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  It is the image of the absence of being。
  (It sounds vague and elusive to me!)
  Approach it and you wi not see its beginning
  Follow it and you will not see its end。
  If you cling to the Tao of ancient times
  The present will be no problem。
  To know the ancient origin is to follow the Tao。?br》

  The Sages of old were scholars who knew well
  The way of subtlety; mystery and discernment。
  Their wisdom was beyond comprehension。
  Because they were beyond comprehension;
  I can only describe their appearance:
  They were cautious; as if crossing a river in winter。
  They were hesitant;
  as if fearing danger from All sides; They were polite; as if they were
  They were always growing;
  like the puddle from a melting cube of ice。
  They were genuine; like an uncarved block of wood。
  They were as open…minded as a valley。
  They were open to infinite possibilities; like a turbulent storm。
  Who can wait for the storm to stop;
  To find peace in the calm that follows?
  The person who is able to wait patiently in this peace
  will eventually know what is right。
  Those who respect the Tao do not go to extremes。
  Not going to extremes; they are inconspicuous and content。?br》

  If you can empty yourself of everything;
  You will have lasting peace。
  Things arise; but I contemplate their return。
  Things flourish and grow; and then return to their Source。
  To return to the Source is to know perfect peace。
  I call this a return to Life。
  Returning to Life is a Universa Constant。 Knowing this is illuminating。
  Someone who doesn't understand this is in error
  and may act dangerously。
  But knowing this Constant; you can embrace All things。
  Embracing All things; you can treat them fairly。 Treating them fairly;
  you are noble。
  Being noble; you are like the cosmos。
  If you are like the cosmos; you are like the Tao。
  If you are like the Tao; you will have eterna life;
  and you needn't be afraid of dying。


  The best leader is one that the people are barely aware of。
  The next best is one who is loved and praised by the people。
  Next comes one who is feared。
  Worst is one who is despised。
  If the leader does not have enough faith in the people;
  They will not have faith in him。
  The best leader puts great value in words and says little
  So that when his work is finished
  The people All say; 〃We did it ourselves!〃?br》

  When the great Tao is abandoned;
  Ideas of 〃humanitarianism〃 and 〃righteousness〃 appear。
  When intellectualism arises
  It is accompanied by great hypocrisy。
  When there is strife within a family
  Ideas of 〃brotherly love〃 appear。
  When a nation is plunged into chaos
  Politicians become 〃patriotic。〃?br》

  Forget 〃holiness;〃 abandon 〃intelligence〃
  and people will be a hundred times better off。
  Give up 〃humanitarianism;〃 put away 〃righteousness〃
  and people will rediscover brotherly love and kindness。
  Forget 〃great art;〃 throw away 〃profit〃
  and there will be no more thieves。
  These things are superficia and are simply not enough。
  People need something solid to hold on to。
  And here it is:
  Be real。
  Embrace simplicity。
  Put others first。
  Desire little。


  Forget ambitious acquisition of knowledge;
  and your sorrows will end。
  How much difference is there between 〃yes〃 and 〃no〃?
  What is the distinction between 〃good〃 and 〃evil〃?
  Must I value what others value? Nonsense!
  Having no end to their desires; they are desolate。
  People rush here and there; maybe going to a feast;
  Or perhaps climbing a tower in the springtime。
  I alone am calm and unconcerned。
  Like an unselfconscious infant
  At peace and having no destination。
  Most people have more than they need。
  But I alone seem lost and out of place。
  I have the mind of a foolso confused!
  Ordinary people are bright。
  I alone seem dim。
  Ordinary people are discriminating。
  I alone am ambivalent。
  As quiet as the ocean。
  As free as the wind。
  People rush about on their very important business。
  But I alone seem incorrigible and uncouth。
  I am different from ordinary people;
  I enjoy feeding from the Great Mother's breasts。?br》

  The only virtue worth having is that of following the Tao;
  and the only thing you can say about the Tao;
  Is that it is elusive and evasive。
  It is elusive and evasive; yet it can be observed。
  It is evasive and elusive; yet it does manifest itself。
  It is dim and dark; yet its essence can be grasped。
  Its essence is unquestionably genuine。 You can put your faith in it。
  From the beginning of time until the present;
  Its Name has remained。
  In it one can see All of Creation。
  How do I know where All of Creation comes from?
  I know the Tao!


