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  Since it is intangible; it seems non…existent。
  However; if it were not intangible it would
  have disintegrated before the world was

  Three things create peace and harmony。
  The first is a lack of distinctions。
  The second is simplicity。
  The third is oneness。

  With a lack of distinction; I can accept all things。
  With simplicity; I do not become confused with
  With oneness; I can be at peace and in harmony
  with all things。

  In the world people always
  make distinctions between good and bad
  and become confused in judgment;
  desire possessions
  and become confused in wealth;
  forget their oneness
  and live in tension and conflict。

  Refuse to make distinctions and refuse to pass
  and war and defense succumb to peace and


  A warrior in harmony is not contemptuous of life。
  A prize fighter in harmony is not angry。
  A winner in harmony understands the
  oneness of winning and losing。
  An employer in harmony is at one with
  his employees。

  This is called non…distinction and indifference。
  It is known as being at peace and in harmony
  with others。
  It is the manifestation of the ultimate peace
  and harmony of Infinity。


  There is a saying among generals;
  It is better not to begin the battle
  but to wait for the other side to begin。
  It is better to retreat a foot
  rather than advance an inch。

  This is called advancing
  while appearing to retreat;
  preparing to fight
  by concealing your power;
  winning the battle
  without engaging the enemy;
  and brandishing non…existent weapons。

  There is nothing worse than distinguishing others
  as enemies。
  By distinguishing others as enemies;
  I lose sight of my oneness
  and become confused in conflict and
  So when war seems imminent;
  the victor refuses to embrace killing。


  My words are easy to understand
  and easy to put into practice;
  but unfortunately few people understand
  them or try to live by them。

  My thoughts have always existed;
  but since people are confused;
  they do not embrace them。
  Because people do not understand me;
  they are confused in conflict and war
  rather than living in peace and harmony。

  Those that acknowledge their
  oneness with Infinity are few。
  Those that call me crazy
  are applauded by others that are

  Therefore; the sage is modest in her apparel;
  but carries the priceless jewel
  of peace and harmony in
  her heart。


  Acknowledging oneness manifests peace。
  Acknowledging distinctions manifests confusion。

  If one is in harmony with disharmony;
  then one is at peace。
  The sage is at peace because she is
  not confused with the distinctions of
  harmony and disharmony。

  The sage is at one with Infinity。


  When people are not in awe of the Infinite;
  they are overwhelmed by confusion。

  Do not violate another's space。
  Do not interfere with another's livelihood。

  If you do not violate their space
  or interfere with their livelihood;
  they will not separate
  from you。

  The sage acknowledges herself but
  does not distinguish herself
  from others。

  She lives her reality
  but does not try to foist it on others。

  She makes her choices
  but is indifferent and unattached
  and therefore lives in peace and


  A distinguishing man in his righteousness
  is prepared to kill or be killed in
  the name of righteousness。
  A non…distinguishing woman is indifferent
  and refuses to even consider killing。
  Both types of people occupy the world forever。
  They are one
  and undistinguished by Infinity。

  Infinity does not contend
  but through oneness overcomes all things。
  It does not speak but is the
  answer to all questions。
  It does not summons
  but all things are attracted to it。
  It makes no plans and has no goals
  but all things are manifested by it。

  The net of Infinity is all encompassing。
  The mesh is large
  yet nothing slips through。


  When people are at one with Infinity;
  they have no fear of death
  and so they are indifferent to threats。

  When people are confused
  with the distinction of life and death;
  they fear death。

  If death is the penalty for breaking the law;
  the vast majority will be law abiding。

  There are always official executioners
  and they are at one with killing。

  If you try to take their place;
  it is the same as trying to cut wood
  in place of the master carpenter。

  If you try to take the master carpenter's place;
  you will only succeed in cutting
  your hands。


  When the people of a nation are starving
  and without the basic necessities;
  it is because taxes are excessive。

  When the people of a nation are rebellious;
  it is because the laws are out of
  harmony with the population。

  When the leaders of a nation are oppressive
  in their confusion;
  the people remember their oneness
  and become indifferent to death。

  Those who remember the oneness of Infinity
  are indifferent to life and death
  and consequently live in peace
  and harmony。


  The human body is born soft and supple;
  after death it is hard and stiff。
  Plants and trees are pliant and limber
  when they sprout;
  after death they are inflexible and

  Therefore; hard and inflexible
  are characteristics of death。
  Pliant and flexible
  are characteristics of life。

  Thus; an army that is inflexible will be conquered
  and a tree that does not yield to
  the wind will snap。

  The hard and inflexible will succumb。
  The pliant and flexible will endure。


  The harmony of Infinity functions like
  a bow and its string。
  The upper part bends down;
  the lower part raises up。
  If the string is too long; it is made shorter;
  too short and it is lengthened。

  The nature of Infinity is balance;
  excess gravitates to what is lacking。
  The tendency of people is toward confusion
  because those who have much
  take from those who have little。

  Those who are at one with Infinity and
  live in peace and harmony
  are not confused。
  They do not accumulate what
  they do not need
  and are like a reservoir to those
  are impoverished。

  The sage lives in harmony
  giving without expecting;
  completing her tasks with indifference;
  and maintaining a oneness with all things。


  Nothing in the world is more submissive and
  than water。
  Yet nothing can equal it in cutting the inflexible
  and eroding the hard。

  The weak can subdue the strong
  and the flexible outlasts the rigid。
  This is common knowledge;
  yet only a very few can practice it。

  Therefore; the sages say;
  She who is at one with the
  disgrace of a nation
  is worthy to be queen。

  He who is at one with the
  misfortunes of nations
  is worthy to be king of kings。

  The truth frequently seems paradoxical。


  Conflict almost always leaves some resentment
  regardless of the nature of a peaceful

  How does one achieve peace and harmony?
  The sage fulfills her commitments
  but does not demand others to fulfill theirs。

  Those who are confused
  demand others to fulfill their commitments
  but are unconcerned with fulfilling
  their own。

  Infinity is indifferent。
  It is at one with all people。


  A peaceful nation has few people and
  flows in harmony and oneness。
  They have weapons of war but they have no
  inclination to use them。
  They are indifferent to death and indifferent
  to living elsewhere。
  They have boats and carriages
  but seldom use them。
  They have weapons of war but
  no one displays them。
  They live a simple life:
  their food is nourishing;
  their clothes are adequate;
  their dwellings are secure。
  They are at peace and in harmony
  with all things。

  Even though they live within sight
  of a neighboring nation
  and hear the sounds of dogs and
  they grow old and perish
  without ever desiring to go there。


  Truthful words are seldom passionate。
  Passionate words are seldom truthful。

  Peaceful men do not quarrel。
  Those who quarrel are confused。

  He who is at one with all things
  knows Infinity。
  He who has knowledge
  is always confused。

  The sage is never confused by accumulating。
  The more he does for others;
  the more he flows in harmony。
  The more he gives to others;
  the more he experiences peace。

  Infinity manifests; nourishes and dis
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