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And those who die and yet do not perish; live on。
The Evolving Tao
The Great Tao extends everywhere。
It is on the left and the right。
All Things depend on it for growth;
And it does not deny them。
It achieves its purpose;
And it does not have a name。
It clothes and cultivates All Things;
And it does not act as master。
Always without desire;
It can be named Small。
All Things merge with it;
And it does not act as master。
It can be named Great。
In the end it does not seek greatness;
And in that way the Great is achieved。
Sensing the Insensible
Hold fast to the Great Image;
And all the world will come。
Yet its coming brings no harm;
Only peace and order。
When there is music together with food;
The audience will linger。
But when the Tao is expressed;
It seems without substance or flavor。
We observe and there is nothing to see。
We listen and there is nothing to hear。
We use it and it is without end。
Concealing the Advantage
In order to deplete it;
It must be thoroughly extended。
In order to weaken it;
It must be thoroughly strengthened。
In order to reject it;
It must be thoroughly promoted。
In order to take away from it;
It must be thoroughly endowed。
This is called a Subtle Insight。
The yielding can triumph over teh inflexible;
The weak can triumph over the strong。
Fish should not be taken from deep waters;
Nor should organizations make obvious their advantages。
The Power in Desirelessness
The Tao never acts;
And yet is never inactive。
If leaders can hold on to it;
All Things will be naturally influenced。
Influenced and yet desiring to act;
I would calm them with Nameless Simplicity。
Nameless Simplicity is likewise without desire;
And without desire there is harmony。
The world will then be naturally stabilized。
Power Without Motive
Superior Power is never Powerful; thus it has Power。
Inferior Power is always Powerful; thus it has no Power。
Superior Power takes no action and acts withotu motive。
Inferior Power takes action and acts with motive。
Superior philanthropy takes action and acts without motive。
Superior morality takes action and acts with motive。
Superior propriety takes action and there is no response;
So it raises its arm to project itself。
Therefore; lose the Tao and Power follows。
Lose the Power and philanthropy follows。
Lose philanthropy and morality follows。
Lose morality and propriety follows。
One who has propriety has the veneer of truth
And yet is the leader of confusion。
One who knows the future has the luster of the Tao
And yet is ignorant of its origins。
Therefore those wiht the greatest endurance
Can enter the substantial;
Not occupy its veneer;
Can enter reality;
Not occupy its luster。
Hence they discard one and receive the other。
Oneness in Leadership
From old; these may have harmony with the One:
Heaven in harmony with the One becomes clear。
Earth in harmony with the One becomes stable。
Mind in harmony with the One becomes inspired。
Valleys in harmony wiht the One become full。
All Things in harmony with the One becomes creawtive。
Leaders in harmony with the One becomes incorruptible in the world。
These were attained through Oneness。
Heaven without clarity would probably crack。
Earth without stability would probably quake。
Mind without inspiration would probably sleep。
Valleys without fullness would probably dry up。
All Things without creativity would probably die off。
Leaders without incorruptible ways would probably stumble and fall。
Indeed; the high…placed stem from teh humble;
The elevated are based upon the lowly。
This is why leaders call themselves
Alone; lonely; and unfavored。
Is this not because they stem form the humble and common?
Is it not?
Therefore; attain honor without being honored。
Do not desire to shine like jade; wear ornaments as if they were stone。
The Way
Polarity is the movement of the Tao。
Receptivity is the way it is used。
The world and All Things were produced from its existence。
Its existence was produced from nonexistence。
Mastering the Paradox
When superior leaders hear of the Tao;
They diligently try to practice it。
When average leaders hear of the Tao;
They appear both aware and unaware of it。
When inferior leaders hear of the Tao;
They roar with laughter。
Without sufficient laughter; it could not be the Tao;
Hence the long…established sayings:
The Tao illuminated appears to be obscure;
The Tao advancing apperaas to be retreating;
The Tao leveled appears to be uneven。
Superior Power appears to be low;
Great clarity appears to be spotted;
Extensive Power appears to be insufficient;
Established Power appers to be stolen;
Substantial Power appears to be spurious。
The greatest space has no corners;
The greatest talents are slowly mastered;
The greatest music has the rarest sound;
The Great Image has no form。
The Tao is hidden and nameless;
Yet it is the Tao that skillfully supports and completes。
Knowing Polarity
The Tao produced the One。
The One produced the Two。
The Two produced the Three。
The Three produced All Things。
All Things carry Yin and hold to Yang;
Their blended Influence brings Harmony。
People hate to be alone; lonely; and unfavored;
And yet leaders take these names。
Thus in Natural Law
Some lose and in this way profit。
Some profit and in this way lose。
What others have taught; I also teach:
Those who are violent do not die naturally。
I will make this my chief teaching。
Subtle Powers
The most yielding parts of the world
Overtake the most rigid parts of the world。
The insubstantial can penetrate continually。
Therefore I know that wihtout action there is advantage。
This philosophy wtihout words;
This advantage wtihout action …
It is rare; in the world; to attain them。
The Power in Needing Less
Which is dearer;
Name or life?
Which means more;
Life or wealth?
Which is worse;
Gain or loss?
The stronger the attachments;
The greater the cost。
The more that is hoarded;
The deeper the loss。
Know what is enough;
Be without disgrace。
Know when to stop;
Be without danger。
In this way one lasts for a very long time。
Using Emptiness
If the greatest achievement is incomplete;
Then its usefulness is unimpaired。
If the greatest fullness is empty;
Then its usefulness is inexhaustible。
The greatest directness is flexible。
The greatest skillfulness is awkward。
The greatest eloquence is hesitant。
Agitation triumphs over the cold。
Stillness triumphs over the heated。
Clarity and stillness bring order to the world。
Knowing Enough
When the world possesses the Tao;
Even fast horses are used for their dung。
When the world is without the Tao;
War…horses are raised in the suburbs。
There is no greater misfortune
Than not knowing what is enough。
There is no greater fault
Than desiring to acquire。
Therefore know that enough is enough。
There will always be enough。
Cultivating Inner…Knowledge
Without going out of doors;
Know the world。
Without looking through the window;
See the Tao in Nature。
One may travel very far;
And know very little。
Therefore; Evolved Individuals
Know without going about;
Recognize without looking;
Achieve without acting。
The Art of Nonaction
To pursue the academic; add to it daily。
To pursue the Tao; subtract from it daily。
Subtract and subtract again;
To arrive at nonaction。
Through nonaction nothing is left undone。
The world is always held wtihout effort。
The moment there is effort;
The world is beyond holding。
Opening the Mind
Evolved Individuals have no fixed mind;
They make the mind of the People their mind。
To those who are good; I am good;
To those who are not good; I am also good。
Goodness is Power。
Of those who trust; I am trusting;
Of those who do not trust; I am also trusting。
Trust is Power。
The Evolved Individuals in the world
Attract the world and merge with its mind。
The People all focus their eyes and ears;
Evolved Individuals all act as infants。
The Art of Survival
As life goes out; death comes in。
Life has thirteen paths;
Death has thirteen paths。