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But tuned to people's need:
〃Alike to be good and bad
I must be good;
For Virtue is goodness。
To honest folk
And those dishonest ones
Alike; I proffer faith;
For Virtue is faithful。〃
The Wise Man; when abroad;
Impartial to the world;
Does not divide or judge。
But people everywhere
Mark well his ears and eyes;
For wise men hear and see
As little children do。
On leaving life; to enter death:
Thirteen members form a living body;
A corpse has thirteen; too:
Thirteen spots by which a man may pass
From life to death。 Why so?
Because his way of life
Is much too gross。
As I have heard; the man who knows
On land how best to be at peace
Will never meet a tiger or a buffalo;
In battle; weapons do not touch his skin。
There is no place the tiger's claws can grip;
Or with his horn; the buffalo can jab;
Or where the soldier can insert his sword。
Why so? In him there is no place of death。
The Way brings forth;
Its virtue fosters them;
With matter they take shape;
And circumstance perfects them all:
That is why all things
Do honor the Way
And venerate its power。
The exaltation of the Way;
The veneration of its power;
Come not by fate or decree;
But always just because
By nature it is so。
So when the Way brings forth;
Its power fosters all:
They grow; are reared;
And fed and housed until
They come to ripe maturity。
You shall give life to things
But never possess them;
Your work shall depend on none;
You shall be chief but never lord。
This describes the mystic power。
?br》 ?br》
It began with a matrix:
The world had a mother
Whose sons can be known
As ever; by her。
But if you know them;
You'll keep close to her
As long as you live
And suffer no harm。
Stop up your senses;
Close up your doors;
Be not exhausted
As long as you live。
Open your senses;
Be busier still:
To the end of your days
There's no help for you。
You are bright; it is said;
If you see what is small;
A store of small strengths
Makes you strong。
By the use of its light;
Make your eyes again bright
From evil to lead you away。
This is called 〃practicing constancy。〃
When I am walking on the mighty Way;
Let me but know the very least I may;
And I shall only fear to leave the road。
The mighty Way is easy underfoot;
But people still prefer the little paths。
The royal court is dignified; sedate;
While farmers' fields are overgrown with weeds;
The granaries are empty and yet they
Are clad in rich…embroidered silken gowns。
They have sharp swords suspended at their sides;
With glutted wealth; they gorge with food and drink。
It is; the people say;
The boastfulness of brigandage;
But surely not the Way!
Set firm in the Way: none shall uproot you;
Cherish it well and none shall estrange you;
Your children's children faithful shall serve
Your forebears at the altar of your house。
Cultivate the Way yourself;
and your Virtue will be genuine。
Cultivate it in the home;
and its Virtue will overflow。
Cultivate it in the village;
and the village will endure。
Cultivate it in the realm;
and the realm will flourish。
Cultivate it in the world;
and Virtue will be universal。
One will be judged by the Man of the Way;
Homes will be viewed through the Home of the Way;
And the Village shall measure the village;
And the Realm; for all realms; shall be standard;
And the World; to this world; shall be heaven。
How do I know the world is like this?
By this。
Rich in virtue; like an infant;
Noxious insects will not sting him;
Wild beasts will not attack his flesh
Nor birds of prey sink claws in him。
His bones are soft; his sinews weak;
His grip is nonetheless robust;
Of sexual union unaware;
His organs all completely formed;
His vital force is at its height。
He shouts all day; does not get hoarse:
His person is a harmony。
Harmony experienced is known as constancy;
Constancy experienced is called enlightenment;
Exuberant vitality is ominous; they say;
A bent for vehemence is called aggressiveness。
That things with age decline in strength;
You well may say; suits not the Way;
And not to suit the Way is early death。
Those who know do not talk
And talkers do not know。
Stop your senses;
Close the doors;
Let sharp things be blunted;
Tangles resolved;
The light tempered
And turmoil subdued;
For this is mystic unity
In which the Wise Man is moved
Neither by affection
Nor yet by estrangement
Or profit or loss
Or honor or shame。
Accordingly; by all the world;
He is held highest。
〃Govern the realm by the right;
And battles by stratagem。〃
The world is won by refraining。
How do I know this is so?
By this:
As taboos increase; people grow poorer;
When weapons abound; the state grows chaotic;
Where skills multiply; novelties flourish;
As statutes increase; more criminals start。
So the Wise Man will say:
As I refrain; the people will reform:
Since I like quiet; they will keep order;
When I forebear; the people will prosper;
When I want nothing; they will be honest。
Listlessly govern:
Happy your people;
Govern exactingly:
Restless your people。
〃Bad fortune will
Promote the good;
Good fortune; too;
Gives rise to the bad。〃
But who can know to what that leads?
For it is wrong and would assign
To right the strangest derivations
And would mean that goodness
Is produced by magic means!
Has man thus been so long astray?
Accordingly; the Wise Man
Is square but not sharp;
Honest but not malign;
Straight but not severe;
Bright but not dazzling。
〃For ruling men or serving God;
There's nothing else like stores saved up。〃
By 〃stores saved up〃 is meant forehandedness;
Accumulate Virtue; such that nothing
Can resist it and its limit
None can guess: such infinite resource
Allows the jurisdiction of the king;
Whose kingdom then will long endure
If it provides the Mother an abode。
Indeed it is the deeply rooted base;
The firm foundation of the Way
To immortality of self and name。
Rule a large country
As small fish are cooked。
The evil spirits of the world
Lose sanction as divinities
When government proceeds
According to the Way;
But even if they do not lose
Their ghostly countenance and right;
The people take no harm from them;
And if the spirits cannot hurt the folk;
The Wise Man surely does no hurt to them。
Since then the Wise Man and the people
Harm each other not at all;
Their several virtues should converge。
The great land is a place
To which the streams descend;
It is the concourse and
The female of the world:
Quiescent; underneath;
It overcomes the male。
By quietness and by humility
The great land then puts down the small
And gets it for its own;
But small lands too absorb the great
By their subservience。
Thus some lie low; designing conquest's ends;
While others lowly are; by nature bent
To conquer all the rest。
The great land's foremost need is to increase
The number of its folk;
The small land needs above all else to find
Its folk more room to work。
That both be served and each attain its goal
The great land should attempt humility。
Like the gods of the shrine in the home;
So the Way and its mystery waits
In the world of material things:
The good man's treasure;
The bad man's refuge。
Fair wordage is ever for sale;
Fair manners are worn like a cloak;
But why should there be such waste
Of the badness in men?
On the day of the emperor's crowning;
When the three noble dukes are appointed;
Better than chaplets of jade
Drawn by a team of four horses;
Bring the Way as your tribute。
How used the ancients to honor the Way?
Didn't they say that the seeker may find it;
And that sinners who find are forgiven?
So did they lift up the Way and its Virtue
Above everything else in the world。
Act in repose;
Be at rest when you work;
Relish unflavored things。
Great or small;
Frequent or rare;
Requite anger with virtue。
Take hard jobs in hand
While they are easy;
And great affairs too
While they are small。
The troubles of the world
Cannot be solved except
Before they