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latter-day pamphlets-第7部分

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us _living_ Golgotha of souls and bodies buried alive; such a Curtius' gulf; communicating with the Nether Deeps; as the Sun never saw till now。  These scenes; which the _Morning Chronicle_ is bringing home to all minds of men;thanks to it for a service such as Newspapers have seldom done;ought to excite unspeakable reflections in every mind。  Thirty thousand outcast Needlewomen working themselves swiftly to death; three million Paupers rotting in forced idleness; _helping_ said Needlewomen to die:  these are but items in the sad ledger of despair。

Thirty thousand wretched women; sunk in that putrefying well of abominations; they have oozed in upon London; from the universal Stygian quagmire of British industrial life; are accumulated in the _well_ of the concern; to that extent。  British charity is smitten to the heart; at the laying bare of such a scene; passionately undertakes; by enormous subscription of money; or by other enormous effort; to redress that individual horror; as I and all men hope it may。  But; alas; what next? This general well and cesspool once baled clean out to…day; will begin before night to fill itself anew。  The universal Stygian quagmire is still there; opulent in women ready to be ruined; and in men ready。  Towards the same sad cesspool will these waste currents of human ruin ooze and gravitate as heretofore; except in draining the universal quagmire itself there is no remedy。  〃And for that; what is the method?〃 cry many in an angry manner。  To whom; for the present; I answer only; 〃Not 'emancipation;' it would seem; my friends; not the cutting loose of human ties; something far the reverse of that!〃

Many things have been written about shirtmaking; but here perhaps is the saddest thing of all; not written anywhere till now; that I know of。 Shirts by the thirty thousand are made at twopence…halfpenny each; and in the mean while no needlewoman; distressed or other; can be procured in London by any housewife to give; for fair wages; fair help in sewing。  Ask any thrifty house…mother; high or low; and she will answer。  In high houses and in low; there is the same answer:  no _real_ needlewoman; 〃distressed〃 or other; has been found attainable in any of the houses I frequent。 Imaginary needlewomen; who demand considerable wages; and have a deepish appetite for beer and viands; I hear of everywhere; but their sewing proves too often a distracted puckering and botching; not sewing; only the fallacious hope of it; a fond imagination of the mind。  Good sempstresses are to be hired in every village; and in London; with its famishing thirty thousand; not at all; or hardly;Is not No…government beautiful in human business?  To such length has the Leave…alone principle carried it; by way of organizing labor; in this affair of shirtmaking。  Let us hope the Leave…alone principle has now got its apotheosis; and taken wing towards higher regions than ours; to deal henceforth with a class of affairs more appropriate for it!

Reader; did you ever hear of 〃Constituted Anarchy〃?  Anarchy; the choking; sweltering; deadly and killing rule of No…rule; the consecration of cupidity; and braying folly; and dim stupidity and baseness; in most of the affairs of men?  Slop…shirts attainable three halfpence cheaper; by the ruin of living bodies and immortal souls?  Solemn Bishops and high Dignitaries; _our_ divine 〃Pillars of Fire by night;〃 debating meanwhile; with their largest wigs and gravest look; upon something they call 〃prevenient grace〃?  Alas; our noble men of genius; Heaven's _real_ messengers to us; they also rendered nearly futile by the wasteful time;preappointed they everywhere; and assiduously trained by all their pedagogues and monitors; to 〃rise in Parliament;〃 to compose orations; write books; or in short speak words; for the approval of reviewers; instead of doing real kingly work to be approved of by the gods!  Our 〃Government;〃 a highly 〃responsible〃 one; responsible to no God that I can hear of; but to the twenty…seven million _gods_ of the shilling gallery。  A Government tumbling and drifting on the whirlpools and mud…deluges; floating atop in a conspicuous manner; no…whither;like the carcass of a drowned ass。  Authentic _Chaos_ come up into this sunny Cosmos again; and all men singing Gloria in _excelsis_ to it。  In spirituals and temporals; in field and workshop; from Manchester to Dorsetshire; from Lambeth Palace to the Lanes of Whitechapel; wherever men meet and toil and traffic together;Anarchy; Anarchy; and only the street…constable (though with ever…increasing difficulty) still maintaining himself in the middle of it; that so; for one thing; this blessed exchange of slop…shirts for the souls of women may transact itself in a peaceable manner!I; for my part; do profess myself in eternal opposition to this; and discern well that universal Ruin has us in the wind; unless we can get out of this。  My friend Crabbe; in a late number of his _Intermittent Radiator_; pertinently enough exclaims:

