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  All things depend upon it for life; and it does not fail them。
  It works in our favor; yet claims no credit。

  The Tao clothes and cares for all things; without being their master。
  We can say it is small;
  yet it is a refuge for all things;without controlling any thing。
  We can say it is great;
  but the Tao does not make a big thing of itself;
  and so is able to achieve great things。


  The Big Picture: The Tao is unlike the world of appearance 

  Observe the world as a vast unfolding appearance。
  Events transpire harmlessly in great peace and serenity。

  Music and enticing food may make those passing by stop。
  But when the word 揟ao?leaves our mouth;
  it has no taste; and is without flavor。
  Looked for; it cannot be found。
  Listened for; it cannot be heard。
  Yet when used; it is inexhaustible。


  Reverse Psychology: Doing the opposite to get what we want 

  If we want to fold something up; we must first spread it out。
  If we want to weaken something; we must first strengthen it。
  If we want to get rid of something; we must first encourage it。
  If we want to have something; we must first let it go。

  This is called The Secret Wisdom:
  That the soft and the weak shall overcome the hard and the strong。

  As a fish should not be taken from its pool;
  so a country抯 resources should not be displayed。


  The Catalyst: Accepting what is leads to peace 

  The Tao never does anything; yet there is nothing it leaves undone。
  If our leaders could hold to this; everything would be transformed。

  If transformation occurs and desires still arise;
  I will cool them down with the nameless original simplicity。
  If I cool them with the nameless original simplicity;
  they will be free of desires。

  If they are free of desires there will be tranquillity;
  and all will be right with the world。


  True or False? What happens when we lose the Tao 

  Those who are most worthy don抰 make an issue of their worth;
  this is why they are worthy。
  Those who are least worthy never let go of their self…importance;
  this is why they are not worthy。
  Great character is natural and not contrived。
  Lesser character may look natural; but it is an act。

  When true kindness is performed;
  it is done without thought of the result。
  When true justice is applied;
  it is done with deliberation。
  If we are considerate in our actions; and yet no agreement is reached;
  then preparations are made for conflict and confrontation。

  So it is; that when the Tao is lost; righteousness remains。
  After righteousness is lost; kindness remains。
  After kindness is lost; justice remains。
  After justice is lost; polite behavior remains。
  Those who rely on polite behavior inspire superficial loyalties;
  and this is the beginning of disorder。

  Until we become familiar with it;
  our knowledge of the Tao is superficial。
  This is the beginning of ignorance。
  At our best we focus on the substantial;
  and are not taken in by what is flimsy。
  At our best we deal with what is deep rather than superficial。
  So we leave the one and take the other。


  Getting our Act Together: Wholeness is tranquil 

  Long ago these things became whole:
  Heaven became whole; and was clear。
  Earth became whole; and was peaceful。
  The gods became whole; and had vitality。
  The valley became whole; and was plentiful。
  All things became whole; and came to life。
  Princes and Kings became whole;
  and acted righteously towards the world。

  Because of this it is said:
  If Heaven were not clear;
  there would be fear of it splitting asunder。
  If Earth were not peaceful;
  there would be fear of it being laid to waste。
  If the gods had no vitality;
  there would be fear of them giving up。
  If the valley were not plentiful;
  there would be fear of it being exhausted。
  If all things did not take birth;
  there would be fear of them becoming extinct。
  If Princes and Kings did not act righteously;
  there would be fear of them stumbling and falling。
  What is noble is rooted in what is humble。
  What is high is founded upon that which is low。
  This is why Princes and Kings identify themselves with
  the orphan; the lonely; and the destitute。
  This is taking the humble as our root; is it not?

  So it is; when we seek praise; we do not receive real praise。
  And it is for this reason;
  that we do not desire the rarest jade; or necklaces of garnet。


  Going Home: The Tao is realized by yielding to it 

  Returning is the movement of the Tao。
  By yielding we realize the Tao。

  All things are born of Existence。
  Existence is born of Emptiness。


  All the Scholars: Poking fun at the Tao 

  When the best scholars hear of the Tao;
  they practice it with diligence。
  When the middling scholars hear of the Tao;
  they seem to get it; and then seem to lose it。
  When the worst scholars hear of the Tao;
  they make fun of it。
  If they didn抰 laugh at it; it wouldn抰 be the Tao。

  The sayings go:
  The light of the Tao appears dark。
  Progress in the Tao looks like retreat。
  The smooth Tao appears tangled。
  The highest truth seems incomplete。
  The greatest purity seems defiled。
  Vast goodness appears to be inadequate。
  Proven integrity looks furtive。
  The simplest truth seems fickle。
  An infinite square has no corners。
  Those with the greatest ability mature slowly。
  The perfect note is rarely heard。
  The great world of appearance has no shape。
  The Tao is hidden and has no name;
  and yet by it we are forgiven and fulfilled。


  The Harmony of Yin and Yang: Evolving from the Tao 

  The Tao gives birth to the One。
  The One gives birth to the Two。
  The Two gives birth to the Three。
  The Three gives birth to the Ten Thousand Things。
  The Ten Thousand Things are supported by Yin;
  and embraced by Yang。
  These energies blending in harmony。

  This is what all people dread: to be widowed;
  to be orphaned; and to go hungry。
  Yet royalty identify themselves with these people。

  What declines then increases; and what increases then declines。

  I teach what everyone else teaches:
  Those who rule by force will surely die。
  I will take this as the root of my teaching。


  Subtlety: The power of the soft and the small 

  The softest thing in the world;
  can leap over the hardest thing in the world。

  What has no existence can enter where there are no spaces。
  This is how I know that not…doing is of benefit。

  To teach without words; and to help without interfering。
  In all the world; this is attained by few people。


  Your Money or Your Life: Too much of a good thing 

  Fame or life; which is closer to our heart?
  Life or possessions; which is more important?
  Gain or loss; which is more harmful?

  Excessive passions are very costly。
  Those who hoard greatly will lose much。

  By knowing when we have had enough; we avoid disgrace。
  Those who know when to stop will come to no harm;
  and will long continue。


  Almost Perfect: Perfection ain抰 what it抯 cracked up to be 

  Absolute perfection appears to be lacking something;
  and yet its use is not impaired。
  Great abundance seems empty;
  and yet it is inexhaustible。

  True directness seems crooked。
  True skill appears awkward。
  Accomplished debate sounds inarticulate。

  Movement overcomes cold。
  Stillness overcomes heat。
  Clarity and tranquillity make everything right in the world。


  Dissatisfaction: Being at peace 

  When Tao rules in the world; work…horses manure the fields。
  When Tao does not rule in the world;
  war…horses are bred outside the city。

  There is no greater disaster than not
  knowing when we have had enough。
  There is no greater fault than the desire for gain。
  Therefore those who know when enough is enough;
  always have enough。


  Seclusion: The further we go the less we know 

  Without going out our door we can know the whole world。
  Without peering out our window we can see the Tao of Heaven。
  The further we go the less we know。

  This is why wise ones:
  Do not have to go anywhere to know everything。
  Do not have to see something to understand it。
  Do not have to do anything to achieve everything。


  Spontaneous Action: Unlearning is the way of the Tao 

  In the act of learning there are daily increases。
  In enacting the Tao there are daily decreases。
  Decrease; and decrease again until we reach
  the not…doing of effortless spontaneous action。
  In not…doing; nothing is left undone。

  In dealing with worldly affairs; resist getting caught up in them。
  If we do get entangled; we will not be as effective。

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