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  To govern men and to serve heaven nothing is better than to have a reserve。
  The Master indeed has a reserve; it is called brilliant foresight。
  Brilliant foresight is called the increasing abundance of Teh。
  If you have an ever…increasing abundance of Teh ; then your Inner Life is unconquerable。
  If you Inner Life in unconquerable; then its limits cannot be known。
  If you cannot gauge the limits of your Inner Life; then you shall surely possess the kingdom。
  If you possess the Mother of the kingdom;
  You shall endure forever。
  This is to be deep rooted and to have a firm foundation。
  The possessor of Tao shall have enduring life and infinite vision。


  Govern a Great State
  As you would cook a small fish (do it gently)。
  When Tao is manifest in the world
  Evil spirits have no power。
  When evil spirits have no power
  They cannot hurt men。
  Evil spirits cannot hurt men。
  The self…controlled man does not hurt men。
  The Master also does not hurt men。
  Therefore they unite in manifesting Teh。


  A great kingdom; lowly like running water; is the Meeting…place of the world。
  It is the feminine quality of the world。
  The feminine quality always overcomes the masculine by stillness。
  In order to be still; we must become lowly。
  Therefore; if a great kingdom is lowly towards a little kingdom it will take possession of the little kingdom。
  If a little kingdom is lowly towards a great kingdom it will take possession of the great kingdom。
  So one becomes lowly in order to conquer;
  The other is lowly and yet it conquers。
  If a great kingdom only desires to unify and nourish men;
  If a small kingdom only desires to enter in and serve men;
  Then the Master; in each case; shall obtain his desire。
  He who is great ought to be lowly。


  He who has the Tao is the refuge of all beings。
  He is the treasure of the good man;
  He is the support of the man who is not good。
  Beautiful words through Tao gain power;
  Man; by following it gains steadfastness in action;
  But; by the evil man; its possession is ignored。
  The Son of Heaven sits enthroned;
  His three Ministers are appointed。
  One carries inj his hand a tablet of jade:
  Another is followed by a mounted retinue;
  But the one who is most values sits quietly; and offers as his gift this Tao。
  How was the Tao prized by men of Old?
  Daily they sought for it。
  They found it; hid within the Self。
  It gives a way of escape to the guilty。
  Therefore it is prized by all men。


  Be active; with the Activity of Inner Life。
  Serve; with the Service of Inner Life。
  Be fragrant; with the Fragrance of Inner Life。
  The great shall be small;
  The many shall be few; and
  Evil shall be recompensed by goodness。
  Mediate on difficult things till they become easy。
  Do great deeds till they appear to be small。
  To serve men in difficult things;
  We must begin by easy things。
  To serve men in great things;
  We must begin by doing small things。
  That is why the self…controlled man to the end of life does not become great; and thus he can perfect his greatness。
  The Master has little faith in a quickly mad promise。
  Many things are easy; many are also difficult。
  The self…controlled man takes hold of difficulties。
  To the end of life he solves difficulties in the Inner Life。


  His Restfulness is easily maintained。
  Events foreseen by him are easily arranged for。
  By him weak things are easily bent;
  And small things are easily scattered。
  He can stop an evil before it comes into existence。
  He can keep a twig straight before it becomes crooked。
  Behold the girth of this tree!
  It grew from a small filament of a stalk。
  This tower of nine stories has its base upon a small space on the earth。
  The journey of a thousand miles began with a footstep on the ground。
  He who makes; unmakes。
  He who grasps; lets go。
  That is why the self…controlled man by Inner Life can make and by Inner life unmake; by Inner Life can grasp and by Inner Life let go。
  Men in business affairs come near perfection; then fail。
  If they were as attentive at the end as at the beginning their business would succeed。
  That is why the self…controlled man desires to have no wishes; he sets no value upon rare objects; he learns without study; he helps all beings by the outflow of his personality; and he does this without planning to do it。


  Of Old; he who was active in Tao did not use it to make people enlightened; but to make them more kind。
  If people are difficult to govern it is because they have too much knowledge。
  Therefore if you govern a kingdom by knowledge; you will be an oppressor of the kingdom。
  But if you govern a kingdom by wisdom; you will give happiness to the kingdom。
  If you know and do these things you will be a pattern for men。
  Knowledge of how to be always a pattern for men is called profound Teh。
  Profound Teh is in the very source of life; it pervades the utmost limits of life; it returns and dwells in every being。
  When fully manifested; it unites all beings in a great harmony。


  The Rivers and the Seas (because they seek a lowly place) are Lords of a hundred valleys
  Let your love flow; seek a lowly place; you will be Lord of a hundred valleys。
  That is why if the self…controlled man desires to exalt the people; in his speech he must take a lowly place; if he desires to put the put the people first he must put himself after them。
  Thus; though he dwells above them; the people are not burdened by him
  Though he is placed before them; the people are not obstructed by him;
  Therefore men serve him gladly; they do not tire in serving him。
  Because he does not strive; no one in the world can strive against him。


  In the world many call me great; yet I seem to have no intelligence。
  The Master indeed is great; yet he also seems to have no intelligence。
  As regards our intelligence; its smallness is of long continuance。
  The Master and I have three treasures;
  We hold them and prize them。
  The first is called 〃Deep Love;〃
  The second is called 〃Protectiveness;〃
  The third is called 〃Not planning to be first。〃
  Having Deep Love; you then can have courage。
  Having Protectiveness; you then can give freely。
  Not planning to be first; you will be a perfect instrument that will endure。
  Now; men neglect Deep Love and seek courage;
  They put aside Protectiveness and see extravagance。
  They leave the second place and seek the first; Then death comes。
  The Master fights by means of Love; then he conquers。
  He keeps guard by means of it; then he is impregnable。
  Heaven will save him and Love will defend him。


  He who loves; in being a soldier is not warlike。
  He who loves; in fighting is not angry。
  He who loves; in conquering does not grasp fo self。
  He who loves; in employing men is lowly before them。
  This is called Manifestation of non…greed。
  It is called the power of using men。
  It is called Unity with Heaven。
  Of Old it was man's highest aim。


  A great soldier used to say:
  〃I plan not to be a Lord; but to be a follower; I plan not to advance an inch; but to recede a foot。
  This is called:
  Advancing with the advantage of Inner Life; baring the arm with the energy of Inner Life; grasping a weapon with the force of Inner Life; meeting the foe as a soldier of Inner Life。
  There is no calamity greater than lightly to engage in war。
  To engage lightly in war is to lose our treasure of gentleness。
  Therefore; when soldiers meet who are equally strong;
  He who is compassionate shall conquer。


  My words are very easily known。
  They are very easily practiced。
  No one in the world can fully know them;
  No one in the world can fully practice them。
  My words come from one Source;
  My service is to one Ruler。
  The Master indeed knows the Inner Kingdom;
  That is why he knows the negation of self。
  Few there are who know the self。
  Because they know it not; they prize the self。
  That is why the self…controlled man wears wool。
  But in his bosom are jewels。


  To know that we are ignorant is a high attainment。
  To be ignorant and to think we know is a defect。
  The Master indeed can cure this defect。
  That is why he has not this defect。
  The self…controlled man has not this defect;
  He takes hold of his defect and cures it。
  That is why he has not this defect。


  If the people do not dread majesty;
  Then great majesty will come to them。
  Let them guard the innermost of their dwellings;
  Let them press towards the innermost of their life。
  The Master indeed is not bound;
  That is why he is not bound。
  That is how the self…controlled man knows the Self and perceives the not…Self。
  He loves the Self; an
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