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latter-day pamphlets-第31部分

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world?  Not a first…rate keeping of the peace; this; we begin to surmise! At least it seems strange to us。

For we; and the overwhelming majority of all our acquaintances; in this Parish and Nation and the adjacent Parishes and Nations; are profoundly conscious to ourselves of being by nature peaceable persons; following our necessary industries; without wish; interest or faintest intention to cut the skin of any mortal; to break feloniously into his industrial premises; or do any injustice to him at all。  Because indeed; independent of Government; there is a thing called conscience; and we dare not。  So that it cannot but appear to us; 〃the peace;〃 under dexterous management; might be very much more easily kept; your Lordship; nay; we almost think; if well let alone; it would in a measure keep _itself_ among such a set of persons! And how it happens that when a poor hardworking creature of us has laboriously earned sixpence; the Government comes in; and (as some compute) says; 〃I will thank you for threepence of that; as per account; for getting you peace to spend the other threepence;〃 our amazement begins to be considerable;and I think results will follow from it by and by。  Not the most dexterous keeping of the peace; your Lordship; unless it be more difficult to do than appears!

Our domestic peace; we cannot but perceive; as good as keeps itself。  Here and there a select Equitable Person; appointed by the Public for that end; clad in ermine; and backed by certain companies of blue Police; is amply adequate; without immoderate outlay in money or otherwise; to keep down the few exceptional individuals of the scoundrel kind; who; we observe; by the nature of them; are always weak and inconsiderable。  And as to foreign peace; really all Europe; now especially with so many railroads; public journals; printed books; penny…post; bills of exchange; and continual intercourse and mutual dependence; is more and more becoming (so to speak) one Parish; the Parishioners of which being; as we ourselves are; in immense majority peaceable hard…working people; could; if they were moderately well guided; have almost no disposition to quarrel。  Their economic interests are one; 〃To buy in the cheapest market; and sell in the dearest;〃 their faith; any _religious_ faith they have; is one; 〃To annihilate shamsby all methods; street…barricades included。〃  Why should they quarrel?  The Czar of Russia; in the Eastern parts of the Parish; may have other notions; but he knows too well he must keep them to himself。 He; if he meddled with the Western parts; and attempted anywhere to crush or disturb that sacred Democratic Faith of theirs; is aware there would rise from a hundred and fifty million human throats such a _Hymn of the Marseillaise_ as was never heard before; and England; France; Germany; Poland; Hungary; and the Nine Kingdoms; hurling themselves upon him in never…imagined fire of vengeance; would swiftly reduce his Russia and him to a strange situation!  Wherefore he forbears;and being a person of some sense; will long forbear。  In spite of editorial prophecy; the Czar of Russia does not disturb our night's rest。  And with the other parts of the Parish our dreams and our thoughts are of anything but of fighting; or of the smallest need to fight。

For keeping of the peace; a thing highly desirable to us ; we strive to be grateful to your Lordship。  Intelligible to us; also; your Lordship's reluctance to get out of the old routine。  But we beg to say farther; that peace by itself has no feet to stand upon; and would not suit us even if it had。  Keeping of the peace is the function of a policeman; and but a small fraction of that of any Government; King or Chief of men。  Are not all men bound; and the Chief of men in the name of all; to do properly this:  To see; so far as human effort under pain of eternal reprobation can; God's Kingdom incessantly advancing here below; and His will done on Earth as it is in Heaven?  On Sundays your Lordship knows this well; forgot it not on week…days。  I assure you it is forevermore a fact。  That is the immense divine and never…ending task which is laid on every man; and with unspeakable increase of emphasis on every Government or Commonwealth of men。  Your Lordship; that is the basis upon which peace and all else depends!  That basis once well lost; there is no peace capable of being kept;the only peace that could then be kept is that of the churchyard。 Your Lordship may depend on it; whatever thing takes upon it the name of Sovereign or Government in an English Nation such as this will have to get out of that old routine; and set about keeping something very different from the peace; in these days!

