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ing the moral entity)。 In many the right measure is lacking。 In some an exaggerated righteousness degenerates into a mania。 In others an exaggerated goodness becomes extravagance。 (Points of view changing in consequence。 For a long time now; men have thus been crazy。
  The Sage takes them as they are)。 Taking them to task; he is not sharp or cutting。 Straight; he is not rude。 Enlightened; he does not humiliate。


  The essential for co…operation with heaven in the government of men; is to moderate one's action。
  This moderation should be the prime care。 It procures perfect efficacy; which succeeds in everything; even the governing of the empire。
  He who possesses this mother of the empire (wise moderation); will last a long time。
  It is called the pivoting root; the solid trunk。 It is the principle of perpetuity。


  To govern a great state; one should act like someone cooking a very small fish (very delicately; otherwise they break up)。
  When a state is governed according to the Principle; phantoms do not appear there to harm the people; because the Sage who governs does not harm the people。
  Not that the spirits have no more powers; But their powers will not harm men。/ Neither will they harm men; Nor will the Sage harm the people。
  The merit of this double tranquility (on the part of the living and the dead) comes back; therefore; to the Sage。


  If a great state lowers itself; like those holes in which water accumulates; everyone will come to it。 It will belike the universal female。 In her apparent passivity and inferiority; the female is superior to the male (for it is she who gives birth)。
  On condition of knowing how to lower itself; a great state will win over lesser states;
  which in their turn; will lower themselves; seeking its protection。

  For this to be realized; only one thing is needed; but it is essential。 It is that the great state deigns to lower itself before the lesser ones。 (if it is proud and hard; there is no hope)。


  The Principle is the palladium of all beings。 It is the treasure of the good (that by which they are good); and the salvation of the wicked (that which prevents them from perishing)。
  It is to it that one should be grateful from affectionate words; and the noble conduct of good people。 It is with regard to it; that the wicked should not be rejected。
  It is for that reason (for the conservation and development of the part of the Principle which is in all beings) that the emperor and the great ministers were instituted。 Not so that they should become complacent with their sceptre and their ancient four…horsed chariot; but in order that they should meditate on the Principle (advancing themselves in their knowledge; and in the development of others)。
  Why did the ancients make so much of the Principle? is it not because it is the source of all good and the remedy for all evil? It is the most noble thing in the world。


  To act without acting; to be busy without being busy; to taste without tasting;
  to look equally on the great; the small; the many and the few; to be indifferent to thanks and reproaches; this is how the Sage acts。
  He only sets about difficult complications through their easiest details; and only applies himself to great problems in their weak beginnings。
  The Sage never undertakes anything great; and that is why he makes great things。

  He who promises much; cannot keep his word; he who embarrasses himself with too many things; even easy things; never succeeds in anything。
  The Sage keeps clear of difficulty; therefore he never has any difficulties。


  Peaceful situations are easily controlled; problems are easily forestalled before they arise; weak things are easily broken; small things are easily dispersed。
  One should take one's measures before something happens; and protect order before disorder bursts out。
  A tree which one's arms can barely embrace comes from a shoot as fine as a hair; a nine…storey tower begins with a pile of earth; a long journey begins with a single step。
  Those who make too much of things; spoil their affairs。 Those who grip too strongly; end up by letting go。 The Sage who does not act; does not spoil any affair。 Since he holds on to nothing; nothing escapes him。
  When the common people have affairs; they often fail at the moment when they should have succeeded; (nervousness at the beginning of success making them lose propriety and make clumsy mistakes)。 For success; the circumspection of the beginning should last until the final achievement。
  The Sage desires nothing。 He does not prize any object because it is rare。 He does not attach himself to any system; but instructs himself by the faults of others。 In order to co…operate with universal evolution; he does not act; but lets things go。


  In antiquity; those who conformed themselves to the Principle did not seek to make the people clever; but aimed at keeping them simple。
  When people are difficult to govern; it is because they know too much。 Those who claim to procure the good of a country by disseminating instruction; are wrong; and ruin the country。
  This is the formula of mysterious action; of great profundity; of great bearing。
  It is not to the taste of (the curious) but; thanks to it; everything turns out well; peacefully。


  Why are the oceans and rivers kings of all the valleys? (receiving all the watercourses in tribute)。 Because they are benevolently the inferiors of all the valleys (with regard to levels)。 That is why all the water flows towards them。
  Following this example; the Sage who wishes to become superior to the common people should speak in words beneath himself (speak very humbly of himself)。 If he wishes to become the first; he should put himself in last place; (and continue to do so; after he has been exalted)。
  He could then be elevated to the highest peak without the people feeling oppressed by him; he could be the first without the people complaining about him。 The whole empire would serve him with joy; without becoming weary of him。
  For; not being opposed to anyone; no one would be opposed to him。


  Everyone says the Sage is noble; despite his common air; an air which he gives himself because he is noble (to hide his nobility and not to attract envy to himself)。 Everyone knows; on the contrary; how much those who pose as nobles are men of little worth。
  The Sage prizes three things and holds on to them: charity; simplicity; and humility。
  Being charitable; he will be brave (within just limits; without cruelty)。 Being simple; he will be liberal (within just limits; without waste)。 Being humble; he will govern men without tyranny。
  The men of today have forgotten charity; simplicity; and humility。 They prize war; ostentation; and ambition。 This is like wishing not to succeed。 It is like wishing to perish。
  For it is the charitable aggressor who wins the battle (not the savage aggressor); it is the charitable defender who is impregnable (and not the pitiless warrior)。 Those whom heaven wishes well; are thereby made charitable。


  He who commands should not think that tactics; valour; and effort give victory。
  It is by putting oneself at the service of men that one subdues them。 That is the correct procedure。
  It is sometimes formulated as follows: art of not struggling (of accommodating oneself; of winning be making oneself everything to everyone); of ability to manage men; of action conforming to that of heaven。 All these formulae designate the same thing。 They show the greatness of the ancients。


  Rather be on the defensive than the offensive; rather retreat a step than advance an inch; are current principles of military art。 It is worth more to yield than to triumph。 Prevention (of war) through diplomacy is worth even more。
  That is the meaning of certain abstruse formulae of military art; such as: advancing without marching; defending oneself without moving an arm; status quo without fighting; holding on without weapons; and others。
  There is no worse curse than a war waged with little or no reason; (which is sought…after deliberately; and pushed beyond necessary limits)。
  He who does that; exposes his own goods to loss; and causes great mourning。


  What I (Lao Zi) teach is easy to understand and to practice; and yet the world neither understands or practices it。
  My precepts and procedures derive from a superior principle and procedure; the Principle and its Virtue。 The world does not recognize the Principle which directs me; that is why it does not know me。 Very few understand me。 That makes my glory。
  It befalls me to be like the Sage who is unrecognized from amongst the common people because of his humble appearance; even though his interior is filled with jewels。


  Knowing all and believing that one knows nothing; is true knowledge (of a superior kind)。 Knowing nothing and believing that one knows everything; is the common evil of humans。 Seeing this evil as an evil; keeps one away from it。
  The Sage is exempt from self…conceit; 
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