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  Who knows people is clever;
  Who knows self has enlightenment。
  Who conquers a people has force;
  Who conquers self is truly strong。
  Who knows when they have enough are rich;
  And who follows carefully
  the path of Tao (the Laws of the Universe)
  is a person of steady purpose。
  Who stays
  where they have found their true home
  lasts long;
  And who dies but is not forgotten enjoys real longevity。


  The Great Tao (the Laws of the Universe)
  is universal like a flood。
  How can it be turned
  to the right
  or to the left?
  All creatures depend on it;
  and it denies nothing to anyone。
  It does its work;
  But it makes no claims for itself。
  It clothes and feeds all;
  But it does not rule them
  : Thus; it may be called
  〃the Little。〃
  All things return to it
  as to their home;
  But it does not rule them:
  It may be called
  〃the Great。〃
  It is just because it
  does not wish to be great
  That its greatness
  is fully realized。
  The Complete Thinker
  would not control the world;
  They are in harmony
  with the world。


  Who holds to the Great Pattern
  will attract all things to them。
  They go to them and
  receive no harm;
  in them they find
  security and
  Music and
  snacks can only
  make a passing guest pause。
  The words of Tao (the Laws of the Universe)
  have lasting effects;
  They are mild and
  We look and see nothing。
  We listen and hear nothing。
  But if we use it;
  It is without end。


  What is in the end
  to be shrunken;
  Begins by being first
  stretched out。
  What is in the end
  to be weakened;
  Begins by being first
  made strong。
  What is in the end
  to be thrown down;
  Begins by being first
  set on high。
  What is in the end
  to be raped;
  Begins by being first
  given riches。
  Herein is the hidden
  wisdom of life:
  The soft and
  overcomes the
  hard and strong。
  Just as the fish
  must not leave
  the deeps;
  The words of agression
  should not be used。


  Tao (the Laws of the Universe) never makes
  any showiness;
  And yet it
  does everything。
  If a ruler can
  stick to it;
  All things will
  grow of themselves。
  When they have
  grown and
  tend to make an excitement;
  It is time to keep them
  in their place
  by the aid of
  the nameless First Simplicity。
  Which alone can
  control the desires
  of people。
  When the desires
  of people
  are limited;
  there will be peace;
  And the world
  will settle down
  of its own agreement。


  High Virtue (Power) is completely virtuous (powerful) without chasing after
  virtue (power);
  Therefore it has Virtue (Power)。
  Low Virtue (Power) is always chasing after virtue (power)
  and never frees itself from the chase;
  Therefore it is without Virtue (Power)。
  High Virtue (Power) is without problems and is without private goals to
  Low Virtue (Power) not only makes problems but has private goals to serve。
  High humanity makes problems but is without private goals to serve:
  High morality not only makes problems but has private goals to serve。
  High ceremony makes problems but is without response;
  Then it raises its arms to show itself。
  Losing Tao ( the Laws of the Universe ); man uses Virtue (Power)。
  Losing Virtue (Power); humans use humanity。
  Losing humanity; people use morality。
  Losing morality; humans use ceremony。
  Ceremony is the shell of faith and loyalty;
  It is the beginning of all;
  not understanding and mix…up。
  Knowing the future; is only; the
  attractive without substance part; of the Tao ( the Laws of the Universe);
  And the beginning of foolishness。
  The full…grown human
  Can enter the substance
  rather than the shell;
  Can enter totality
  rather than the promise。
  They prefer what is within
  instead of appearance。


  There are many things that have achieved Oneness。
  The sky achieved Oneness and became clear;
  The earth achieved Oneness and became calm;
  The spirits achieved Oneness and became charged with powers;
  The fountains achieved Oneness and became full;
  All of the plants and animals achieved Oneness and became reproductive;
  Leaders achieved Oneness and became the greatest rulers of the world。
  All of them are what they are by virtue
  ( the power ) of Oneness。
  If the sky were not clear; it would be likely to fall to pieces;
  If the earth were not calm; it would be likely to burst into bits;
  If the spirits were not charged with powers; they would be likely to cease
  from being;
  If the fountains were not full; they would be likely to dry up;
  If all the plants and animals were not reproductive; they would be likely
  to cease to exist;
  If the leaders were not the greatest rulers; they would be likely to
  stumble and fall。
  Truly; humility is the root from which greatness springs;
  The High must be built upon the foundation of the low。
  That is why leaders describe themselves 〃The Helpless One;〃 〃The Little
  One;〃 and 〃The Worthless One。〃
  To gain the peoples support。
  They realize their
  dependence upon the lowly。
  Get honor
  by not being honored。
  It is not wise to
  shine like jade and
  sound like stone…chimes。
  (The true leader
  has substance
  rather just appearance。)


  The movement of the
  Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
  consists of Returning。
  (In science; for every physical action there is a physical reaction。 Itis
  the same in social order。)
  The use of the
  Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
  consists of perception。
  (Understand the root cause and you will understand the process。)
  All things
  under heaven
  are born
  of the Visible;
  The Visible
  is born
  of the Invisible。
  (The principals that we do not directly perceive create what we see。
  Chaos has a pattern if only we use our intuition。)


  When a wise scholar hears the Tao ( the Laws of the Universe );
  They practice it without fail。
  When a average scholar hears the
  Tao ( the Laws of the Universe );
  They move between belief and unbelief。
  When a worthless scholar hears the
  Tao ( the Laws of the Universe );
  They laugh loudly at it。
  If such a one does not laugh at it;
  The Tao ( the Laws of the Universe ) would not be the Tao ( the Laws ofthe
  Universe )!
  To the untrained observer;
  Who understands the Tao; seems foolish;
  Who progresses in the Tao; seems to fail;
  Who follows the Tao; seems to wander。
  The wise people of old have truly said:
  The bright Way looks dim。
  The forward Way looks backward。
  The smooth Way looks rough。
  High Virtue (Power) looks low like a bottomless pit。
  Great clearness looks spotted。
  Unending Virtue (Power) looks like it is not enough。
  Proved Virtue (Power) looks pitiful。
  Solid Virtue (Power) looks as though melted。
  Greatest space has no corners。
  Great talents are slowly mastered。
  Great music has the rarest sound。
  Great Form is shapeless。
  The Tao ( the Laws of the Universe ) is hidden and nameless;
  It alone knows how to give help and to make whole。


  Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
  gave birth to One;
  ( The Unified Field )
  One gave birth to Two;
  ( Energy and Matter; E=MC2 )
  Two gave birth to Three;
  ( Gravity; Nuclear and Electro…Magnetic Forces)
  Three gave birth to all things。
  All the things carry the
  Yin (physical(matter)) on their backs and
  hold the
  Yang (spiritual(energy)) to their chest;
  Getting their vital balance from the
  proper blending of the two vital Breaths。
  (Physical(matter) and Spiritual(energy))
  What is more hated by men than to be 〃helpless( in need of help);〃
  〃little( no desire to be superior );〃 and
  〃worthless ( no desire to be rich )〃?
  These are the very names the
  true leaders call themselves。
  You can gain by losing (putting ourselves in a position to gain);
  And you can lose by gaining (receiving our hearts desire and feeling lost
  What others have taught I repeat:
  〃A person who lives for destruction will attract destruction to themself。〃
  (Destruction attracts destruction。
  Construction attracts construction。
  Weakness attracts destruction。
  Virtue (power) attracts construction。)
  I will make this chapter my most important teaching。


  The softest
  of all things
  Wears down
  the hardest of all things。
  Only No thing
  can enter into
  I know the
  advantages of
  doing everything at
  its own speed。
  Few things
  under heaven
  teach as much a
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