  It returns again and again to nothingness。
  And this is what nothingness looks like:
  It is the image of the absence of being。
  (It sounds vague and elusive to me!)
  Approach it and you wi not see its beginnin
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