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  This it is deep rooted and has a firm foundation in the lasting life and the vision of the Everlasting TAO。 

  〃The Virtue of Humility。〃

  A great nation is like a downward…flowing river in which all the streams in the Universe converge。 
  This is the feminine or passive attribute of the nation。 
  The feminine overcomes the masculine by stillness; but must be submissive in order to be still。 
  So; a great nation that is humble before smaller states may gain them for its own。
  While; if a little nation that is humble before greater states; may gain their alliance。 
  So; the one overcomes by being humble; while the other is humble and overcomes。 
  A great nation desires only to unite and nourish people。 
  A little nation desires only to enter in and serve people。 
  Both attain the object of their desires; … the greater must be lowly。 

  〃Practical TAO。〃

  TAO is the hidden refuge of all creatures of the world。
  It is the treasure of the kind person; yet supports those who have lost kindness。
  Beautiful words; through TAO are fraught with potency。
  Noble deeds; through TAO; are wrought with never failing efficacy。
  And even those who are without kindness are not forsaken by TAO。
  The Servant of TAO sits enthroned; with three appointed ministers。
  One bears before them a symbol of rank。
  One escorts the mounted retinue。
  But the one who is most valued; humbly presents themself to TAO。
  Why is the TAO so prized by people? Because the Seeker finds in it the object of their
  quest; and the wrong doer finds in it forgiveness。
  Therefore; TAO is honored by all。

  〃Freedom of Action。〃

  Courage carried to one extreme is the boldness that leads to death。
  Courage carried to the other extreme preserves life by self…restraint。
  Of these two one benefits; the other harms; yet both are rejected by The Universe。
  Who can discern the reason?
  Even the very wise person must chose their line of action。
  Universal TAO strives in neither direction; but is sure in all its action。 It utters no sounds; but is sure in its response。
  It does not call; but all come to It by themselves。
  It does not plan; but is certain in all its works。
  The net of the Universe is vast and widely meshed; yet nothing is ever lost from it。

  〃Imitating The Universe。〃

  A good warrior is not warlike。
  A good fighter is not wrathful。
  A good conqueror is not grasping。
  A good leader is not overbearing。
  This is called the Virtue of non…striving。
  This is the capacity of leading people。
  This is being the equal companion of The Universe … the highest ideal of all the ages。

  〃Avoiding a Fall。〃

  Avoid glory as you avoid shame。
  Regard great trouble as you regard your body。
  What is meant by: 〃Avoid glory as you avoid shame〃?
  The one connotes the other。
  Obtain glory and you fear the loss of it。
  Lose it and you fear the shame。
  Fear is thus inseparable both from glory and from shame。
  What is meant by: 〃Regard great trouble as you regard your body〃?
  We meet trouble because we have a body; if we had no body; how would trouble reach us?
  So; those who love the nation as they care for their own body; may be trusted with the nation。

  〃Learning to be Still。〃

  Which is more dear to you; your good name or your body?
  Which do you treasure more; your body or your wealth?
  Which makes you more unhappy; to profit or to lose?
  We must sacrifice much to gain great love。
  We must suffer great loss to obtain much treasure。
  To know contentment is to fear no shame。
  To know how to be still is to avoid destruction。
  So doing; we long endure。

  〃The Danger of Strength。〃

  A person at birth is soft and tender; but is rigid and hard at death。 
  It is the same with everything。 
  In growth; trees and plants are pliant and tender; but in death they are withered and tough。
  So the hard and the strong have affinity with death; but the soft and tender are companions of life。 
  Therefore those who rely solely on strength will not conquer; a powerful tree invites the ax。
  The place of great strength is below; but gentle softness dwells above。 

