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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第87部分

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r。 We'll destroy one; repair to the Braeryn; boast of the deed; and await developments。 The rogues will seek us out。 How can they not? Whatever their ultimate obnotjective; I'm sure they can use the services of two such talented fellows。〃
〃No doubt; but back up。 You want to murder a patrol?〃
〃In as showy a manner as possible。 With a bit of planning; it should be easy enough。 They won't be as numerous as Greyanna's hunters and they won't be expecting that sort of trouble。〃
〃What happened to not killing anybody; especially clerics; unless we abnotsolutely have to?〃
〃We do absolutely have to。 We're in a race against time; remember; and this is the speediest route to our objective。〃
〃Maybe; but what happens afterward? Won't any number of folk want to punish us for our impudence?〃
〃We won't confide our involvement to those likely to prove unsympanotthetic。〃
〃The priestesses will figure it out。〃
〃Ah; but snug and safe in the lair of our friend the Prophet; we won't care。 Besides; the Council has already authorized our annihilation; so we really have nothing to lose。〃
〃Perhaps the crime can't worsen our current situation; but what about the long term?〃
〃In the long term;〃 Pharaun said; 〃it wont matter。 As you yourself obnotserved mere moments ago; we Menzoberranyr are a pragmatic lot。 People fornotgive whatever outrages I mitted yesterday if I make myself useful today。〃
〃Greyanna didn't。〃
The wizard laughed and replied; 〃Well; of course; we're likewise prone to grudges; vendettas; and blood feuds。 It's one of the paradoxes central to our natures。 With luck; though; no one of importance will take our little massacre personally。 I doubt we'll be murdering any princesses; or anyone of genuine significance to her family。
〃I think it's crazy;〃 Ryld said; shaking his head。 〃You don't know that the rogues will contact us; or if they'll like what they see if they do。〃
〃Then we'll simply hatch another scheme。〃
Ryld scowled and shook his head again。
〃You're mad;〃 the weapons master said; 〃but I'm with you。〃
〃Splendid! We must toast our homicidal designs with something stronger than juice。〃 Pharaun looked about and spotted the goblin。 〃May we see the wine list; please?〃
Ryld said; 〃It's the very beginning of the morning。〃
〃Don't be misled by superficial appearances;〃 Pharaun replied。 〃As neinotther of us has enjoyed a moment of repose; it must still be night。 Do you think they have any of that '53 Barrison Del'Armgo heartwine?〃

C h a p t e r

F 0 U R T E E N
Until someone murdered her; Lirdnolu s had taught her classes in a sort of indoor amphitheater; one of many architectural oddities scattered through Arach…Tinilith; and as the conspirators slunk in; they seated themselves on the C…shaped tiers。
Drisinil wondered what to say to them; how to stall until Quenthel arnotrived to confront them。 The novice's mind was a blank; but she knew she'd have to think of something。 Her mouth was dry and tasted of metal。 Her armpits were clammy with sweat; and her accelerated pulse pounded in the stumps of her severed fingers。 The poison was obviously well on its way to killing her; and she had to please Quenthel Baenre sufficiently to earn the antidote。
Wrinkled old Vlondril Tuin'Tarl leered at Drisinil as if she knew of the student's distress; but all she said was; 〃I believe most everyone's here。 Let's get this done before our colleagues start missing us。〃
〃Uh; yes;〃 Drisinil said; gazing up at the rows of faces staring back down at her。 〃Well; mothers; sisters; we all know what happened last night。 The vipers in the mistress's whip detected the drugs…〃
〃So they did;〃 said Quenthel。
Startled; Drisinil spun around。 A figure shrouded in a cowled piwafwi rose from the first row。 She lifted her head; pushed the hood back; and stood revealed as the Mistress of Arach…Tinilith。 Somehow she'd entered the room without her enemies realizing her identity。
Quenthel pushed back one wing of her cloak; freeing the arm that held her whip。 She sauntered to the center of the room。 It occurred to Drisinil that at that moment the plotters could have fallen on their target en masse; but they didn't。 The mistress cowed them with her unexpected appearance; her contemptuous demeanor; and the simple fact that she was a Baenre princess。
The mistress smiled at Drisinil and said; 〃You've done well; novice; except for one detail。 It's traditional for priestesses to conduct their affairs by candlelight。 That's all right; I've taken care of it。〃 She turned toward the door。 〃e。〃
Two teachers marched in carrying silver candelabra。 After a moment; Drisinil; squinting; saw they weren't alone。 Many of
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