〃When shall we have done with all this of British Liberty; Voluntary Principle; Dangers of Centralization; and the like?  It is really getting too bad。  For British Liberty; it seems; the people cannot be taught to read。  British Liberty; shuddering to interfere with the rights of capital; takes six or eight millions of money annually to feed the idle laborer whom it dare not employ。  For British Liberty we live over poisonous cesspools; gully…drains; and detestable abominations; and omnipotent London cannot sweep the dirt out of itself。  British Liberty produceswhat?  Floods of Hansard Debates every year; and apparently little else at present。  If these are the results of British Liberty; I; for one; move we should lay it on the shelf a little; and look out for something other and farther。  We have achieved British Liberty hundreds of years ago; and are fast growing; on the strength of it; one of the most absurd populations the Sun; among his great Museum of Absurdities; looks down upon at present。〃

Curious enough:  the model of the world just now is England and her Constitution; all Nations striving towards it:  poor France swimming these last sixty years in seas of horrid dissolution and confusion; resolute to attain this blessedness of free voting; or to die in chase of it。  Prussia too; solid Germany itself; has all broken out into crackling of musketry; loud pamphleteering and Frankfort parliamenting and palavering; Germany too will scale the sacred mountains; how steep soever; and; by talisman of ballot…box; inhabit a political Elysium henceforth。  All the Nations have that one hope。  Very notable; and rather sad to the humane on…looker。  For it is sadly conjectured; all the Nations labor somewhat under a mistake as to England; and the causes of her freedom and her prosperous cotton…spinning; and have much misread the nature of her Parliament; and the effect of ballot…boxes and universal suffrages there。

What if it were because the English Parliament was from the first; and is only just now ceasing to be; a Council of actual Rulers; real Governing Persons (called Peers; Mitred Abbots; Lords; Knights of the Shire; or howsoever called); actually _ruling_ each his section of the country;and possessing (it must be said) in the lump; or when assembled as a Council; uncommon patience; devoutness; probity; discretion and good fortune;that the said Parliament ever came to be good for much?  In that case it will not be easy to 〃imitate〃 the English Parliament; and the ballot…box and suffrage will be the mere bow of Robin Hood; which it is given to very few to bend; or shoot with to any perfection。  And if the Peers become mere big Capitalists; Railway Directors; gigantic Hucksters; Kings of Scrip; _without_ lordly quality; or other virtue except cash; and the Mitred Abbots change to mere Able…Editors; masters of Parliamentary Eloquence; Doctors of Political Economy; and such like; and all _have_ to be elected by a universal…suffrage ballot…box;I do not see how the English Parliament itself will long continue sea…worthy!  Nay; I find England in her own big dumb heart; wherever you come upon her in a silent meditative hour; begins to have dreadful misgivings about it。

The model of the world; then; is at once unattainable by the world; and not much worth attaining?  England; as I read the omens; is now called a second time to 〃show the Nations how to live;〃 for by her Parliament; as chief governing entity; I fear she is not long for this world!  Poor England must herself again; in these new strange times; the old methods being quite worn out; 〃learn how to live。〃  That now is the terrible problem for England; as for all the Nations; and she alone of all; not _yet_ sunk into open Anarchy; but left with time for repentance and amendment; she; wealthiest of all in material resource; in spiritual energy; in ancient loyalty to law; and in the qualities that yield such loyalty;she perhaps alone of all may be able; with huge travail; and the strain of all her faculties; to accomplish some solution。  She will have to try it; she has now to try it; she must accomplish it; or perish from her place in the world!

England; as I persuade myself; still contains in it many _kings_; possesses; as old Rome did; many men not ne
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