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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第142部分

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ntacle changed from red to blue。
〃Right; then;〃 he said to the wizards。 〃I assume you can tell where you're meant to stand; so do it and we'll begin。 I'll say a line; you repeat it。 Copy my passes if you're up to it。〃
For a properly schooled wizard; magic was generally easy。 He relied on an armamentarium of spells; many devised by his predecessors; a few; pernothaps; invented by himself。 In either case; they were perfected spells that he thoroughly understood。 He knew he could cast them properly; and what would happen when he did。
An extemporaneous ritual was a different matter。 Relying on their arcane knowledge and natural ability; a circle of mages tried to generate a new effect on the fly。 Often; nothing happened。 When it did; the power often turned on those who had raised it or discharged itself in some other manner contrary to their intent。 Yet occasionally such a ceremony worked; and with his station; his wealth; and his homeland at stake; Gromph was resolved to make this one of those times。
After the mages chanted for fifteen minutes; power began to whisper and sting through the air。 The archmage tapped the beater to the gong; sounding a clashing; shivering tone。 At once a vaster note answered and obscured the first; a booming; grinding; deafening roar。 Gromph's subornotdinates flinched; but the Baenre smiled in satisfaction; because the noise was thunder。
Perched high in the side cavern; the residents of Sorcere had an excelnotlent view of what transpired next。 The air at the top of the great vault; alnotready thick with smoke; grew denser still as masses of vapor materialized。 The shapeless shadows flickered like great translucent dragons with fire leaping in their bellies。 Following each flash; they bellowed that godlike hammering blast; as if the flames pained them。
Gromph knew that many of the folk in the city below had no idea what was occurring…it was possible that even some of his erudite colleagues didn't know…but whether they understood or not; clouds; lightning; and weather were paying a call on the hitherto changeless depths of the Under…dark。
As one; the clouds dropped torrents of water to fall in frigid veils。 The Baenre could hear the sizzling sound as it pounded the cavern wall。
〃That's impressive;〃 said Guldor; 〃but are you sure it will put out the flames? The fire's magical; after all。〃
Gromph's bruise gave him a twinge。
〃Yes; instructor;〃 he growled; 〃because I'm not an inpetent from a House of no account。 I'm a Baenre and the Archmage of Menzoberranzan 。 。 。 and I'm sure。〃
Before it was over; Pharaun lost track of how many battles he and his rades had fought。 He only knew they kept winning them; through sunotperior tactics more than anything else; and that despite their losses; their numbers kept growing; swelled by garrisons that had fought their way out of their castles。
Occasionally the ragtag army came upon a section of the city that had already been pacified; and though he never caught so much of a glimpse of them; Pharaun knew Bregan D'aerthe was fighting in concert with his own pany。 It was as much a fort as anything could be on this fierce and desperate night。
Finally the army from Tier Breche encountered an equally impressive force under Matron Baenre's mand。 The two panies united and marched on Narbondellyn; where several bugbears with some degree of martial experience had striven to organize thousands of their fellow under…creatures into a force capable of withstanding their masters' wrath。
The great stone pillar of Narbondel shone above fighting that was wild and chaotic。 Miraculously; partway through; the upper reaches of the cavern began to storm; allaying Pharaun's greatest fear。 An hour later; the drow swept in and annihilated the opposing force; and thus they took their homeland back。
In the aftermath; the wizard walked through the downpour; looking this way and that。 Strands of wet hair clung to his forehead; and his boots squelched。 As a mage; he had to concede the storm was a glorious achievenotment; to say nothing of the salvation of Menzoberranzan; but it was a pity his colleagues couldn't have acplished the same thing without wreaknoting havoc on everyone's appearance and chilling them to the bone。
The Mizzrym grinned。 Neither Quenthel nor Triel was anywhere around。 He'd taken direction from them all night; willingly enough; but he wanted to mand the finale of this extraordinary affair himself; and their absence gave him an excuse to proceed without consulting them。
He cast about once more and spied Welverin Freth。 The capable weapons master of the Nineteenth House; Welverin excelled at bat denotspite the 
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