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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第67部分

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of your good sense。 It would be a pity if you turned your back on your salvation。〃
〃What are you saying?〃
〃I can take away your sickness。〃
〃You're lying。 How could you do what the priestesses cannot?〃
〃Because I'm a wizard。〃 Pharaun snapped his fingers and dissolved his mask of illusion。 〃My name is Pharaun Mizzrym。 You may have heard of me。 If not; you've surely heard of the Masters of Sorcere。〃
She was impressed; though trying not to show it。
〃Who aren't healers;〃 she said。
〃Who are transmuters。 I can change you into a drow; or; if you prefer; a member of another race。 Whatever we choose; the transformation will purge the sickness from your new body。〃
〃If that's true;〃 she said; 〃then why do your people fear illness?〃
〃Because this remedy is inappropriate for them。 It's unthinkable for a drow; one of the goddess's chosen people; to permanently assume the form of a lesser creature except as a punishment。 Also; most wizards can't cast the spell deftly enough to purge a disease。 It requires a certain facility; which happily; I possess。〃
He grinned。
〃And you'll use it to help me?〃
〃Well; to aid myself; really。〃
The soothsayer scowled; pondering the offer。
Eventually she said; 〃What do I have to lose?〃
〃But you have to change me first。〃
〃No; first of all; we must establish that you do indeed possess the innotformation my colleague and I require。 We're seeking a number of runaway males hailing from noble and humble residences alike。〃
〃We have a handful of drow hiding out in the Braeryn。 Some are sick like me。 Some are outcast for some other offense。 A couple are just taking a long illicit holiday from their responsibilities and female relations。 I can tell you where to find most of them。〃
〃I'm sure;〃 said Pharaun; 〃but I imagine they've resided here for a while; have they not? We're seeking rogues of more recent vintage。 Menzoberranzan has suffered a mass migration in recent tendays。〃
Smylla frowned。 From a subtle shift of expression; the mage knew she was deciding whether or not to lie。
〃More drow males than usual have visited the Braeryn;〃 she said。 〃Innotdulging their most sordid impulses; I assumed; but as far as I know they didn't stay here。 If they did; I don't know where。〃
Ryld sighed。 Pharaun knew how he felt。 Generally speaking; the wizard relished a baffling; brain…cramping puzzle; but even he was growing impanottient at their lack of progress。
Given the lack of any sensible leads; he resolved to follow where intunotition led。 Still caught up in his role of sympathizer; he dared to step to the cot and pat Smylla on her bony shoulder。 She gasped。 In all likelihood; no one had touched her for a long while; either。
〃Don't abandon hope;〃 Pharaun said。 〃Perhaps we can still make a trade。 Fortunately; my rade and I are interested in other matters as well。 Has anything peculiar occurred in the Braeryn of late?〃
The clairvoyant rasped out another painful…sounding laugh。
〃You mean aside from the fact that last tenday; the animals rose up against me?〃
〃I do find that interesting。 As you confessed; your magical talents withered away some time ago。 Since then; you've dominated the gobnotlins through bluff and force of personality; and it worked until a few days ago。 What changed? Where did the Undercreatures find the courage to turn against you? Have you noticed anything that might acnotcount for it?〃
〃Well;〃 said Smylla; 〃it could just be they saw me failing physically; but…〃 Her cracked lips stretched into a grin。 〃You're good; Master Mizzrym。 You give me a smile; friendly conversation; a soft touch on the arm; and my tongue starts to flap。 That's loneliness for you。 But I will have my cure before I give up anything of importance。〃
〃Very sensible。〃 Pharaun extracted an empty cocoon from one of his pockets。 〃What do you wish to bee?〃
〃One of you;〃 she said; leering。 〃I once heard a philosopher say that everyone bees the thing he hates。〃
〃He must have been a cheery fellow to have about。 Now; brace yourself。 This will only take a moment; but it may hurt a little。〃
Employing greater care than usual; he recited the incantation and used the ridged silken case to write a symbol on the air。
Magic shrilled through the air; and the temperature plummeted。 For a moment; the whole room rippled and shimmered; then the distortion concentrated itself on Smylla's shriveled body。 Tendons standing out in her neck; she screamed。
Beyond the door; one of the bugbears shouted; 〃We want to get even; too! We had a bargain!〃
Smylla's sores faded away; and her emaciated form filled out into a healthy slimness。 Her ashen skin darkened to a gleaming black; he
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