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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第2部分

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diving in a controlled manner。
Gromph was mildly impressed。 A venom bolt would kill most creatures; certainly most of the petty vermin one encountered in the empty places between the worlds。
Manipulating an empty cocoon; he cast another spell。 The beast's body crumpled and folded into itself; and for a heartbeat; it was a helpnotlessly tumbling mouse…then it swelled and rippled back into its natural form。
All right; thought Gromph; then I'll cut you up。
He prepared to conjure a hail of blades; but at that moment; the creanotture accelerated。
Gromph had no idea the creature could descend any faster than it had hitherto; and he wasn't prepared for the sudden burst of speed。 The creature closed the distance between them in an instant; until it was hovering right in his face。
It had the melted or unfinished look mon to many such beings。 Rows of blank little eyes and a writhing proboscis sat off center in its bump of a head; only vaguely differentiated from its rubbery blob of a body。 The monster possessed no wings; but it was flying…the goddess only knew how。 Its legs were the most articulate part of it。 Ten thin; segnotmented members terminated in barbed hooks; which lashed at Gromph again and again and again。
As he expected; the frenzied scratching failed to harm him。 The ennotchantments woven into Gromph's piwafwi…not to mention a ring and an amulet…armored him at least as well as a suit of plate。 Still; it irked him that he had allowed the beast to get so close; and he felt more irritated still when he noticed that the creature's exertions were flinging tiny smoking droplets of his own conjured acid onto his person。
He growled a final spell and snatched hold of the malodorous predator; seizing handfuls of the blubber on its torso。 Instantly the magic began its work。 Strength and vitality flowed into him; and he cried out at the shocknoting pleasure of it。
He was drinking his adversary's very life; much as a vampire might have done。 The flying creature buzzed; thrashed; and became still。 It withered; cracked; and rotted in his grasp。 Finally; when he was certain he'd sucked out every vestige of life; he shoved it away。
Focusing his will; he arrested his fall and drifted upward again。 After a few minutes; he spied the opening at the top of the shaft。 He floated through; grabbed a convenient handrail; pulled himself over onto the floor of the workroom; then allowed his weight to return。 His vestments rustled as they settled around him。
The large circular chamber was in most respects a part of the tower of Sorcere…the school of wizardry over which the Archmage presided…but Gromph was reasonably certain that none of the masters of Sorcere susnotpected its existence; accustomed to secret and magical architecture though they were。 The place; lit by everlasting candles like the office below; was well nigh undetectable; even unguessable; because its tenant had set it a little apart from normal space and conventional time。 In some subtle renotspects it existed in the distant past; in the days of Menzoberranzan the Kinless; founder of the city; and in another way; in the remote and unknowable future。 Yet on the level of gross mortal existence; it sat firmly in the presnotent; and Gromph could work his most clandestine magic there secure in the knowledge that it would affect the Menzoberranzan of today。 It was a neat trick; and sometimes he almost regretted killing the seven prisoners; master mages all; who had helped him build the place in exchange; they imagined; for their freedom。 They had been genuine artists; but there was no point in creating a hidden refuge unless one ensured it would remain hidden。
Dusting a few specks and smears of the flying vermin from his nimble hands; Gromph moved to the section of the room containing an extensive collection of wizard's tools。 Humming; he selected a spiral…carved ebony staff from a wyvern's…foot stand; an onyx…studded iron amulet from its velvet…lined box; and a wickedly curved athame from a rack of similar ritual knives。 He sniffed several ceramic pots of incense before finally senotlecting; as he often did; the essence of black lotus。
As he murmured an invocation to the Abyssal powers and lit a brazen censor with the tame little flame he could conjure at will; he hesitated。 To his surprise; he found himself wondering if he truly wanted to proceed。
Menzoberranzan was in desperate straits; even though most of her citinotzens hadn't yet realized it。 In Gromph's place; many another wizard would embrace the situation as an unparalleled opportunity to enhance his own power; but the Archmage saw deeper。 The city had experienced 
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