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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第139部分

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d burn scars arranged in a plex swirling pattern。
The thrall cut at Greyanna's head。 Under other circumstances; she would have retreated out of range; but that would break the line。 Wishing she'd brought a shield to the revel; she lifted her mace in a high parry。 The hobgoblin's broadsword rang against the stone haft of the war club and skipped off。
At once she riposted with a strike to the flank; and the undercreature whipped his targe around to block。 The blow bashed a dent in the round steel shield and knocked the hobgoblin reeling back; his slanted eyes wide with surprise。 He didn't know about the potion that had lent her an ogre's strength。
Greyanna struck to the side; slaying the slave who was menacing her neighbor; then her own bald adversary came edging back。 He hovered a second; then feinted to the flank and finished with a cut to the chest。 Disnotcerning the true threat; she half…stepped inside the arc of the attack and swung at his jaw。 The blow crunched home; and he toppled backward with a shattered; bloody chin and a broken neck。
She killed two more hobgoblins; then something prodded her shin; a thrust that failed to penetrate her boot。 She looked down; and it was a kobold; armed with a fireplace poker; who had apparently been scurrying about the feet of the larger slaves。 Greyanna killed the reptilian imp with a roundhouse kick。
She cast about for her next adversary。 She didn't seem to have one。 The fight was over; and the few surviving hobgoblins were running away。
〃Form up!〃 she shouted。 〃I want a column with the traders in the middle。 Fast!〃
Once the procession was under way; Aunrae; striding along at Greynotanna's side; asked; 〃May I know where we're going? An ally's castle?〃
〃No;〃 Greyanna replied。 〃I suspect we couldn't get in。 We're going to hide our charges in Bauthwaf。〃
The column crept past corpses and burning stone; and as they made their way to the cavern wall; other moners came running out of their homes to join the procession。 Greyanna's first impulse was to turn away those without ties to House Mizzrym; but she thought better of it。 Many of the newers carried swords; and she could press the dolts into marnottial service if needed。
Occasionally someone collapsed; coughing feebly; poisoned by the stinging smoke。 The rest stepped over her and pressed on。
Someone gave a thin; high cry; as if at an unexpected pain。 Greyanna spun around。 The goblins weren't attacking。 Her client the canoe maker had simply seized his opportunity to knife another male in the back。
〃A petitor;〃 the craftsman explained。
The labyrinthine fortress known as the Great Mound contained a number of magically sealed areas。 Unbelievably; the rebellious slave troops penetrated everywhere else。 The Baenre fought the goblinoids in the stanotlagmite towers; across the aerial bridges that connected them; and through the tunnels beneath them; even along the balconies and skywalks of the stalactite bastions; reclaiming their domain a bloody inch at a time。
The thralls made their final stand in the courtyard; a spacious area surnotrounded by a web like iron fence。 The barrier was a potent magical defense; and; as the Baenre had just discovered; of no use whatsoever if one's foe was already inside the pound。
Triel floated down from the battlements above to take a hand in the last of the fighting。 Jeggred; who'd stood beside her since the battle notmenced; drifted down as well。 Both mother and demi demon son wore a copious spattering of blood; none of it their own。
In truth; Triel could have left the task of clearing the yard to her warnotriors; but she was enjoying herself。 Partly; it was simple drow bloodlust; but she'd also found a directness; a simplicity; in slaughtering goblins that was sadly lacking in the plex task of ruling the city。 For the first time since ascending to her mother's throne; she felt she knew what she was doing。
Half a dozen minotaurs; formidable brutes she had often employed as her own personal guards; chanted; 〃Freedom! Freedom!〃 as they swung their axes or crouched to gore an enemy with their horns。 Triel read the last line of runes from a scroll that; when the rebellion menced; had contained seven spells。
Dazzling flame blazed up from the ground beneath the minotaurs' hooves。 Four of the huge beasts fell down screaming and thrashing。 The other two leaped clear of the conflagration。 They didn't escape harm entirely。 The fire burned away patches of their shaggy fur and seared the flesh benotneath; but the injuries didn't slow them down。 They bellowed and charged。
A minotaur towered over a drow of normal stature; and made Triel look like a 
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