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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第6部分

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Are you not vegetable; also?〃

〃No;〃 answered the Wizard。  〃People on top of the earth are all meat。

Will your Sorcerer die?〃

〃Certainly; sir。  He is really dead now; and will wither very quickly。

So we must plant him at once; that other Sorcerers may grow upon his

bush;〃 continued the Prince。

〃What do you mean by that?〃 asked the little Wizard; greatly puzzled。

〃If you will accompany me to our public gardens;〃 replied the Prince;

〃I will explain to you much better than I can here the mysteries of

our Vegetable Kingdom。〃

4。  The Vegetable Kingdom

After the Wizard had wiped the dampness from his sword and taken it

apart and put the pieces into their leathern case again; the man with

the star ordered some of his people to carry the two halves of the

Sorcerer to the public gardens。

Jim pricked up his ears when he heard they were going to the gardens;

and wanted to join the party; thinking he might find something proper

to eat; so Zeb put down the top of the buggy and invited the Wizard to

ride with them。  The seat was amply wide enough for the little man and

the two children; and when Jim started to leave the hall the kitten

jumped upon his back and sat there quite contentedly。

So the procession moved through the streets; the bearers of the

Sorcerer first; the Prince next; then Jim drawing the buggy with the

strangers inside of it; and last the crowd of vegetable people who had

no hearts and could neither smile nor frown。

The glass city had several fine streets; for a good many people lived

there; but when the procession had passed through these it came upon a

broad plain covered with gardens and watered by many pretty brooks

that flowed through it。  There were paths through these gardens; and

over some of the brooks were ornamental glass bridges。

Dorothy and Zeb now got out of the buggy and walked beside the Prince;

so that they might see and examine the flowers and plants better。

〃Who built these lovely bridges?〃 asked the little girl。

〃No one built them;〃 answered the man with the star。  〃They grow。〃

〃That's queer;〃 said she。  〃Did the glass houses in your city grow; too?〃

〃Of course;〃 he replied。  〃But it took a good many years for them to

grow as large and fine as they are now。  That is why we are so angry

when a Rain of Stones comes to break our towers and crack our roofs。〃

〃Can't you mend them?〃 she enquired。

〃No; but they will grow together again; in time; and we must wait

until they do。〃

They first passed through many beautiful gardens of flowers; which

grew nearest the city; but Dorothy could hardly tell what kind of

flowers they were; because the colors were constantly changing under

the shifting lights of the six suns。  A flower would be pink one

second; white the next; then blue or yellow; and it was the same way

when they came to the plants; which had broad leaves and grew close to

the ground。

When they passed over a field of grass Jim immediately stretched down

his head and began to nibble。

〃A nice country this is;〃 he grumbled; 〃where a respectable horse has

to eat pink grass!〃

〃It's violet;〃 said the Wizard; who was in the buggy。

〃Now it's blue;〃 complained the horse。  〃As a matter of fact; I'm

eating rainbow grass。〃

〃How does it taste?〃 asked the Wizard。

〃Not bad at all;〃 said Jim。  〃If they give me plenty of it I'll not

complain about its color。〃

By this time the party had reached a freshly plowed field; and the

Prince said to Dorothy:

〃This is our planting…ground。〃

Several Mangaboos came forward with glass spades and dug a hole in the

ground。  Then they put the two halves of the Sorcerer into it and

covered him up。  After that other people brought water from a brook

and sprinkled the earth。

〃He will sprout very soon;〃 said the Prince; 〃and grow into a large bush;