  〃The Value Set on Life。〃

  People come forth into life; people return with death。 
  Three out of ten follow the way of life; three out of ten follow the way of death。 While again;
  there are three out of ten who live as people but pass on to the place of death。 
  And why is this so? 
  Because they strive too much to perpetuate life。 
  What a very wise person are they; therefore; who take hold of the Inner Life and know the secret of its hidden springs。 
  In journeying; they fear no danger。 
  In strife; they fears no weapon of war。 
  No power can strike the Inner Life; no power can hold it; no power can penetrate。
  What a very wise person are they; therefore; who into the realms of death can bring the Inner Life。 

  〃The Manifestation of Simplicity。〃

  True words may not be pleasant; pleasant words may not be true。
  The man of TAO does not dispute; they who dispute are not of TAO。
  Those who know TAO are not 〃learned。〃Those who are 〃learned〃do not know TAO。
  The wise person does not lay up treasure; their riches are within。
  The more they spend resources for others; the more they increase their own store。
  The more they give to others; the more they have of their own。
  The TAO of The Universe is all…pervading; but is hurtful to no one。
  This is the way of the very wise person; who acts but does not strive。

  〃Placing Oneself Last。〃

  The Great River and Sea; because they hold a lower place; are lords of a hundred streams。 
  This is the reason of their lordship。 
  This is why the very wise person; when wishing to elevate people; places their position below them。 
  So; though they dwell above; the people follow them with ease; though they are placed before them; they do not bar their progress。 
  Therefore; people exalt them with gladness; and never tire in their service。 
  And because they do not strive; no one in the world can strive against them。 

  〃The Nurturing of Teh。〃

  By Tao all things are produced; by Teh they are nourished。 So each being receives its Form; its inward urge towards perfection。 That is why all things reverence Tao and extol Teh; its outward manifestation。

  The venerating of Tao! 
  The extolling of Teh! 
  No Enlightened One has decreed it; but spontaneously it is proclaimed。 Tao brings all things into being; Teh nurtures them and makes them grow。 Teh sustains them completes them; matures them; ripens them; and gives them protection。

  To quicken; but not to own; 
  To actuate; but not to act; 
  To raise; but not to rule; 
  This is called the Mysterious Teh。 

  〃Emptiness and Nothingness。〃

  Those who are one with Tao; will do all things in Tao。 
  Those who are one with Teh will do all things by Teh。 
  Those who are one with failure; will fail in all their works。 
  Being one with Tao; joyfully they accept all the gifts of Tao。 
  Being one with Teh; gladly they receives all that comes by Teh。 
  Being one with failure; they invite failure in all their deeds。 
  For; if their faith is lacking; they inspire no confidence。 

  〃The Benevolence of Teh。〃

  Hold fast to the Great Idea and all people will come to you of themselves。
  They will come and receive no hurt; finding rest and peace in the great calm。
  Music and dainties may detain the passing guest。
  But Tao; when coming to the lips; how tasteless It is! It has no flavor。
  When coming before the eyes; It does not impress the sight。
  When listened by the ears; It is not to be heard。
  So; Tao is as nothing; yet in Its applications It can never be exhausted。

  〃The Profoundness of Teh。〃

  Of old those who were a Servant of Tao; did not use It to make people more brilliant; but to make them more simple and kind。
  If people are difficult to govern it is because they are too worldly wise。
  This worldly wisdom invites the ruin of a state。
  Those who rule with simpleness are blessed。
  To know these two ways is to be a model as of old; and to be a model for all is called Profundity of Teh。
  Profound Teh is deep and far…reaching; reacting upon all things; forever tending perfect harmony。

  〃The Three Treasures。〃

  As the servant of Tao; the world calls me great; but I am not equal to my greatness。
  It is through the greatness of That Which I serve that I continue to appear so small。
  But I have three treasures which I prize and hold fast。
  The first is called Compassion。
  The second is called Economy。
  The third is called Humility。
  Through Compassion I exhibit courage; through Economy I can freely give; through Humility I become a vessel of the highest honor。
  But people forsake Compassion and seek courage; they forsake Economy and seek profusion; they forsake Humility and seek precedence。
  The end 
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