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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第111部分

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 too powerful。 They have too many talismans; fortresses; and; most importantly; troops and vassals serving out of fear。〃
〃I begin to prehend; and I apologize for not giving you sufficient credit;〃 Pharaun said。 〃This is merely the opening gambit in a sava game that will last a number of years。〃
〃When fighting engulfs Menzoberranzan;〃 Houndaer said; 〃and the clerics cast no spells to put down the revolt; their weakness will bee apparent to everyone。 Meanwhile; our brotherhood will take advantage of the chaos to assassinate those females who pose the greatest obstacles to our ambitions。 With luck; the ores will account for a few more。 At the end of the day; our gender's position in the scheme of things will be considerably stronger; and every male in the city will start aspiring to supremacy。
〃In the years to e; our cabal will do whatever we can to diminish the females and put ourselves in their place。 One day soon; we'll see a noble House manded by a male and eventually; a master in every House。〃
He smiled and added; 〃Needless to say; a master who belongs to this franotternity。 I'll enjoy ruling over House Tuin'Tarl; and I imagine that you; Brother of Sorcere; wouldn't say no to primacy over your own family。〃
Pharaun nodded and said; 〃You're far too canny to have forgotten we've all gone rogue。 。。。〃
〃Our kin will wele us back once we've weakened them to the point where they're desperate for reinforcements。 We'll concoct tales of travels to the far ends of the Underdark; or something。 It won't matter to them when they're desperate enough。〃
〃Indeed; you've plotted everything out so shrewdly that I only see one potential pitfall; Pharaun said。 〃What if the goblins and gnolls should acnottually succeed in slaughtering us all; or at least inflicting such damage on our city that the devastation breaks our hearts?〃
Houndaer stared at the mage for a moment; then laughed。 〃For a moment; I almost thought you serious。〃
Pharaun grinned。 〃Forgive me。 I have a perverse fondness for japes at inappropriate moments; as Master Argith will attest。〃
Houndaer smiled at Ryld and said; 〃I'd just as soon hear him attest that I mastered all those lessons on strategy he pounded into my skull。〃
〃You did;〃 said Ryld; and perhaps it was true。 His instincts told him that this scheme; outlandish as it seemed; might work; and he abruptly renotalized he didn't know how he felt about the possibility。
He and Pharaun had infiltrated the rogues to betray them; to placate the archmage; and because the Mizzrym wizard had some vague notion that they'd achieve greater status and power and thus a permanent cure for Ryld's formless dissatisfaction; thereby。 Yet now the conspirators were ofnotfering high rank and a role in a grand adventure。 Perhaps; then; the teachnoters should bee in truth the rebels they were pretending to be。
The warrior glanced over at Pharaun。 With a flick of his fingers so subtle that no one else would notice; the wizard signed one word in the silent language: Persevere。
Ryld took it to mean that his friend; with his usual acuity; had divined what he was thinking and was urging him to hold to their original intent。 He gave a tiny nod of assent。 He didn't know if Pharaun was making a wise choice; but he did realize he wouldn't even be here listening to this apocnotalyptic talk if his friend hadn't asked for his aid。 When all was said and done; Ryld had descended from Melee…Magthere to help the wizard achieve his ends; and that was what he was going to do。
Pharaun turned to Tsabrak and said; 〃I assume the driders have allied themselves with the conspiracy because the boys promised you a place of honor in the splendid Menzoberranzan to e。 Perhaps they even pledged to find a way to transform you back into a drow。〃
〃Something like that;〃 Tsabrak sneered。 〃Mainly; though; those of us who joined did it for the chance to kill lots and lots of priestesses。〃
〃I can't say I blame you;〃 Pharaun said。 〃Well; gentlemen; your plans are inspiring to say the least。 I'm glad we sought you out。〃
〃So am I;〃 said Ryld。
〃The only things I'm still hazy on;〃 the mage continued; 〃are Syrzan and the Prophet。 One and the same? I see by your expressions that they are。 Who is 。。。 it really; and what power does it use to so enthrall the goblins?〃
〃I think you're about to find out;〃 Houndaer said。
An instant later; something droned through the air; almost like a noise; but not。 Actually; the sensation existed solely within the mind。 Pharaun turned; and Tsabrak scuttled aside to reveal the robed figure in the doornotway。 Ryld felt a jolt of dismay。 Afraid it was already too late; he sprang up from the b
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