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If I am true enough;
I feel the heart…heats of others
Above my own
If I am enough of a father;
Enough of a son。
Death might appear to be the issue of life;
Since for every three out of ten being born
Three out of ten are dying。
Then why
Should another three out of ten continue breeding death?
By use of sheer madness to multiply。
But there is one out of ten; they say; so sure of life
That tiger and wild bull keep clear of his inland path。
Weapons turn from him on the battle…field;
No bull…horn could tell where to gore him;
No tiger…claw where to tear him;
No weapon where to enter him。
And why?
Because he has no death to die。
Existence having born them
And fitness bred them;
While matter varied their forms
And breath empowered them;
All created things render; to the existence and fitness they depend on;
An obedience
Not commanded but of course。
And since this is the way existence bears issue
And fitness raises; attends;
Shelters; feeds and protects;
D0 you likewise
Be parent; not possessor;
Attendant; not master;
Be concerned not with obedience but with benefit;
And you are at the core of living。
The source of life
Is as a mother。
Be fond of both mother and children but know the mother dearer
And you outlive death。
Curb your tongue and senses
And you are beyond trouble;
Let them loose
And you are beyond help。
Discover that nothing is too small for clear vision;
Too insignificant for tender strength~
Use outlook
And insight;
Use them both
And you are immune:
For you have witnessed eternity。
If I had any learning
Of a highway wide and fit;
Would I lose it at each turning?
Yet look at people spurning
Natural use of it!
See how fine the palaces
And see how poor the farms;
How bare the peasants' granaries
While gentry wear embroideries
Hiding sharpened arms;
And the more they have the more they seize;
How can there be such men as these
Who never hunger; never thirst;
Yet eat and drink until they burst!
There are other brigands; but these are the worst
Of all the highway's harms。
'Since true foundation cannot fail
But holds as good as new;
Many a worshipful son shall hail
A father who lived true。'
Realized in one man; fitness has its rise;
Realized in a family; fitness multiplies;
Realized in a village; fitness gathers weight;
Realized in a country; fitness becomes great;
Realized in the world; fitness fills the skies。
And thus the fitness of one man
You find in the family he began;
You find in the village that accrued;
You find in the country that ensued;
You find in the world's whole multitude。
How do I know this integrity?
Because it could all begin in me。
He whom life fulfills;
Though he remains a child;
Is immune to the poisonous sting
Of insects; to the ravening
Of wild beasts or to vultures' bills。
He needs no more bone or muscle than a baby's for sure hold。
Without thought of joined organs; he is gender
Which grows firm; unfaltering。
Though his voice should cry out at full pitch all day; it would not rasp but would stay tender
Through the perfect balancing
Of a man at endless ease with everything
Because of the true life that he has led。
To try for more than this bodes ill。
It is said; 'there's a way where there's a will;'
But let life ripen and then fall。
Willis not the way at all:
Deny the way of life and you are dead。
Those who know do not tell;
Those who tell do not know。
Not to set the tongue loose
But to curb it;
Not to have edges that catch
But to remain untangled;
Is to find balance;
And he who holds baiance beyond sway of love or hate;
Beyond reach of profit or loss;
Beyond care of praise or blame;
Has attained the highest post in the world。
A realm is governed by ordinary acts;
A battle is governed by extraordinary acts;
The world is governed by no acts at all。
And how do I know?
This is how I know。
Act after act prohibits
Everything but poverty;
Weapon after weapon conquers
Everything but chaos;
Business after business provides
A craze of waste;
Law after law breeds
A multitude of thieves。
Therefore a sensible man says:
If I keep from meddling with people; they take care of themselves;
If I keep from commanding people; they behave themselves;
If I keep from preaching at people; they improve themselves;
If I keep from imposing on people; they become themselves。
The less a leader does and says
The happier his people;
The more a leader struts and brags
The sorrier his people。
Often what appears to be unhappiness is happiness
And what appears to be happiness is unhappiness。
Who can see what leads to what
When happiness appears and yet is not;
When what should he is nothing but a mask
Disguising what should not be? Who can but ask
An end to such a stupid plot!
Therefore a sound man shall so square the circle
And circle the square as not to injure; not to impede:
The glow of his life shall not daze;
It shall lead。
To lead men and serve heaven; weigh the worth
Of the one source:
Use the single force
Which doubles the strength of the strong
By enabling man to go right; disabling him to go wrong;
Be so charged with the nature of life that you give your people birth;
That you mother your land; are the fit
And ever…iving root of it:
The seeing。root; whose eye is infinite。
Handle a large kingdom with as gentle a touch as if you were cooking small fish。
If you manage people by letting them alone;
Ghosts of the dead shall not haunt you。
Not that there are no ghosts
But that their influence becomes propitious
In the sound existence of a living man:
There is no difference between the quick and the dead;
They are one channel of vitality。
A large country is the low level of interflowing rivers。
It draws people to the sea…end of a valley
As the female draws the male;
Receives it into absorbing depth
Because depth always absorbs。
And so a large country; inasfar as it is deeper than a small country;
Absorbs the small…
Or a small country; inasfar as it is deeper than a large country;
Absorbs the large。
Some countnes consciously seek depth into which to draw others。
Some countries naturally have depth into which to draw others:
A large country needs to admit;
A small country needs to emit;
And so each country can naturally have what it needs
If the large country submit。
Existence is sanctuary:
It is a good man's purse;
It is also a bad man's keep。
Clever performances come dear or cheap;
Goodness comes free;
And how shall a man who acts better deny a man who acts worse
This right to be。
Rather; when an emperor is crowned; let the three
Ministers whom he appoints to receive for him fine horses and gifts of jade
Receive for him also the motionless gift of integrity;
The gift prized as highest by those ancients who said;
'Only pursue an offender to show him the way。'
What men in all the world could have more wealth than
Men knowing the way of life
Do without acting;
Effect without enforcing;
Taste without consuming;
'Through the many they find the few;
Through the humble the great;'
They 'respect their foes;'
They 'face the simple fact before it becomes involved;
Solve the small problem before it becomes big。'
The most involved fact in the world
Could have been faced when it was simple;
The biggest problem in the world
Could have been solved when it was small。
The simple fact that he finds no problem big
Is a sane man's prime achievement。
If you say yes too quickly
You may have to say no;
If you think things are done too easily
You may find them hard to do:
If you face trouble sanely
It cannot trouble you。
Before it move; hold it;
Before it go wrong; mould it;
Drain off water in winter before it freeze;
Before weeds grow; sow them to the breeze。
You can deal with what has not happened; can foresee
Harmful events and not allow them to be。
Though as naturally as a seed becomes a tree of arm…wide girth…
There can rise a nine…tiered tower from a man's handful of earth
Or here at your feet a thousand…mile journey have birth;
Quick action bruises;
Quick grasping loses。
Therefore a sane man's care is not to exert
One move that can miss; one move that can hurt