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  There was no occasion for their employment。
  Being simple;
  The commerce of the community required
  no greater means than knotted cords
  to ease the accounting of transactions。
  Thus the people were:
  … Satisfied with their food。
  … Content with their clothing。
  … Comfortable with their shelter。
  … Happy with their customs and traditions。
  Even though neighboring communities
  were within sight and earshot of cocks and barking dogs;
  They would leave each other in peace while they would grow old and die。



  Truthful words are rarely pleasant and fine sounding。
  Pleasant and fine sounding words are rarely truthful。

  The good need not prove by argument。
  To prove by argument is rarely good。

  True wisdom rarely springs from learning。
  Learning rarely is indicative of true wisdom。

  The sage need never hoard。
  Doing more for others; The more he gains。
  Giving more to others; The greater is his abundance。
  The Tao of heaven benefits without injury or harm。
  The Tao of the Sage accomplishes without striving or contention。 

  ?Copyright 1997 Alan B。 Taplow
  First published in 1982 … ISBN 0…941758…01…X
  All Rights Reserved … This complete heading must appear on all copies
  Permission given to freely copy and distribute as long as not for commercial gain。
  If sold for profit; permission must be obtained from:
  Alan B。 Taplow
  844 John Fowler Road
  Plainfield; VT 05667  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  Chinese … English by
  John Louis Albert Trottier; 1994


  TAO (THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE) can be talked about;
  but not the Eternal Tao (Laws of the Universe)。
  Names can be named;
  but not the Eternal Name。
  (You cannot name the unknown。)
  As the origin of heaven…and…earth;
  it is not describable:
  As 〃the Mother〃 of all things;
  it is describable。
  (You cannot describe the unknown origin。)
  As it is always hidden;
  We should look at its Inner Sum and Substance (through philosophy
  and poetry):
  As always visible;
  We should look at its Outer Form (through science and obsevation)。
  These two flow from the same source
  (the Laws of the Universe;)
  though differently named;
  And both are called mysteries。
  The Mystery of mysteries is the Gate of all sum and substance。
  (Beyond the gate of experience is the Way。
  It is in all ways greater and more subtle than the world。)


  When all the world recognizes beauty as beauty;
  this in itself is ugliness;
  (for it lacks a seeing of the Truth。)
  (When all of humankind abstracts beauty there is no beauty)。
  When all the world recognizes good as good; this in itself is
  (for it lacks a seeing of the Truth。)
  (What is good in one circumstance is bad in another)。
  Indeed; the hidden and the visible give birth to each other。
  Hard and easy balance each other。
  Long and short give measure to each other。
  High and low set measure to each other。
  Voice and sound give wholeness each other。
  Back and front follow each other。
  Therefore; the Complete Thinker
  experiences without abstraction
  and accomplishes without visible action;
  Yet spreads their teaching by actions。
  Accepting the ebb and flow of
  the many living things。
  Raises them;
  but makes no claim of them。
  Does his work;
  but does not brag about it。
  Finishing tasks;
  and moves on。
  And yet it is just because
  of moving on。
  That nobody can take
  works away。


  By not making great the worthy
  you will cause the people
  to stop from having enemies and fighting。
  (When everyone is equal; each is rewarded fairly。)
  By not giving value to
  goods hard to get;
  you will cause the people
  to stop from robbing and stealing。
  (When material goods have no value there is no temptation to steal。)
  By not showing
  what people would like to have;
  you will cause the people's hearts
  to remain undisturbed。
  (When people are not tempted to own things they do not desire things。)
  Therefore; the Complete Thinker's way of governing begins by
  Emptying the heart of wants;
  Filling the belly with food;
  Relaxing the ambitions; (not creating a temptation);
  Toughening the bones; (guiding a healthful life)。
  In this way will cause
  the people to remain
  without strategy
  and without desire;
  and prevent the knowing ones
  from causing any trouble。
  Practice doing things at the Proper Speed; and everything
  will be in order。


  The Tao (the Law of the Universe) is like
  an empty bowl。
  Which in being used
  can never be filled up
  。 So deep it
  cannot be measured;
  it is the
  origin of all things。
  It blurs
  all sharp edges;
  It unties
  all tangles;
  It blends
  all lights;
  It unites the world
  into one whole。
  in the depths;
  Yet it seems to
  exist for ever。
  I do not know
  whose child it is;
  It is the common ancestor
  of all;
  the father of all things。
  (It is the Universal Laws from the beginning of our Universe);
  To live by these Laws is to
  live in harmony with our
  True Nature。


  Heaven…and…Earth is
  not sentimental;
  It treats all things
  like straw dogs
  The Complete Thinker is
  not sentimental;
  Treats all people
  as straw dogs
  ( equally)。
  Between Heaven and Earth;
  There seems to be
  a Bellows:
  It is empty;
  yet it can
  not be emptied;
  The more it works;
  the more comes
  out of it。
  The Complete Thinker
  draws upon the universal experience
  thus cannot be exhausted。
  Better look for it
  within you。
  The Tao (the Laws of the Universe) is
  in all that exists。


  The Spirit of
  the Valley dies not。
  It is called
  the Secret
  which is Filled with
  womanly qualities。
  The Gateway of the
  Secret is
  Filled with womanly qualities
  Is called
  the Womb of Heaven…and…Earth。
  Staying like
  a fog;
  it has only a
  hint that it is there;
  And yet when you
  use it;
  it is always there
  without end。


  Heaven lasts long; and
  Earth lasts。
  What is the secret of
  their lasting?
  Is it not because
  they do not live for themselves
  That they can
  live so long?
  The Complete Thinker wants to
  remain behind;
  But is found at
  the head of others;
  Ignores his desires;
  But is found
  Is it not because
  of selflessness
  That True Self is realized?


  The highest form of
  goodness is like water。
  Water knows how to
  benefit all things
  without contention。
  It flows to places
  others disdain。
  It comes near the Tao (the Laws of the Universe)。
  In choosing your dwelling;
  know how to keep the ground。
  In cultivating your mind;
  know how to dive
  in the hidden depths。
  In dealing with others;
  know how to be
  gentle and kind。
  Speak within
  In governing;
  know how to
  maintain order。
  In transacting business;
  know how to
  be efficient。
  In making a move;
  know how to
  choose the right moment。
  If you
  do not contend;
  none contend
  against you。


  Fill a cup
  to its brim;
  it is easy
  to spill。
  Do not
  over do the task;
  close it。
  Temper a sword throughout
  to its hardest;
  and it is easily broken。
  Fill your house
  with gold and
  it can not
  be guarded。
  (Do not tempt
  others for
  someone will
  give in to temptation。)
  Set store
  by your riches and
  you easily fall。
  This is the Tao
  (the Laws of the Universe):
  When your purpose is achieved retire。


  In keeping the spirit
  and the vital soul
  Are you able to
  maintain their perfect blending?
  Breath gently
  and become newborn。
  Clear your inner vision;
  and become clear。
  In loving your people and
  governing your state;
  Are you able to
  be impartial?
  In opening and shutting
  of heaven's gate(your heart);
  you become
  Enlightened and
  far into all directions;
  Can you at the same time
  remain not involved and
  not interfere?
  Raise your people with care!
  Feed your people!
  Raise them without saying
  they are your own!
  Do your work
  without setting
  any value to it!
  Be one to be followed;
  not one who commands!
  This is called Hidden Powers。
  This is true harmony。


  Thirty Spokes
  converge upon a single hub;
  It is on
  the hole in the center
  that the use
  of the cart hi
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