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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第107部分

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ear yourself away。〃
〃Crazy;〃 the outcast repeated。
He limped for the stairs and in a moment was gone like the rest。
Pharaun walked behind the bar。 〃Now;〃 he said; 〃to begin drow's eternotnal search for the stuff that bubbles?
Ryld surveyed the slumbering goblins as if pondering whether to stick his sword in them。
〃I still think this is a bad idea;〃 the weapons master said。
Careful not to soil his boots; Pharaun stepped around the two bloody pieces of the barkeep and inspected a rack of jugs and bottles。
〃You always say that; and you're always mistaken。 The goblinoids will carry word of our whereabouts far and wide。 The rogues are bound to hear。〃
〃As will your sister and everyone else we've managed to annoy。〃
Pharaun uncorked a jug。 The pungent liquid inside didn't seem to be fizzing; so he moved on。
〃Care to make a wager on who'll arrive first?〃
〃Either way;〃 Ryld snorted; 〃we wind up dead。〃
〃Had I wished to hear the dreary voice of pessimism; I would have denottained our friend Bruherd;〃 the wizard said as he inspected a jar full of cloudy liquid。 〃Here's a jar of pickled sausages if you care to break your fast; but I won't vouch for the ingredients。 I think I see a kobold's horn floating in the brine。〃
He opened a glass bottle with a long; double…curved neck; and the connottents hissed。
〃Aha! I've found the draught the Duskryn remended。〃
〃Someone's here;〃 said Ryld。
The mage turned。 Two figures were descending the stairs。 They looked like ores; with coarse; tangled manes and lupine ears; but Pharaun's silver ring revealed that the appearance was an illusion; disguising dark elf males。 The wizard saw the masks as translucent veils lying atop the reality。
He conveyed the truth of the situation to Ryld with a rapid flexing and crooking of his fingers。
〃Gentlemen;〃 said the mage; 〃well met! My rade and I have been looking everywhere for you。〃
〃We know;〃 said the taller of the newers; evidently not surprised that a Master of Sorcere had instantly penetrated his disguise。 He was Houndaer Tuin'Tarl; one of the highest ranked of the missing males; likenotwise one of the first to elope; and thus almost certainly one of the ringnotleaders。 Certainly he looked like a princely mander of lesser folk。 His rich silk and velvet garments; the magical auras of many of his possessions; and strutting demeanor all proclaimed it。 He wore crystals in his thick; flowing hair…a nice effect…had close…set eyes and a prominent jaw; and looked as if he knew how to manage the scimitar hanging at his side。 He also looked rather tense
〃We've known for a while;〃 said the other stranger; whom Pharaun didn't recognize。
At first glance; he appeared to be a nondescript moner; with the squint and small hands of a craftsman proficient at fine work。 However; the dagger tucked in his sash fairly blazed with potent enchantments; as did an object concealed within his jerkin。 Evidently he'd layered one disnotguise on another。
〃Well;〃 said Ryld; 〃you took your time contacting us。 I guess that's unnotderstandable。〃
〃I think so;〃 said Houndaer as he and his rade advanced。 A goblin moaned; and the noble kicked the creature silent。 〃Why were you seeknoting us?〃
〃It's our understanding;〃 said Pharaun; stepping from behind the bar; 〃that you offer a haven for males who find existence under the thumbs of their female relatives uncongenial and who; for whatever reason; aspire neither to the Academy; a merchant clan; nor Bregan D'aerthe。 If so; then we wish to join your pany。〃
〃But you two already did aspire to the Academy;〃 the aristocrat said。 〃You rose to high rank there。 Some might say that gives my associates and I cause for concern。〃
The ore mask's tusked mouth perfectly copied the motions of his actual lips。 Pharaun couldn't have created a better illusion himself。 
〃You speak of the dead past;〃 Pharaun said。 〃You've no doubt heard I'm in disgrace; and Master Argith finds Melee…Magthere stale and tedious。〃 The dark powers knew; his discontented friend shouldn't have much trouble convincing them of that。 〃We require an alternative way of life。〃
Houndaer nodded and replied; 〃I'm glad to hear it; but what assurances can you give that you aren't an agent the matrons sent to find us?〃
Pharaun grinned。 〃My solemn oath?〃
Everyone chuckled; even Ryld and the boy with the dagger; who were both quietly; thoughtfully watching their more loquacious panions palaver。
〃Seriously;〃 the wizard continued; 〃if our escapade in the Bazaar failed to convince you of our bona fides; I have no idea what other persuasion we can offer。 But it didn't fail; did it? Otherwise; you wouldn't be here。 So unless you per
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