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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第94部分

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lessly about the room。 Finally the door opened; and Zeerith Q'Zorlar…rin slipped through。 Her features were plain and nondescript; but she was notable for a dignified bearing and posure that rarely failed her even in the most extreme situations。 For a matron; her costume was rather plain and austere。
The two princesses saluted one another; then Zeerith ushered her guest to a seat。
〃When Antatlab told me you'd e without a single guard; I wonnotdered if he'd gone mad;〃 the matron remarked。
〃Can I trust him not to gossip about my visit?〃
〃He's discreet enough。 Now; may I ask why I'm so unexpectedly enjoynoting the honor of your pany?〃
Quenthel related the events of the past three nights。
〃If I still possessed my magic;〃 she concluded。 〃I could deal with this matter easily; but as things stand 。。。 I need help。〃
The words galled her; but they had to be said。
〃Why have you sought it here?〃 Zeerith asked。
〃The Xorlarrins have always supported the Baenre and profited thereby。 Try as I might; I can't think of a pelling reason you'd want me dead; and your House boasts many of the best wizards in Menzoberranzan。 So; if I must trust someone; you're a good chance。 Will you aid me; Matron?〃
Zeerith took her time replying。 Quenthel knew the other female was cold…bloodedly pondering whether to help; deny; or betray her。 Where did the greatest advantage lie?
〃Your plight is an outrage;〃 the Xorlarrin said at last; 〃an affront to all priestesses。 Of course I'll aid you。 For ten thousand talents of gold; and your support when my clan's dispute with House Agrach Dyrr bees public knowledge。〃
〃What dispute?〃
〃The one I'll be stirring up in a tenday or two。 Do we have a bargain?〃
Quenthel's mouth tightened。 If she'd e to the Spelltower in the full panoply of a Baenre princess; Zeerith would have thought twice about making conditions; but by arriving incognito the mistress had shown her desperation and in so doing; shifted the transaction to another level。
〃Yes;〃 she growled; 〃I agree。〃
〃I thank you for your generosity。 What do you require?〃
〃Every night;〃 said Quenthel; 〃a new demon es to kill me; and I fend it off as best I can。 If this goes on; a night will e when the entity kills me instead。 I need to do more。 I need to end the siege; and it's my hope your mages know a way。 I confess I don't。 I've ransacked every vault; chest; and drawer in Arach…Tinilith and found nothing that will serve。〃
〃So that's why you came in secret。 You want a weapon; and you don't want your foe to know about it。 Otherwise; he might take counter…measures。〃
Zeerith rose。 〃We'll ask Horroodissomoth。 He can do it if anyone can; and he'll keep his mouth shut after。〃
She opened the door and directed Antatlab; who'd been standing watch outside; to go and fetch her patron and House wizard。
Horroodissomoth arrived shortly thereafter。 Quenthel felt a little twinge of disgust; for the mage was the antithesis of the typical vital dark elf male。 His features were lined and wrinkled; and his posture; bent。 Rumor had it that his appearance of decrepitude had resulted not from extreme age but rather some dangerous magical experimentation。
Moving stiffly; all but creaking audibly; Horroodissomoth tendered obeisance then; at Zeerith's invitation; settled in a chair to listen to a reprise of Quenthel's story。 At first the wizard's demeanor was impassive; perhaps even utterly disinterested; but a light came into his rheumy eyes when he realized she was asking him to solve a magical problem。
〃Hmm;〃 he said; 〃hmm。 I think I might have something that will help。 In a way; I regret giving it to you; because as far as I know; it's unique。 Even we Xorlarrins don't know how to make another。 But on the other hand; I've always been curious to see if it actually works。〃
Gossip whispered that at some point in the distant past; the females of House Ousstyl had interbred with humans。 Naturally the contemporary Ousstyls denied it and would do their meager best to punish anyone they suspected of passing the rumor。 Still; as Faeryl gazed across the table atTalin…dra Ousstyl; Matron Mother of the Fifty…second House; she could readily believe it。 Talindra was tall and; for a dark elf; extraordinarily rawboned。 Her jaw was too square; and her ears; insufficiently pointed。 Most telling of all was the scatter of empty plates before her。 She'd annihilated every morsel of her seven…course supper with a lesser being's insatiable voracity。
Talindra finished with a juicy belch。
〃Excuse me。〃
〃Of course;〃 Faeryl said。 She thought she heard a thump issuing from elsewhere in the ambassadorial residence。 Inwardly; she flinched 
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