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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第52部分

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Those high priestnotesses; hampered by their dignity; were having some difficulty making themselves fortable among the haphazardly stacked boxes and tangles of furniture littering the half…forgotten storeroom。 Of course; it didn't help that they hesitated to clear away the shrouds of filthy cobwebs dangling everywhere for fear a living spider remained within。
Drisinil wondered if that particular prohibition made sense any longer。 Perhaps spiders were no longer sacred。
Then; angry at herself; she pushed the blasphemous thought away。 Lolth abided; beyond any question; and was likely to chastise those who even for a moment imagined otherwise。
Once she wrenched her mind back to immediate concerns; Drisinil was momentarily nonplussed to find the pany regarding her expectantly。 Did they expect her to preside over the meeting?
But then again; why not? She might be a novice; but she was Barrison Del'Armgo as well; and breeding mattered; perhaps more than ever when even the most powerful priestesses were running out of magic。 Besides; the secret gathering had been her idea。
〃Good evening;〃 she said。 〃Thank you all for attending;〃…she smiled wryly…〃and for not reporting me to Quenthel Baenre。〃
〃We still could;〃 said Vlondril Tuin'Tarl; a strange smile on her wrinnotkled lips。 〃Your task is to convince us we shouldn't。〃
The teacher was so old that she had begun to wither like a human crone。 Most folk believed her mystical contemplations of ultimate chaos had left her a little mad。 No one; not even another instructor; had opted to sit in her immediate vicinity。
〃With respect; Holy Mother;〃 Drisinil said; 〃isn't that self…evident? The goddess; who nurtured and exalted our city since its founding; has turned her back on us。〃
Once again; Drisinil couldn't help thinking of other possibilities; but even if she'd seen a point to it; she wouldn't have dared to mention them。 No one would; not in her present pany。
〃And Quenthel is to blame;〃 added Molvayas Barrison Del'Armgo。
Though stockier and shorter than Drisinil; her aunt had the same sort of sharp nose and unmon green eyes。 Richly clad; the elder scion of the House carried an enemy's soul imprisoned in a jade ring; and at quiet moments one could occasionally hear the spirit weeping and pleading for release。 Second to Quenthel as Barrison Del'Armgo was ever second to Baenre; Molvayas had helped her niece pass word of the meeting; and her support lent it a certain credibility。
〃How do you know that?〃 asked T'risstree T'orgh。
Deceptively slender; a fully trained warrior as well as a priestess; she was notorious for carrying a naked falchion about in preference to the usual mace or whip of fangs; and gashing the exposed flesh of any student who displeased her with a fast but precisely controlled cut to the face。 The short; curved blade lay across her knees。
Drisinil waited a beat to make sure Molvayas intended her to answer the question。 Apparently she did; and rightly so; since it was the younger female who had actually conceived the argument。
〃When Triel was mistress here;〃 said the novice; 〃all was well。 Shortly after Quenthel assumed the office; Lolth rejected us。〃
〃 'Shortly' being a relative term;〃 said a sardonic voice from somewhere in the back of the room。
〃Shortly enough;〃 Drisinil retorted。 〃Perhaps the goddess gave us time to rectify the error。 We failed to do so; so now she's punishing us。〃
〃She's afflicting all Menzoberranzan;〃 T'risstree said; 〃not just Tier Breche。〃
〃Surely;〃 said Drisinil; 〃you didn't expect her to be fair。 I hope a priestnotess knows Lolth's ways better than that。 Her wrath is as boundless as her might。 Besides which; Arach…Tinilith is the repository of the deepest mysnotteries and thus the mystic heart of Menzoberranzan。 It makes perfect sense that whatever befalls us here should touch the city as a whole。
〃In any case;〃 the novice continued; 〃Lolth has shown us her intent。 Despite our safeguards; two spirits invaded the temple; the first in the guise of a spider; the second a living darkness。 Spider and darkness; reflecnottions of the essence of the goddess。 The demons injured those who got in their way。 They bruised them and broke their bones; but they didn't try to kill any of us; did they? They were plainly seeking Quenthel; and they sought to kill her and her alone。〃
Some of the other priestesses frowned or nodded thoughtfully。
〃It did seem that way;〃 said Vlondril; 〃but what do you think is unacnotceptable about Quenthel? Isn't she doing all the same things Triel did?〃
〃We don't know everything she does;〃 said Drisinil; 〃and we don't know what she thinks。 Lolth does。〃
〃But yo
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