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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第56部分

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first glance; nothing appeared changed since the last time she'd checked that way。 Perhaps her nerves were playing tricks on her; but she kept on looknoting anyway。
Octagonal steel grilles protected the round windows cut in the wall below her; but if a drow knew the trick; she could unlatch one and swing it aside for an entrance or exit via levitation。 Apparently; someone had; for after a few more moments; Faeryl noticed that one of the web…pattern shields hung ever so slightly ajar。 With that sign to guide her; she spotted the shrouded figure skulking toward the mouth of an alleyway。
The noble of Ched Nasad was a fair hand with a crossbow。 She might have been able to shoot down the traitor from behind; but that would gain her few answers。 She didn't happen to possess a scroll with the spell for innotterrogating the dead。 She needed to catch up with the spy and take the wretch alive。
She read from a scroll she did have; then she stepped away from the top of the tower into empty space。
Except that it wasn't empty for her。 The air was as firm as stone beneath her soles。 For two paces; she strode on a level surface; and; because she willed it so; the unseen platform dipped into an equally invisible ramp。 She sprinted down with no fear of blundering off the edge。 Wherever she set her foot; the incline would be there to meet it。 That was how the magic worked。
Her progress entirely silent; she dashed unnoticed above the traitor's head; then with a thought dissolved the support beneath her boots。 Her crossbow ready; she dropped the last few feet to the ground and landed in front of the spy。
Started; the traitor jumped。 Faeryl felt her own pang of surprise; for though she liked to think she maintained a proper suspicion of everyone; in truth; she never could have guessed the pinched; sour face she saw half hidden inside the close…drawn cowl could be the spy's。
〃Umrae;〃 the ambassador said; aiming her hand crossbow。
〃My lady;〃 the secretary answered; bending with her usual stiffness into an obeisance。
〃I know all about it; traitor。 I'm not actually planning to leave tonight。 My pretending so was a trick to see who would slip away to play informer。〃
〃I don't know what you mean。 I just wanted to buy some items for the journey。 I thought that if I hurried over to the Bazaar; I could find one of those merchants who stays open late and be back before anyone missed me。〃
〃Do you think I haven't realized I have an enemy here in Menzoberranzan; someone with access to Matron Baenre? Two tendays ago; Triel considered me loyal。 She approved of me。 She granted a good deal of what I asked on behalf of our people。 Now; she doubts me; because someone has persuaded her to question my true intentions。 What did my foe offer to lure you to her side? Don't you realize that in betraying me; you betray Ched Nasad itself?〃
The scribe hesitated; then said; 〃Matron Baenre has people watching the residence。 Someone is watching us right now。〃
〃Perhaps;〃 Faeryl replied。
Umrae swallowed。 〃So you can't harm me。 Or they'll harm you。〃
Faeryl laughed。 〃Rubbish。 Triel's agents won't reveal their presence just to keep me from disciplining one of my own retainers。 They won't see anynotthing odd or detrimental to Menzoberranzan's interests in that。 Now; be sensible and surrender。〃
After another pause; Umrae said; 〃Give me your word you won't hurt me。 That you'll set me free and help me flee the city。〃
〃I promise you nothing except that your insolence is making me angrier by the second; and a quick capitulation is your only hope。 Tell me; who turned you; and why? What does anyone hereabouts have to gain by pernotsecuting an envoy; one who stands apart from the feuds and rivalries among the Menzoberranyr Houses?〃
〃You must understand; I fear to betray them and remain。 They'll kill me if I do。〃
〃They won't get the chance。 I'm the one pointing a poisoned dart at you。 Who are your employers?〃
〃I won't say; not without your pledge。〃
〃Your friend didn't slander me to Triel until after I started contemplatnoting a return to Ched Nasad。 Was that the point of the lie? To keep me from venturing out into the Underdark? Why?〃
Umrae shook her head。
〃You're mad;〃 Faeryl said。 〃Why would you condemn yourself to pernotpetuate someone else's existence? Ah well; you're plainly unfit to live; so I suppose it's for the best。〃
She made a show of sighting down the length of the crossbow。
〃No!〃 Umrae cried。 〃Don't! You're right; why should I die?〃
〃If you answer my questions; perhaps you won't。〃
Trembling a little; her nerve having been broken; the clerk raised her hand to her face; perhaps to massage her b
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