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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第64部分

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't get at the bitch。〃
Pharaun cocked his head。 〃How e?〃 
〃A couple tendays ago;〃 said the bugbear with the severed hand necklace; 〃we decided we was tired of her bossing us and her lamps hurting our eyes。 We jumped her; hit her; but she chucked one of those stones that makes a flash of light。 It blinded us; and she run up to her room。〃 He nodded toward the head of a twisting staircase。 〃We can't get through the door。 She locked it with magic or somethin'。〃
Pharaun snorted。 〃Ain't no door my brother and me can't bust through。〃
The bugbears exchanged glances。 The smaller one; who; Ryld noticed; was missing several of his lower teeth; shrugged。
〃You can try;〃 the larger one said。 〃Only; Smylla belongs to us; too。 Hit her; bleed her; slice off a piece of her and eat it; but you can't keep her all to yourself。〃
〃It's a deal;〃 Pharaun said。
〃e on; then。〃
The bugbears led them through the crowded room and onto the stairs; where they still had to pick their way through lounging paupers。 Partway up; the brute wearing the decaying hand put it in his mouth and began slurping and sucking on it。
At the top of the steps were a small landing and a limestone door with a rounded top。 Two sentries; an ore and a canine…faced gnoll with sores on his muzzle; sat on the floor looking bored。
The disguised teachers made a show of examining the door。
〃Can you knock it down?〃 Pharaun whispered。
〃When the bugbears couldn't? Don't count on it。 Can you open it with magic?〃
〃Probably。 It's magically sealed; so a counter spell should suffice; but I don't want our friends to observe me casting it。 That really would notpromise my disguise。 Stand where you obstruct their view and do somenotthing distracting。〃
〃Right。〃 Ryld positioned himself in the appropriate spot and glowered up at the two bugbears。 〃We can open it。 What loot is inside?〃
The larger bugbear scowled and; the odious object in his mouth garnotbling his speech a little; said; 〃We made a deal。 It didn't say nothing about no loot。〃
〃Smylla took Sis's treasure;〃 Ryld replied。 〃We want it back; and extra too; for wergild。〃
〃Hell with that。〃
The bugbear with the missing teeth reached for the knife tucked through his belt。 Ryld could see it was a butcher's tool; not a proper fightnoting blade; but no doubt it served in the latter capacity well enough。
Ryld rested his hand on the hilt of his short sword; the weapon of choice for these tight quarters; and said; 〃You want to fight; we'll fight。 I'll slice your face off your skull and wear it like a breechcloth; but my brother and I came to kill Smylla; not you。 Let's talk。 If you never get the door…〃
〃Open;〃 Pharaun said。
White light shone at Ryld's back; making the bugbears wince。 Squintnoting; the warrior whirled and scrambled for the opening。
〃Hey!〃 yelped the smaller bugbear。
Ryld felt a big hand fumble at his shoulder; trying to grab him; but it was an instant too slow。 He followed Pharaun over the threshold and slammed the door。
〃You need to hold it shut;〃 the wizard said。
〃I can't do it for long。〃
Leaning forward; Ryld planted his hands on the limestone slab and braced himself。
The door bucked inward。 For a split second; the dark elf's feet slid on the calcite floor; then they caught; and he held the barrier in place。 Barely。
Meanwhile; Pharaun was peering about。 He gave a little cry of satisfacnottion; picked up a small iron bar; and set it so it overlapped the edge of the door and the jamb about halfway up。 When he took his hand away; the charm remained in place。
〃This is quite a clever little device;〃 the wizard said。 〃Oh; and you can let go now。〃 Pharaun turned the mechanical locks his spell of opening had disennotgaged; snapping each shut in its turn。 It was actually the enchanted length of iron that had up to then kept the goblinoids out; but he thought he and Ryld might as well be as secure as possible。 It also seemed the courteous thing to do。
His hostess; however; didn't seem to appreciate the gesture。
〃Get out!〃 she croaked。 〃Get out; or I'll slay you with my sorcery!〃
The masters turned。 Smylla Nathos had lit her sparsely furnished room with a pair of slender brass rods; the tips of which emitted a steady maginotcal glow。 They protruded from the necks of wax…encrusted wine bottles like tapers sitting in candelabra; which they perhaps were meant to renotsemble。 Maybe Smylla missed the spell caster's traditional mode of illuminotnation but couldn't obtain it anymore。
She herself lay at the limit of the light; on a cot in the shadows at the far end of the room。 Pharaun could just barely make her out。
〃Good afternoon; my lady;〃 the wizard said; bowing。 
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