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( View all you see based on the Laws of the Universe。)
Bring the world together
into one completeness!
( Understand the oneness of the World。 )
This is called
the Beyond Understanding Completeness;
Which you cannot attract
or push away;
Benefit or hurt;
Honor or reduce。
It is the Highest Truth of the world。
You lead a group with correctness;
You fight a war by moves not thought of by your enemies;
You win the world by not using effort。
How do I know this is so?
By what is within me!
The more things that are forbidden
and limited in the world;
The poorer the people become。
(Freedom for the people is required for a full life。)
The more destructive the weapons
the people possess;
The greater confusion controls the land。
(People are dangerous to other people and the greater the tools of
destruction in their hands the more they will destroy。)
The more clever and tricky the men;
The more often strange things happen。
(People who cheat the Laws of the Universe cause a lack of balance which
can not last。)
The more well spoken the laws and rulings;
The more robbers and thieves there are。
(The more rules there are; the more likely people will break them in the
course of life。
Then after breaking some rules the other rules are less respected and
criminals are considered normal citizens。)
The Complete Thinker says:
I live a simple life;
and the people change themselves。
I love quiet;
and the people settle down in their regular jobs。
I look to effortlessness;
and the people grow rich。
I have no desires;
and the people return to Simplicity。
Where the leader is quiet; quiet;
The people are simple and happy。
Where the leader is dishonest; dishonest;
The people are tricky and unhappy。
Bad fortune is what
good fortune leans on;
Good fortune is what
bad fortune hides in。
Who knows the final end of this process?
Is there not a normal of right?
What is normal; soon
becomes not normal;
And what is good soon
turns bad。
Long indeed have the
people been in difficulty。
The Complete Thinker:
makes even without cutting;
Is honest without hurting;
Is direct without effort;
Teaches without causing the mind to be excited。
In governing a people
and in serving Heaven;
There is nothing like
not being wasteful。
To not be wasteful
is to return before
going away from the path。
To return
before going away
from the path
is to have
a double supply of Virtue (Power)。
To have
a double supply of Virtue (Power)
is to overcome everything。
To overcome everything
is to have no limits。
Only they who have no limits can have a kingdom。
Only they who have the true understanding of the Tao can last long。
This is the way
to be deep…rooted and
in the Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )。
This is the secret of
long life and
lasting understanding。
Ruling a big kingdom
is like cooking
a small fish。
( You have to be
careful not to burn it。)
When a person of
Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
rules over the world;
demons have
no spiritual powers。
Not that the demons
have no spiritual powers;
but the spirits themselves
do no harm to humans。
Not that the spirits
do no harm to humans;
but the Complete Thinker
does no harm to the people。
If only
the leader and
would stop
from hurting
each other;
all the good things
of life
get together
in the kingdom。
A great Country
is like the lowland
to which all streams flow。
It is the lake
of all under heaven;
the Feminine of the world。
The Feminine
always conquers
the Masculine
by her quietness;
by lowering herself
through her quietness。
If a great country
can lower itself
before a small country;
it will win over
the small country;
and if a small country
can lower itself
before a great country;
it will win over
the great country。
The one wins
by lowering itself;
the other;
by remaining low。
What a great country wants
is simply
to accept more people;
and what a small country wants
is simply
to serve its protector。
Each gets what it wants。
But it benefits
a great country
to lower itself。
The Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
is the hidden Source
of all things。
A treasure
to the honest;
it is a protection
to the confused。
A good word
will find its own location。
A good deed
may be used as a gift to another。
A person
missing the right path
Is no reason
they should be thrown away。
At the official times of empowerment;
Let others offer their discs of jade; following it up with cars and boats;
It is better for you to offer
the Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
without moving your feet!
Why did the people of the past prize
the Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )?
It is because
by the virtue (the power) of it;
he who looks finds;
And the guilty are forgiven。
That is why
it is such a treasure
to the world。
Do the Effortlessness。
Try for the effortless。
Enjoy the joyless。
Raise high the low。
Multiply the few。
Return hurt with kindness。
Stop troubles in the beginning。
Plant the great with the small。
Difficult things of the world。
Can only be tackled when they are easy。
Big things of the world
Can only be completed by paying attention to their small beginnings。
The Complete Thinker never has to struggle with the big things;
But they alone are capable of completing them!
They who promises lightly must be lacking in faith。
They who thinks everything easy
will end by finding difficulty。
The Complete Thinker;
who regards everything as difficult;
Meets with no difficulties in the end。
What is not moving is easy to hold。
What shows no predictions is easily made not to happen。
What is delicate is easily smashed。
What is small is easily widely separated and lost。
Do things before they have become visible。 ( Plan ahead。)
Help peace and order before confusion and disorder have set in。 ( Punish
the destructive without delay。)
A tree as big as a man's embrace starts from a tiny sprout。 (Big things
start small。)
A tower nine stories high begins with a heap of earth。
A journey of three thousand miles starts from where your feet stand。
They who trouble over anything spoils it。
They who hold anything loses it。
The Complete Thinker troubles over nothing and then spoils nothing。
Tries to hold nothing and then loses nothing。
In handling business; people often spoil it just at the point of success。
With carefulness in the beginning and
patience at the end;
nothing will be spoiled。
The Complete Thinker
wants to be want…less。
Sets no value on rare goods。
Learns to relearn learning。
And convinces the people to return from where they have passed。
They only helps all creatures to find their own nature;
but does not try to lead them by the nose。
In the old days;
those who were good at the practice of Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
did not try to teach the people;
but to keep them in the state of simple life。
Why are the people hard to govern?
Because they are too tricky!
They who govern their state
with trickiness is its wrongdoer;
They who govern their state without resorting to trickiness is its
To know these principles is to have a rule and a measure。
To keep the rule and the measure constantly in your mind
is what we call
Virtue (Power) that is hidden!
It leads all things to return;
till they come back to the Great Balance!
How does the sea become the King of all streams?
Because it lies lower than they!
That is why it is the king of all streams。
The Complete Thinker rules over the people by lowering themself in speech;
Leads the people by putting themself behind。
When a Complete Thinker stands above the people;
They do not feel the heaviness of weight;
When they stands in front of the people;
the people do not feel hurt。
All the world is glad to push them forward
without getting tired of them。
Because they compete with nobody;
Nobody can ever compete with them。
All the world says that
my Tao ( the Laws of the Universe ) is great;
but seems strange; like nothing on earth。
But it is just because my Tao ( the Laws of the Universe ) is great thatit