Truly it is high time that same beautiful notion of No…Government should take itself away。  The world is daily rushing towards wreck; while that lasts。  If your Government is to be a Constituted Anarchy; what issue can it have?  Our one interest in such Government is; that it would be kind enough to cease and go its ways; _before_ the inevitable arrive。  The question; Who is to float atop no…whither upon the popular vertexes; and act that sorry character; 〃carcass of the drowned ass upon the mud…deluge〃? is by no means an important one for almost anybody;hardly even for the drowned ass himself。  Such drowned ass ought to ask himself; If the function is a sublime one?  For him too; though he looks sublime to the vulgar and floats atop; a private situation; down out of sight in his natural ooze; would be a luckier one。

Crabbe; speaking of constitutional philosophies; faith in the ballot…box and such like; has this indignant passage:  〃If any voice of deliverance or resuscitation reach us; in this our low and all but lost estate; sunk almost beyond plummet's sounding in the mud of Lethe; and oblivious of all noble objects; it will be an intimation that we must put away all this abominable nonsense; and understand; once more; that Constituted Anarchy; with however many ballot…boxes; caucuses; and hustings beer…barrels; is a continual offence to gods and men。  That to be governed by small men is not only a misfortune; but it is a curse and a sin; the effect; and alas the cause also; of all manner of curses and sins。  That to profess subjection to phantasms; and pretend to accept guidance from fractional parts of tailors; is what Smelfungus in his rude dialect calls it; 'a damned _lie_;' and nothing other。  A lie which; by long use and wont; we have grown accustomed to; and do not the least feel to be a lie; having spoken and done it continually everywhere for such a long time past;but has Nature grown to accept it as a veracity; think you; my friend?  Have the Parcae fallen asleep; because you wanted to make money in the City?  Nature at all moments knows well that it is a lie; and that; like all lies; it is cursed and damned from the beginning。

〃Even so; ye indigent millionnaires; and miserable bankrupt populations rolling in gold;whose note…of…hand will go to any length in Threadneedle Street; and to whom in Heaven's Bank the stern answer is; 'No effects!' Bankrupt; I say; and Californias and Eldorados will not save us。  And every time we speak such lie; or do it or look it; as we have been incessantly doing; and many of us with clear consciousness; for about a hundred and fifty years now; Nature marks down the exact penalty against us。  'Debtor to so much lying:  forfeiture of existing stock of worth to such extent;approach to general damnation by so much。'  Till now; as we look round us over a convulsed anarchic Europe; and at home over an anarchy not yet convulsed; but only heaving towards convulsion; and to judge by the Mosaic sweating…establishments; cannibal Connaughts and other symptoms; not far from convulsion now; we seem to have pretty much _exhausted_ our accumulated stock of worth; and unless money's 'worth' and bullion at the Bank will save us; to be rubbing very close upon that ulterior bourn which I do not like to name again!

〃On behalf of nearly twenty…seven millions of my fellow…countrymen; sunk deep in Lethean sleep; with mere owl…dreams of Political Economy and mice…catching; in this pacific thrice…infernal slush…element; and also of certain select thousands; and hundreds and units; awakened or beginning to awaken from it; and with horror in their hearts perceiving where they are; I beg to protest; and in the name of God to say; with poor human ink; desirous much that I had divine thunder to say it with; Awake; arise;before you sink to death eternal!  Unnamable destruction; and banishment to Houndsditch and Gehenna; lies in store for all Nations that; in angry perversity or brutal torpor and owlish blindness; neglect the eternal message of the gods; and vote for the Worse while the Better is there。  Like owls they say; 'Barabbas will do; any orthodox Hebrew of the Hebrews; and peaceable believer in M'Croudy and the Faith of Leave…alone will do:  the Right Honorable Minimus is well enough; he shall be our Maximus; under him it will be handy to catch mice; and Owldom shall continue a flourishing empire。 '〃

One thing is undeniable; and must be continually repeated till it get to be understood again:  Of all constitutions; forms of government; and political methods among men; the ques
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