from which we shall in time be able to pick several very good sorcerers。〃

〃Do all your people grow on bushes?〃 asked the boy。

〃Certainly;〃 was the reply。  〃Do not all people grow upon bushes where

you came from; on the outside of the earth?〃

〃Not that I ever hear of。〃

〃How strange!  But if you will come with me to one of our folk gardens

I will show you the way we grow in the Land of the Mangaboos。〃

It appeared that these odd people; while they were able to walk

through the air with ease; usually moved upon the ground in the

ordinary way。  There were no stairs in their houses; because they did

not need them; but on a level surface they generally walked just as we do。

The little party of strangers now followed the Prince across a few

more of the glass bridges and along several paths until they came to a

garden enclosed by a high hedge。  Jim had refused to leave the field

of grass; where he was engaged in busily eating; so the Wizard got out

of the buggy and joined Zeb and Dorothy; and the kitten followed

demurely at their heels。

Inside the hedge they came upon row after row of large and handsome

plants with broad leaves gracefully curving until their points nearly

reached the ground。  In the center of each plant grew a daintily

dressed Mangaboo; for the clothing of all these creatures grew upon

them and was attached to their bodies。

The growing Mangaboos were of all sizes; from the blossom that had

just turned into a wee baby to the full…grown and almost ripe man or

woman。  On some of the bushes might be seen a bud; a blossom; a baby;

a half…grown person and a ripe one; but even those ready to pluck were

motionless and silent; as if devoid of life。  This sight explained to

Dorothy why she had seen no children among the Mangaboos; a thing she

had until now been unable to account for。

〃Our people do not acquire their real life until they leave their bushes;〃

said the Prince。  〃You will notice they are all attached to the plants by

the soles of their feet; and when they are quite ripe they are easily

separated from the stems and at once attain the powers of motion

and speech。  So while they grow they cannot be said to really live;

and they must be picked before they can become good citizens。〃

〃How long do you live; after you are picked?〃 asked Dorothy。

〃That depends upon the care we take of ourselves;〃 he replied。  〃If we

keep cool and moist; and meet with no accidents; we often live for

five years。  I've been picked over six years; but our family is known

to be especially long lived。〃

〃Do you eat?〃 asked the boy。

〃Eat!  No; indeed。  We are quite solid inside our bodies; and have no

need to eat; any more than does a potato。〃

〃But the potatoes sometimes sprout;〃 said Zeb。

〃And sometimes we do;〃 answered the Prince; 〃but that is considered a

great misfortune; for then we must be planted at once。〃

〃Where did you grow?〃 asked the Wizard。

〃I will show you;〃 was the reply。 〃Step this way; please。〃

He led them within another but smaller circle of hedge; where grew one

large and beautiful bush。

〃This;〃 said he; 〃is the Royal Bush of the Mangaboos。  All of our

Princes and Rulers have grown upon this one bush from time immemorial。〃

They stood before it in silent admiration。  On the central stalk stood

poised the figure of a girl so exquisitely formed and colored and so

lovely in the expression of her delicate features that Dorothy thought

she had never seen so sweet and adorable a creature in all her life。

The maiden's gown was soft as satin and fell about her in ample folds;

while dainty lace…like traceries trimmed the bodice and sleeves。  Her

flesh was fine and smooth as polished ivory; and her poise expressed

both dignity and grace。

〃Who is this?〃 asked the Wizard; curiously。

The Prince had been staring hard at the girl on the bush。  Now he

answered; with a touch of uneasiness in his cold tones:

〃She is the Ruler destined to be my successor; for she is a Royal

Princess。  When she becomes fully ripe I must abandon the sovereignty

of the Mangaboos to her。〃

〃Isn't she ripe now?〃 asked Dorothy。

He hesitated。

〃Not quite;〃 said he; finally。  〃It will be several days before she

needs to be picked; or at least that is my judgment。  I am in no hurry

to resign my office and be planted; you may be sure。〃

〃Probably not;〃 declared the Wizard; nodding。

〃This is one of the most unpleasant things about our vegetable lives;〃

continued the Prince; with a sigh; 〃that while we are in our full

prime we must give way to another; and be covered up in the ground to

sprout and grow and give birth to other people。〃

〃I'm sure the Princess is ready to be picked;〃 asserted Dorothy;

gazing hard at the beautiful girl on the bush。  〃She's as perfect as

she can be。〃

〃Never mind;〃 answered the Prince; hastily; 〃she will be all right for

a few days longer; and it is best for me to rule until I can dispose

of you strangers; who have come to
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