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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第9部分

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since the founding of the city; that will seem peculiar; a hint that all is not as it ought to be。〃
〃Perhaps I don't care about the game。〃
〃Your mother does。 She plays as diligently as the rest of us。 Do you think she will wele you home if you jeopardize her efforts?〃
Drisinil's emerald eyes blinked; the first sign that Quenthel's stare was unsettling her。 〃I 。。。 yes; certainly she would!〃
〃You; a traitor to your House; your city; your sex; and the goddess hernotself?〃
〃The goddess…〃
〃Don't say it!〃 Quenthel snapped。 〃Or your life ends; and your soul is bound to torment forevermore。 I speak not only as Mistress of Arach…Tinilith; but as a Baenre。 You remember Baenre; Barrison Del'Armgo? We are the First House; and you; merely the Second。 Even if you should sucnotceed in departing Arach…Tinilith; even if your gross and uncouth dam should be so unwise as to accept you back into that hovel you Del'Armgo call a home; you will not survive the month。 My sister Triel; Matron Mother Baenre; will personally attend to your destruction。〃
It was no less than the truth。 There was no love lost between the two Baenre sisters; but when it came to maintaining the supremacy of their House; they supported one another absolutely。
Drisinil swallowed and lowered her eyes a hair。 〃Mistress; I mean no disnotrespect。 I just don't want to mutilate myself。〃
〃But you will; novice; and without any further delay。 You really have no other option 。 。 。 and isn't it convenient; you already have a knife in your grasp。〃
Drisinil swallowed again; and; her dagger hand shaking a little; brought the blade into position to saw at her little finger。 Quenthel thought the procedure might go easier if the novice walked a few steps and braced her pinkie atop the nearby table; but apparently she was taking 〃without any further delay〃 quite literally; and that was fine with the high priestess。 In her imagination; she was already savoring the first slice when a blare like a sour note blasted from a hundred glaur horns split the air。
For an instant; Quenthel faltered; not frightened but disoriented。 She had been told what this ugly noise was but had expected never to actually hear it。 To the best of her knowledge; no one ever had。
The priestesses of Menzoberranzan enjoyed a plex relationship with the inhabitants of the Abyss。 Some infernal entities were the knights or handmaidens of Lolth; and during worship were venerated as such; but on other occasions the clerics did not scruple to snare spirits with their sumnotmoning spells and pel them to do their bidding。 Sometimes the creanottures stalked the physical plane of their own volition; slaughtering any mortal who crossed their path; not excepting the drow; who were by some accounts their kindred。
The founders of the Academy had shielded Tier Breche in general and Arach…Tinilith in particular with enchantments devised to keep out any spirit save those the occupants saw fit to wele。 Countless generations of priestesses had deemed those wards impregnable; but if the ear…splitting alarm told true; the barriers were falling one by one。
The blare seemed to be ing from the south。 The pleasures of chasnottisement forgotten; Quenthel ran in that direction past countless chapels; altars; and icons of Lolth in both her dark elf and spider forms; past the classrooms where the faculty gave instruction in dogma; ritual; divine magic; torture; sacrifice; and all the other arts the novices needed to learn。 Their books; chalkboards; and whimpering; half…dissected slave victims forgotten; some of the teachers and students appeared on the brink of vennotturing out to investigate the alarm; while others still looked startled and confused。
The blaring stopped。 Either the demon had given up attempting to force its way in; or else it had breached every single ward。 Quenthel susnotpected the latter was the case; and when the screaming started; she knew she was right。
〃Do you know what's breaking through?〃 she panted。
〃No;〃 hissed Yngoth; perhaps the wisest of the whip vipers。 〃The innottruder has shielded itself from the Sight。〃
The echoing cries led Quenthel into a spacious candlelit hall filled with towering black marble sculptures of spiders; set there to make the temple's entryway as impressive as possible。 The battered valves of the great adamantine double door in the curved south wall gaped crookedly; half off their hinges; affording a glimpse of the plateau outside。 Several priestesses lay battered and insensible on the floor。 For a moment; Quenthel couldn't make out what had caused the mess; then the culprit scuttled across her field of vision toward a
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