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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第13部分

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Zeb hitched Jim to the buggy again; and the horse trotted along and

drew them rapidly over the smooth water。  The kitten was at first

dreadfully afraid of getting wet; but Dorothy let her down and soon

Eureka was frisking along beside the buggy without being scared a bit。

Once a little fish swam too near the surface; and the kitten grabbed

it in her mouth and ate it up as quick as a wink; but Dorothy

cautioned her to be careful what she ate in this valley of enchantments;

and no more fishes were careless enough to swim within reach。

After a journey of several hours they came to a point where the river

curved; and they found they must cross a mile or so of the Valley

before they came to the Pyramid Mountain。  There were few houses in

this part; and few orchards or flowers; so our friends feared they

might encounter more of the savage bears; which they had learned to

dread with all their hearts。

〃You'll have to make a dash; Jim;〃 said the Wizard; 〃and run as fast

as you can go。〃

〃All right;〃 answered the horse; 〃I'll do my best。  But you must

remember I'm old; and my dashing days are past and gone。〃

All three got into the buggy and Zeb picked up the reins; though Jim

needed no guidance of any sort。  The horse was still smarting from the

sharp claws of the invisible bears; and as soon as he was on land and

headed toward the mountain the thought that more of those fearsome

creatures might be near acted as a spur and sent him galloping along

in a way that made Dorothy catch her breath。

Then Zeb; in a spirit of mischief; uttered a growl like that of the

bears; and Jim pricked up his ears and fairly flew。  His boney legs

moved so fast they could scarcely be seen; and the Wizard clung fast

to the seat and yelled 〃Whoa!〃 at the top of his voice。

〃II'm 'fraid he'she's running away!〃 gasped Dorothy。

〃I KNOW he is;〃 said Zeb; 〃but no bear can catch him if he keeps up

that gaitand the harness or the buggy don't break。〃

Jim did not make a mile a minute; but almost before they were aware of

it he drew up at the foot of the mountain; so suddenly that the Wizard

and Zeb both sailed over the dashboard and landed in the soft

grasswhere they rolled over several times before they stopped。

Dorothy nearly went with them; but she was holding fast to the iron

rail of the seat; and that saved her。  She squeezed the kitten;

though; until it screeched; and then the old cab…horse made several

curious sounds that led the little girl to suspect he was laughing at

them all。

10。  The Braided Man of Pyramid Mountain

The mountain before them was shaped like a cone and was so tall that

its point was lost in the clouds。  Directly facing the place where Jim

had stopped was an arched opening leading to a broad stairway。  The

stairs were cut in the rock inside the mountain; and they were broad

and not very steep; because they circled around like a cork…screw; and

at the arched opening where the flight began the circle was quite big。

At the foot of the stairs was a sign reading:


These steps lead to the

Land of the Gargoyles。


〃I wonder how Jim is ever going to draw the buggy up so many stairs;〃

said Dorothy; gravely。

〃No trouble at all;〃 declared the horse; with a contemptuous neigh。

〃Still; I don't care to drag any passengers。  You'll all have to walk。〃

〃Suppose the stairs get steeper?〃 suggested Zeb; doubtfully。

〃Then you'll have to boost the buggy…wheels; that's all;〃 answered Jim。

〃We'll try it; anyway;〃 said the Wizard。  〃It's the only way to get

out of the Valley of Voe。〃

So they began to ascend the stairs; Dorothy and the Wizard first; Jim

next; drawing the buggy; and then Zeb to watch that nothing happened

to the harness。

The light was dim; and soon they mounted into total darkness; so that

the Wizard was obliged to get out his lanterns to light the way。  But

this enabled them to proceed steadily until they came to a landing

where there was a rift in the side of the mountain that let in both

light and air。  Looking through this opening they could see the Valley

of Voe lying far below them; the cottages seeming like toy houses from

that distance。

After resting a few moments they resumed their climb; and still the

stairs were broad and low enough for Jim to draw the buggy easily

after him。  The old horse panted a little; and had to stop often to

get his breath。  At such times they were all glad to wait for him; for

continually climbing up stairs is sure to make one's legs ache。

They wound about; always going upward; for some time。  The lights from

the lanterns dimly showed the way; but it was a gloomy journey; and

they were pleased when a broad streak of light ahead assured them they

were coming to a second landing。

Here one side of the mountain had a great hole in it; like the mouth

of a cavern; and the stairs stopped at the near edge of the floor and

commenced ascending again at the opposite edge。

The opening in the mountain was on the side opposite to the Valley of

Voe; and our travellers looked out upon a strange scene。  Below them

was a vast space; at the bottom of which was a black sea with rolling

billows; through which little tongues of flame constantly shot up。

Just above them; and almost on a level with their platform; were banks

of rolling clouds which constantly shifted position and changed color。

The blues and greys were very beautiful; and Dorothy noticed that on

the cloud banks sat or reclined fleecy; shadowy forms of beautiful

beings who must have been the Cloud Fairies。  Mortals who stand upon

the earth and look up at the sky cannot often distinguish these forms;

but our friends were now so near to the clouds that they observed the

dainty fairies very clearly。

〃Are they real?〃 asked Zeb; in an awed voice。

〃Of course;〃 replied Dorothy; softly。  〃They are the Cloud Fairies。〃

〃They seem like open…work;〃 remarked the boy; gazing intently。  〃If I

should squeeze one; there wouldn't be anything left of it。〃

In the open space between the clouds and the black; bubbling sea far

beneath; could be seen an occasional strange bird winging its way

swiftly through the air。  These birds were of enormous size; and

reminded Zeb of the rocs he had read about in the Arabian Nights。  They

had fierce eyes and sharp talons and beaks; and the children hoped

none of them would venture into the cavern。

〃Well; I declare!〃 suddenly exclaimed the little Wizard。  〃What in the

world is this?〃

They turned around and found a man standing on the floor in the center

of the cave; who bowed very politely when he saw he had attracted

their attention。  He was a very old man; bent nearly double; but the

queerest thing about him was his white hair and beard。  These were so

long that they reached to his feet; and both the hair and the beard

were carefully plaited into many braids; and the end of each braid

fastened with a bow of colored ribbon。

〃Where did you come from?〃 asked Dorothy; wonderingly。

〃No place at all;〃 answered the man with the braids; 〃that is; not

recently。  Once I lived on top the earth; but for many years I have

had my factory in this spothalf way up Pyramid Mountain。〃

〃Are we only half way up?〃 enquired the boy; in a discouraged tone。

〃I believe so; my lad;〃 replied the braided man。  〃But as I have never

been in either direction; down or up; since I arrived; I cannot be

positive whether it is exactly half way or not。〃

〃Have you a factory in this place?〃 asked the Wizard; who had been

examining the strange personage carefully。

〃To be sure;〃 said the other。  〃I am a great inventor; you must know;

and I manufacture my products in this lonely spot。〃

〃What are your products?〃 enquired the Wizard。

〃Well; I make Assorted Flutters for flags and bunting; and a superior

grade of Rustles for ladies' silk gowns。〃

〃I thought so;〃 said the Wizard; with a sigh。  〃May we examine some of

these articles?〃

〃Yes; indeed; come into my shop; please;〃 and the braided man turned

and led the way into a smaller cave; where he evidently lived。  Here;

on a broad shelf; were several card…board boxes of various sizes;

each tied with cotton cord。

〃This;〃 said the man; taking up a box and handling it gently;

〃contains twelve dozen rustlesenough to last any lady a year。   Will

you buy it; my dear?〃 he asked; addressing Dorothy。

〃My gown isn't silk;〃 she said; smiling。

〃Never mind。  When you open the box the rustles will escape; whether

you are wearing a silk dress or not;〃 said the man; seriously。  Then

he picked up another box。  〃In this;〃 he continued; 〃are many

assorted flutters。  They are invaluable to make flags flutter on a

still day; when there is no wind。  You; sir;〃 turning to the Wizard;

〃ought to have this assortment。  Once you have tried my goods I am

sure you wi
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