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  The Sage looks after as a mother does her children。


  Men go out of life and enter into death。
  The parts (proportions) of life are three in ten; the parts of death are also three in ten。 Men that from birth move towards the region of death are also three in ten。 Why is it so? Because of their redundant effort in seeking to live。 But only those who do nothing for the purpose of living are better than those who prize their lives。 For I have heard that he who knows well how to conserve life; when travelling on land; does not meet the rhinoceros or the tiger; when going to a battle; he is not attacked by arms and weapons。 The rhinoceros can find nowhere to drive his horn; the tiger can find nowhere to put his claws; the weapons can find nowhere to thrust their blades。 Why is it so? Because he is far beyond the region of death。


  Tao produces them (all things);
  Virtue feeds them;
  All of them appear in different forms;
  Each is perfect by being given power。
  Therefore none of the numerous things does not honour Tao and esteem virtue。
  The honouring of Tao and the esteem of virtue are done; not by command; but always of their own accord。 Therefore Tao produces them; makes them grow; nourishes them; shelters them; brings them up and protects them。
  When all things come into being; Tao does not reject them。
  It produces them without holding possession of them。
  It acts without depending upon them; and raises them without lording it over them。
  When merits are accomplished; it does not lay claim to them。
  Because it does not lay claim to them; therefore it does not lose them。


  The beginning of the Universe; when manifested; may be regarded as its Mother。
  When a man has found the Mother; he will know the children accordingly;
  Though he has known the children; he still keeps to the Mother:
  Thus; however his body may decay; he will never perish。
  If he shuts his mouth and closes his doors;
  He can never be exhausted。
  If he opens his mouth and increases his affairs;
  He can never be saved。
  To see the minuteness of things is called clarity of sight。
  To keep to what is weak is called power。
  Use your light; but dim your brightness;
  Thus you will cause no harm to yourself。
  This is called following the eternal (Tao)。


  Let me have sound knowledge and walk on the great way (Tao);
  Only I am in fear of deviating。
  The great way is very plain and easy;
  But the people prefer by…paths。
  While the royal palaces are very well kept;
  The fields are left weedy
  And the granaries empty。
  To wear embroidered clothes;
  To carry sharp swords;
  To be satiated in drink and food;
  To be posessed of redundant riches …
  This is called encouragement to robbery。
  Is it not deviating from Tao?


  What is planted by the best planter can never be removed;
  What is embraced by the best embracer can never be loosened。
  Thus his children and grandchildren will be able to continue their ancestral sacrifice for endless generations。
  If he applies Tao to himself his virtue will be genuine;
  If he applies it to his family his virtue will be abundant;
  If he applies it to his villiage his virtue will be lasting;
  If he applies it to his country his virtue will be full;
  If he applies it to the world his virtue will be universal。
  Therefore by one's person one may observe persons;
  By one's family one may observe families;
  By one's village one may observe villages;
  By one's country one may observe countries;
  By one's world; one may observe worlds。
  How do I know that the world may be so (governed by Tao)?
  By this (observation)。


  He who is endowed with ample virtue may be comapred to an infant。
  No venemous insects sting him;
  Nor fierce beasts sieze him;
  Nor birds of prey strike him;
  His bones are frail; his sinews tender; but his grasp is strong。
  He does not know the conjugation of male and female; and yet he has sexual development;
  It means he is in the best vitality。
  He may cry all day without growing hoarse;
  It means that he is in the perfect harmony。
  To know this harmony is to approach eternity。
  To know eternity is to attain enlightenment。
  To increase life is to lead to calamity。
  To let the heart exert the breath is to become stark。


  Blunt all that is sharp;
  Cut all that is divisible;
  Blur all that which is brilliant;
  Mix with all that is humble as dust;
  This is called absolute equality。
  Therefore it cannot be made intimate;
  Nor can it be alienated。
  It cannot be benefited;
  Nor can it be harmed。
  It cannot be exalted;
  Nor can it be debased。
  Therefore it is the most valuable thing in the world。


  Albeit one governs the country by rectitude;
  And carries on wars by strategems;
  Yet one must rule the empire by meddling with no business。
  The empire can always be ruled by meddling with no business。
  Otherwise; it can never be done。
  How do I know this is so?
  By this:
  The more restrictions and avoidances are in the empire;
  The poorer become the people;
  The more sharp implements the people keep;
  The more confusions are in the country;
  The more arts and crafts men have;
  The more are fantastic things produced;
  The more laws and regulations are given;
  The more robbers and thieves there are。
  Therefore the Sage says;
  Inasmuch as I betake myself to non…action; the people of themselves become developed。
  Inasmuch as I love quietude; the people of themselves become righteous。
  Inasmuch as I make no fuss; the people of themselves become wealthy。
  Inasmuch as I am free from desire; the people of themselves remain simple。


  When the government is blunt and inactive the people will be happy and prosperous;
  When the government is discriminative; the people will be dissatisfied and restless。
  It is upon misery that happiness rests;
  It is under happiness that misery lies。
  Who then can know the supremacy (good government)?
  Only when the government does no rectifying。
  Otherwise the rectitude will again become stratagem;
  And good beome evil。
  Men have been ignorant of this; since long ago。
  Therefore the Sage is square but does not cut others;
  He is angled but does not chip others;
  He is straight but does not stretch others;
  His is bright but does not dazzle others。


  In ruling men and in serving heaven; the Sage uses only moderation。
  By moderation alone he is able to have conformed early (to Tao)。
  This early conformity is called intensive accumulation of virtue。
  With this intensive accumulation of virtue; there is nothing that he cannot overcome。
  Because there is nothing that he cannot overcome; no one will be able to know his supremacy。
  Because no one knows his supremacy he can take possession of a country。
  Because what he does is identified with the Mother in taking possession of a country; he can long endure。
  This means that he is deep rooted and firmly based; and knows the way of longevity and immortality。


  Govern a great state as you would cook a small fish (do it gently)。
  Let Tao reign over the world; and no spirits will show their ghostly powers。
  Not that the spirits have no more powers;
  But their powers will not harm men。
  Nor will the Sage harm the people。
  Inasmuch as none of them harms anybody;
  Therefore virtue belongs to them both。


  A great state is the worlds low…stream (to which all the river flows 'sic' down); the world's field and the world's female。 The female always conquers the male by quietude; which is employed as a means to lower oneself。 Thus a great state lowers itself towards a small state before it takes over the small state。 A small state lowers itself towards a great state before it takes over the great state。 Therefore some lower themselves to take; while some lower themselves to gather。 A great state wishes nothing more than to have and keep many people; and a small state wishes nothing more than to get more things to do。 When the two both mean to obtain their wishes; the greater one should lower itself。


  Tao is the source of all things; the treasure of good men; and the sustainer of bad men。
  Therefore at the enthronement of an emperor and the appointment of the three ministers; better still than those who present jewels followed by horses; is the one who sitting presents (propounds) this Tao。 Why did the ancients prize this Tao? Was it not because it could be attained by seeking and thus the sinners could be freed? For this reason; it has become the most valuable thing in the world。
  Good words will procure one honour; good deeds will get one credit。


  Act non…action; undertake no undertaking; taste the tasteless。
  The Sage desires the desireless; and prizes no articles that are difficult to get。
  He learns no learning; but
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