  If you don〃t want to be broken; bend。
  If you want to be straight; allow some crookedness。
  If you want to be filled; become empty。
  If you want to be made new; let yourself be used。
  If you want to be rich; desire little。 Wanting more and more is craziness!
  Therefore the sage embraces oneness
  and becomes a mode for the world。
  Not self…centered; she is enlightened。
  Not self…righteous; she is a shining example。
  Not self…glorifying; she accomplishes glorious things。
  Not boastful; she grows large inside。
  She alone does not compete;
  And so the world can never overcome her。
  When the ancients said; 〃If you don't want to be broken; bend〃
  Were they just uttering empty words?
  Bend sincerely and wholeness will return to you。


  Nature uses few words。
  So; a whirlwind will not last All morning。
  A sudden storm will not last All day。
  What causes these?
  Heaven and Earth。
  If Heaven and Earth need not speak for long;
  How much less should humankind?
  Therefore; one who seeks the Tao is at one with the Tao。
  One who seeks goodness is good。
  One who seeks loss is lost。
  If you are one with the Tao; the Tao eagerly accepts you。
  If you are one with goodness; goodness is happy to receive you。
  If you are one with loss; loss welcomes you。
  If you do not trust enough; you will not find trust。


  One who stands on tiptoe does not stand firm。
  One who rushes ahead is likely to trip。
  One who listens only to himself cannot learn。
  One who considers himself righteous; isn't。
  One who brags; has nothing to brag about。
  One who feels sorry for himself does not grow。
  Compared to the Tao; these people are table scraps and wasted effort;
  and not well…liked by anyone or anything。
  So; if you follow the Tao; you will not live like that。


  Before Heaven and Earth were born
  There was something undescribable。
  Perfectly still; having no form;
  It stands alone; and does not change。
  It acts perpetually; yet never tires。
  It could very well be the Mother of the Universe。
  I don't know its name; so I just call it the Tao。
  If forced to give it a name; I would call it Great。
  Being Great; I call it eternal。
  Being eternal; I call it infinite。
  Being infinite; I call it Reconciliation。
  Therefore; the Tao is Great。
  Heaven is Great。
  The Earth is Great。
  Humankind is also Great。
  In the Universe there are these four things which are Great;
  And Humankind is one of them。
  Humankind follows the Earth;
  The Earth follows Heaven;
  Heaven follows the Tao;
  And the Tao just acts like itself。


  Heaviness is the root of lightness。
  Stillness is the master of restlessness。
  Therefore; the Sage walks All day
  and never parts from the baggage wagon。
  Although there are many beautifu palaces to behold;
  He is beyond such things and is at peace。 Why should the ruler of 10;000
  Act with such frivolity in this world?
  To act lightly is to lose one's root。
  To be restless is to lose one's self control。


  A skillful walker leaves no tracks。
  A skillful speaker makes no mistakes。
  A skillful accountant needs no counting…devices。
  A well…made door needs no lock; yet cannot be opened。
  A well…made binding uses no rope; yet will not be undone。
  Therefore; the Sage is always there to help people
  So that no one is forsaken。
  She is always there to see to things
  So that nothing is lost。
  This is called being clothed in light。
  What is a good person but a bad person's teacher?
  What is a bad person but raw materia for a good person?
  If you do not respect your Teacher;
  Or love your 〃raw material;〃
  You are greatly confused; regardless of your intelligence。
  I call this an essential; yet subtle mystery。


  Know the active; the masculine
  Yet keep to the passive; the feminine
  And you will cradle the World。
  If you lovingly hold the World
  You will
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