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Vessels are made of perceptible clay; but it is their imperceptible hollow that is useful。
The imperceptible holes which make the doors and windows of a house; are its essentials。
It is the imperceptible that produces effects and results。
Colours blind the eyes of man。 Sound makes him deaf。 Flavours exhaust his taste。
Hunting and racing; by unchaining savage passions in him; madden his heart。 The love of rare and difficult…to…obtain objects pushes him to efforts that harm him。
Therefore the Sage looks to his stomach; and not his senses。 renounces this; in order to embrace that。 (He renounces what causes wear; in order to embrace what conserves)。
Favour; because it can be lost; is a source of worry。 Greatness; because it can be ruined; is a source of fear。
What do these two sentences mean? The first means that the care required to keep in favour; and the fear of losing it; fill the mind with worry。
The second points out that ruin generally comes from caring too much for one's own greatness。 He who has no personal ambition does not have to fear ruin。
He who is only concerned about the greatness of the empire (and not that of himself); he who only desires the good of the empire (and not his own good); to him the empire should be confided (and it would be in good hands)。
Looking; one does not see it; for it is invisible。 Listening; one does not hear it; for it is silent。 Touching; one does not feel it; for it is impalpable。
These three attributes must not be separated; for they designate one and the same being。
This being; the Principle; is not light above and dark below; as are opaque material bodies。 Like a slender thread; it unwinds itself (as continuous existence and action)。 It has no name of its own。 It goes back as far as the time when there were no other beings but itself。
It has no parts; from in front one sees no head; from behind no rear。
It is this primordial Principle that has ruled; and rules; all beings right up to the present。 Everything that has been; or is; since the ancient origin; is from the unwinding of the Principle。
The ancient Sages were subtle; abstract; profound; in a way that cannot be expressed in words。
Therefore I am going to use illustrative comparisons in order to make myself as clearly understood as possible。 They were circumspect like on who crosses an ice…covered river; prudent like one who knows that his neighbours have their eyes on him; reserved like a guest in front of his host。
They were indifferent like melting ice (which is neither one thing nor the other)。 They were unsophisticated like a tree trunk (the rough bark of which conceals the excellent heartwood)。 They were empty like a valley (with reference to the mountain that form it)。 They were accommodating like muddy water; (they; the clear water; not repelling the mud; not refusing to live in contact with the common people; not forming a separate group)。
(To seek purity and peace by separating from the world is to overdo things。 They can be found in the world)。 Purity is to be found in the trouble (of this world) through (interior) calm; on condition that one does not let the impurity of the world affect oneself。 Peace is to be found in the movement (of this world) by one who knows how to take part in this movement; and who is not exasperated through desiring that is should be stopped。
He who keeps to this rule of not being consumed by sterile desires arising from his own fancy; will live willingly in obscurity; and will not aspire to renew the world。
He who has reached the maximum of emptiness (of indifference) will be firmly fixed in peace。
Innumerable beings come out (from non…being); and I see them return there。 They spring forth; then they all return to their root。
To return to one's root; is to enter into the state of rest。 From this rest they emerge for a new destiny; and so it goes on; continually; without end。 To recognize this law of immutable continuity (of the two states of life and death); is wisdom。 To ignore it; is foolish。 Those ignorant of this law cause misfortune (through their untimely interference in things)。
He who knows that this law weighs heavily on beings; is just (treats all beings according to their nature; with equity); like a King; like Heaven; like the Principle。
In consequence he lasts until the end of his days; not having made himself any enemies。
In the early days (when; in human affairs; everything still conformed to the action of the Principle); subjects scarcely knew that they had a prince (so discreet was the action of the latter)。 After this the people loved and flattered their prince (because of his good deeds); but later on; they feared him (because of his laws); and scorned him (because of his unjust acts)。
They became disloyal; though having been treated disloyally。 They lost confidence in him though receiving only good words which were never put into effect。
How delicate was the touch of ancient rulers。 When everything prospered under their administration; the people believed they had done everything themselves; of their own free will。
When action conforming to the Principle dwindles; (when men cease to act with spontaneous goodness and fairness); artificial principles of goodness and fairness; prudence and wisdom (are invented)。
These artificial principles soon degenerate into politics。
When parents no longer live in natural harmony; they try to make up for this deficit by inventing artificial principles of filial piety and paternal affection。
When states had fallen into disarray; they invented the loyal minister stereotype。
Reject (artificial; conventional; political) wisdom and prudence; (in order to return to primal natural uprightness)。 and the people will be a hundred times happier。
Reject (artificial; conventional) goodness and fairness; (filial and fraternal piety); and the people will come back (for their well…being; to natural goodness and fairness); to spontaneous filial and paternal piety。
Reject art and gain; and evildoers will disappear。 (With the primordial simplicity; they will return to primordial honesty)。
Renounce these three artificial categories; for the artificial is good…for…nothing。
Be attached to simplicity and naturalness。 Have few personal interests; and few desires。
Give up learning; and you will be free from all your worries。 What is the difference between yes and no (about which the rhetoricians have so much to say)? What is the difference between good and evil (on which the critics never agree)? (These are futilities that prevent the mind from being free。 Now freedom of mind is necessary to enter into relation with the Principle)。
Without doubt; among the things which common people fear; there are things that should be feared; but not as they do; with a mind so troubled that they lose their mental equilibrium。
Neither should one permit oneself to lose equilibrium through pleasure; as happens to those who have a good meal or view the surrounding countryside in spring from the top of a tower (with the accompaniment of wine; etc。)。 I (the Sage) seem to be colourless and undefined; neutral as a new…born child that has not yet experienced any emotion; without design or aim。
The common people abound (in varied knowledge); but I am poor (having rid myself of all uselessness) and seem ignorant; so much have I purified myself。
They seem full of light; I seem dull。 They seek and scrutinize; I remain concentrated in myself。 Indeterminate; like the immensity of the oceans; I float without stopping。
They are full of talent; whereas I seem limited and uncultured。 I differ thus from the common people; because I venerate and imitate the universal nourishing mother; the Principle。
All of the beings which play a role; in the great manifestation of the cosmic theater; have come from the Principle; through its virtue (its unwinding)。
The Principle is indistinct and indeterminate; mysterious and obscure。 In its indistinction and indetermination there are types; a multitude of beings。 In its mystery and obscurity there is an essence which is reality。
From ancient times until the present; its name (its being) has stayed the same; all beings have come from it。
How do I know that it was the origin of all beings? 。。。 (By objective observation of the universe; which reveals that contingencies must have come from the absolute)。
In the old days they said; the incomplete shall be made whole; the bent shall be straightened; the empty shall be filled; the worn shall be renewed。 Simplicity makes for success; multiplicity leads one astray。
Therefore the Sage who holds himself to unity; is the model for the empire; (for the world; the ideal man)。
He shines; because he does not show off。 He imposes himself because he does not claim to be right。 One finds merit in him; because he does not brag。 He increases constantly because he does not push himself。
As he does not oppose himself to anyone; no one is opposed to him。
The axiom